Artifacts, Voices and Imposter

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Dark clouds blocking out the sun, not scared just feeling kind of numb~Lucas in SuperM One

传说中有一条大蟒蛇从天而降、然后精绝女王用那个眼睛来 来解毒和切段现实和幻境,通过九层妖塔最底层里边的祭坛。

Dark clouds and lightning flashed across the skies.

Taeyong, Y/N, Felix, Xiao, and Childe stood among the shadows.

The moon instantly vanished beneath the monsterous clouds.

Rain, blood red rain fell from the sky.

Meanwhile, Xiao sighed as he tossed a lighter into the warehouse.

"Hey are you okay?!" Asked Taeyong as he teleported next to me.

"No I'm not!" I yelled as I angrily summoned lightning that struck across the forest.

I began to laugh and sob uncontrollably.

And that's when the voices started

"What an idiot!" "What a bitch!" "What a weirdo!"

"Omg, she's so dumb!" "If you do this, I will hit you!"

"She so gullible!" "She's such a child!"

"I should have never given birth to you!"

"Do you not love me?!"

Voices swirling in left and right

"SHUT UP!" I yelled suddenly as I teleported inside the building.

And then my own voice began yelling at the bullies and people I've had problems with.

"I hate you, you ruined my life!"

"People like you should fucking kys!"

"Go die." "Don't talk to me." "Fuck off!"

"Stay away from me!" "Shut the fuck up!"

"Stop saying shit about me!" "Dissappear!"

Blood poured down the walls.

"This is totally fine." I whispered.

"Step out of the voices." Whispered Felix as he tried to help.

"It's going to be okay, just kill the voices." Whispered Taeyong.

I shut my eyes and let the lightning do its work. Bolts of energy traveled as electro and pyro lit the entire warehouse was on fire.

We teleported out and watched it burn.

"Hope no one was there..." Began Felix.

"Pretty sure no one was there." Whispered Taeyong.

"I found the artifact." Hissed Xiao.

"So that was what made the voices so much more vivid..." I realized.

Xiao picked up the mu cheng pearl (慕尘珠mu cheng zhu) and Snake's eyebrow bronze fish artifact (蛇眉铜鱼) (she meitongyu).

"The heck is this?!" Asked Taeyong.

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