Ch20. Overprotective

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There was no doubting I was pregnant now.

Maybe it was just my body, smaller than average due to years of malnourishment that made my bump look huge, but this week indeed I found it hard to believe I still had about five months left of this.

The thought kind of scares me, five more months I'd have to endure all of this pain and discomfort, and it's only going to get worse the further I go along. Plus it's not unheard of losing the baby before birth or even during.

Peeta tells me I have nothing to fear every time I bring up these fears, telling me Dr Jenkins would let us know if she had any concerns which she hasn't, in fact telling us the exact opposite every time we've seen her recently, everything was looking perfect and on track.

My hands instinctively come to rest on my bump as the fear inside me refuses to subside. I couldn't live with myself if I let Peeta or this baby inside me down.

As if the baby were trying to relax my fears I feel the small familiar flutter of kicks beneath my hands where I have just placed them.

"Hey" my voice comes out in a shaky breath as my hands rub lightly over the spot I just felt movement.

More kicks arise in reaction to that sending a wary smile to my face.

The fear inside me is not gone by my babies movement, in fact I think I feel more fear in reaction, though one thing I could not deny was that I loved this baby with my entire being.

I'm pulled by my thoughts by the jingling of keys at the the door.

"I think daddy's home" I whisper down to my bump giving it a little rub.

I smile when I feel the flutter of their kicks this time.

"Someone's excited" I comment with a little laugh.

Suddenly the front door opens revealing Peeta, home from his day at the bakery.

"Hey" I smile over at him coming to meet him at the door in a hug, he's a little sweaty from his day of work but still I'm happy to finally be in his arms again.

"How was work?" I ask him genuinely as we pull apart, allowing him to come inside and shut the door.

"Good, Drew has been working really well" he tells me excitedly to which I smile brighter, Drew Peeta had been telling me all about. He's Peeta's newest hire and by the sound of it has fit right in to Peeta's small team.

"That's great" I tell him enthusiastically.

"Yeah" Peeta smiles, "what about you, how was your day?"

I smile again, thinking back to the moment just before he entered.

"Good, but I think someone missed you while you were gone" I smirk at Peeta's tender face.

"Who, you?" He jokes with a small chuckle.

I slap his arm playfully, but smile up at him. "Well maybe but your baby was just kicking me when we heard you opening the door.

Peeta's expression fills with softness, "really? Gosh I wish I could feel it"

I nod, "I'll definitely let you try next time it kicks" I really can't wait to watch Peeta experience it, I just know he will love it.

"Are you hungry?" He asks as we walk further into the house making it to the kitchen

"Am I hungry?" I laugh.

Peeta chuckles along with me, "okay stupid question let's try again, would you like some cheese buns?"

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