Ch4. We Do It Right?

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The next morning as I'm watching Peeta prepare breakfast, we talk more about our conversation the night before. The answer for the first time ever is the same between us, the only question now is how?

"We just have sex right? Is that all?" I ask him stupidly after a moment of silence has fallen over us.

He shrugs, "Yeah, I think so. I mean we could ask your mom she's a doctor" he suggests

"No!" I almost yell, "we can do this ourselves"

"We stop using protection and do it a lot?" He questions me, to which I nod hesitantly.

"Well I can't complain about that" he laughs.

"When do we start?" I ask him with a small smirk.

Peeta matches my smirk tenfold, dropping the utensils in his hands, "how about right now?"

I'm already pushing him towards the bedroom as I question him, "right now?" I chuckle.



"Well..." I start, still out of breath from our second round, "that was fun" I continue a smile lazily resting on my face.

"Yeah" he laughs, leaning in for another kiss.

"Uh uh" I push him away, "shower first"

He frowns quickly pecking my lips, "how about round three in the shower?" He asks me with a sly smile.

"Maybe" I simply say pulling the covers off of me and making my way towards the bathroom. 

I'm still naked, not bothering to put on clothes just for me to promptly take them off again, I can feel his gaze on my parts as he stumbles to follow me.

The shower is relaxing, and steamy, leaving me more pleasured than I can even put words to.

Afterwards Peeta makes us breakfast. I watch him glide around from my usual spot from the bar, he glances up at me every so often a hint of what the day holds behind his eyes.

Soon after breakfast we move it to the couch, putting on the tv as a bit of background noise as we feel each others bodies once again.

We do it a few times before deciding to take a little break, Peeta sketching in his sketch book while I watch the tv, cuddled up into Peeta's side.

His hands occasionally come to rub my sides, scratching an itch that eventually leaves me wanting more from him; which he does eventually provide after I throw his sketch book to the floor.


"Do you think it's happened yet?" He asks me as we slide into bed that night.

We'd probably done it at least ten times that day, what can I say, we both enjoy it and we can't wait for the inevitable. Well Peeta more than me, but I keep reminding myself I'm doing this for him.

"I don't know it's only been a day of it, surely it can't happen right away" I answer him honestly.

"Besides, it'll take at least a couple weeks for us to find out" I add on thoughtfully.

Peeta shrugs his shoulders, "yeah I guess" he pauses a moment to look at me, "would you like to try again?"

"You know, to make sure we give it our best shot" he smiles coyly.

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