Ch8. Haymitch

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The first thing I notice when I wake up is Peeta's warm embrace around me. It isn't an unusual way to wake up for me, in fact it's a pretty common way of waking up, but today is different; his hand is gently caressing the middle of my stomach, absentmindedly or intensional I'm not sure, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't comforting.

He must notice I'm awake because only a few minutes of enjoying his embrace he whispers a quick "morning" into my hair as he gives it a quick kiss.

I slowly manoeuvre myself around to face him, smiling when his hand readjusts to our new position, finding it's place on my back.

"Good morning" I grin back at him, reaching my hand out to touch his cheek, wiping away a stray golden eyelash.

We just sit there for a moment as we look into each others eyes, then it hits me; at first it's just nausea, then next thing I know I'm leaping out of bed as the bile taste moves up my throat.

I make it just in time to throw up the stomach acid into the toilet and before I know it Peeta's there behind me, pulling my hair out of the way as another retch comes out of me.

His other hand is rubbing soothing motions into my back, which is what I try to focus on.

We sit there for quite a while retching coming every once and awhile. In between his hands work through my hair, weaving the strands into a loose braid.

He occasionally whispers soothing words to me, and continues to rub my back with each heave.

Slowly once we're both sure it has come to a stop I collapse into his chest, the tears I've been suppressing threatening to spill once I get a good whiff of his comforting smell.

He kisses me head, "I'm so proud of you" he whispers it into my hair, pulling me into his lap. His words and motions trigger the tears to fall almost immediately.

He shushes me soothingly as he rocks us back and forth.

"I'm sorry" I manage to choke out in between my sobs, feeling ridiculous for getting emotional over practically nothing.

He doesn't stop his rocking as I feel his lips on my forehead, "what are you sorry for?" His words are soft.

I shove my head further into his chest as I shrug my shoulders, ashamed at feeling so vulnerable.

He pulls me in tighter, squeezing me into an embrace I don't think I could've escaped even if I wanted to.

"You don't have to feel sorry for anything" he finally tells me when it's clear I'm not going to answer his question. I don't bother arguing back, knowing he would not be pushed in his thinking.

We sit like that for a few more minutes, waiting for the other to make the next move.

He's the one to make it, "would you like some breakfast?" He asks me softly.

I think his words over before shaking my head, my shoulders shrugging as if unsure.

I can practically feel his frown as he watches over me.

"Not even some cheese buns?"

I smile at his words but still shrug my shoulders nonetheless, not sure if I could handle them at the moment. I feel as he shifts my body preparing to lift me up, then he does, somehow managing to stand up from the floor with me in his arms.

He doesn't say anything as he slowly makes his way down the stairs and he holds his silent streak as he places me down on one of the dining table chairs.

I frown at the loss of contact but quickly cheer up when I realise it means I get to watch him bake.

I even manage a smile when I realise he's still shirtless, just as he was last night.

He works quickly, whipping up a batch of cheese buns just as my nausea wears off, instead turning into hunger as I realise I'm craving his savoury delicacy.

He places a plate of them in front of me, warning me that they're still hot as he presses a kiss to my temple, letting me know he'd be back shortly.

I reach out to pick one of them up greedily, blowing on it quickly as I rip a bit off to place in my mouth.

The heat burns my tongue on the way down but I can't seem to slow my eating down as I hungrily wolf them down one by one.

By the time Peeta returns completely dressed there's only one left on the plate, to which I quickly pick up, shoving it into my mouth before he can grab it. He just laughs in response, placing a hand on my back as I bite the last cheese bun in a more civilised manor.

"I wasn't going to take it" he smiles at me, "there's more in the kitchen if you want them"

I smile sheepishly back at him shaking my head, "that's okay I think I'm full now" I place a hand on my belly taking a deep breath in as another wave of nausea hits me. I suddenly realise I probably should have been more wary of pacing myself, since I don't think my vomiting from earlier was a once off.

His smile is sincere, "okay, just let me know if you need anything else"

We continue to sit there for a while, me letting my stomach settle before I make any sudden movements, Peeta having some breakfast himself.

Peeta has just finished his breakfast when the sudden stench of alcohol and the ungodly smell of some kind of rotting meat sends me running to the closest exit point; the sink.

"Woah what's wrong with you sweetheart?" I can feel Haymitch's Eyes trained on me as I remain hunched over the sink, the breakfast I managed to get down coming up almost immediately.

I hear Peeta sigh, coming over to rub my back again, "she's not feeling great today" he says simply.

Haymitch just chuckles to himself as if he had just been told something really amusing.

"Is she pregnant?" He asks plainly.

My eyes look up to meet his, shocked.

He chuckles again, his question clearly answered "I may be an old drunk but I'm not stupid alright. I know what you two have been up to the past, I don't know how many months." He gives us a pointed look to which we both awkwardly stand there, "close the window by the way".

"Sorta figured it'd happen eventually" he finishes.

Finally after another heave from me Peeta sighs, "yeah, she is"

Haymitch smiles over at us, like actually smiles.

"Well, congratulations sweetheart"

I give a half hearted smile, "thanks?"

Peeta laughs lightly beside me leaning in to whisper in my ear, "I think he might be genuinely happy for us"

"Yeah. Weird right?" I whisper back to him.


"You know I can still hear you guys right?"

Peeta and I simultaneously laugh and eventually haymitch joins in, I'm about to join him on the couch when I'm reminded of the god awful smell of him.

"God Haymitch please go take a shower then we can talk"

He sighs dramatically leaving our house with a not so coordinated flourish, flashing Peeta a glance that I catch, which I infer meant something along the lines of 'good luck.'

Once the door's shut Peeta bursts into laughter and once I've caught my breath on fresh air I join in.

"Well that cat's out of the bag" he laughs, coming to rest his hand on the small of my back. "Are you okay?" he asks me once our laughter dies down.

I smile up at him, "yeah I just need some water"

He grins back a flicker of joy in his eye, "I love you" his other hand has found its way back down to my stomach. It's still flat at this point, but with the way things are going I have no doubt it'll begin to show soon.

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