Ch29. Family

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Just as the first rays of sunlight are coming in through the hospital windows I'm awoken by soft whimpers.

On instinct I reach over to my baby, lifting her up out of her hospital bassinet and into my arms where she seems to naturally fit in.

"Good morning Willow" I whisper down to her, softly caressing a finger down her small chubby cheeks.

Her cries have stopped almost immediately at my contact with her, she looks up at me, her bright blue eyes searching my face with a look of wonder.

A small hand escapes her swaddling reaching out towards me, falling just short of my chest. I take her small hand in my free one gently rubbing my thumb over the small limb, willow quickly grabs hold of one of my fingers, her tiny hand wrapping around my finger further solidifying how tiny her hands are.

Now having a hold of my finger she pulls it towards her. I chuckle as I watch her try to suck it, a frustrated grunt coming from her when it doesn't produce her desired effect.

"Are you hungry baby girl?" Not waiting for an answer, I adjust her in my arms and pull out one of my breasts. She easily latches on and soon her adorable tiny suckles fill the room.

I can't seem to take my eyes off of her as she eats peacefully, I'm amazed at her beauty, the love and kindness she shares surprising for being not even a day old.

When I do take my eyes off of her however it's to look over at the other love of my life, who I'm surprised to find awake and looking on lovingly at us.

"Morning" he grunts when he spots me looking, clearly just woken up.

"Morning" I smile.

Silence fills the room once again, leaving just the occasional noises of Willow eating.

Finally as Willow pulls away, Peeta comes up to stand beside me. With minimal talk he takes her from me, gently burping her before cuddling her close to him.

It's then my turn to watch on lovingly, both of the loves of my life acting so cute together.

I can tell that Willow has fallen asleep almost immediately at her fathers bouncing but he doesn't stop, continuing to hold her close to him with all the love he can give her.

With my newfound freeness I lift myself up from the hospital bed, deciding I feel like getting changed into some of my own clothes and perhaps even showering if I can muster it.

It takes a bit of work to move myself around but ultimately it feels good to be moving around by myself again.

It doesn't stop the concerned look Peeta shares with me at every wince of pain that graces my face.

Slowly as I make it to the conjoining bathroom in our room I peel off the hospital gown I'd been wearing. I play with the shower taps until a steady stream of warm water is coming down upon me, finally when I'm satisfied I take a seat on the shower chair that sits in the centre of the stall, sighing as the water satisfyingly runs it's way down my body.

By the end of my long, yet felt really short shower, I've managed to wash my hair and the parts of my body that are exposable and were in a desperate need to be cleaned. I even begin to feel like me again as I pull on my own clothes, a stretchy pair of sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt.

Outside of the bathroom I find that Peeta still has Willow in his arms, though now he is sitting contently on the couch he has claimed as his.

He looks up with a smile when he sees me, "you look amazing" he's quick to comment sending a light blush to my cheeks.

"I highly doubt that but I do feel much better now after showering"

He laughs lightly, looking down briefly to check Willow is still sleeping peacefully.

"Well I think you look beautiful mama" again a blush is coursing me cheeks at his words, an internal glow rushing through me at the word 'mama'.

I smile, "speaking of we need to call my mom, I'm sure she would love to come meet Willow"

He nods, "you could call her now, I think visiting hours start soon"

I nod back absentmindedly, searching the room for a phone. I find one on one of the far benches and make my way over to it without much more thought.

Before I know it I'm putting in our own number and after a small pause I'm pulling the phone up to my ear, waiting for my mom to pick up.

She does almost immediately a seemingly rehearsed 'hello' greeting me as if she'd been waiting by the phone the whole night.

"Hi mom" I sigh, I have no doubt she already knew it was me but I'm still nervous to speak to her for some reason.

"Hello Katniss" her voice radiates excitement, "how are you doing?"

I smile briefly, "I'm good"

Then after a slight pause I tell her what I know she's been dying to know.

"I had the baby"

I can practically hear her excitement through the phone, "oh that's wonderful"

"You can come meet them them now if you'd like" I purposefully don't use the pronoun 'she' or her name for that matter intending to tell her in person.

"Yes I would love to, I'll be over as soon as I can"

I smile to myself once again, "we'll see you soon then"

"I love you" she whispers, I repeat it back with a smile just before the line goes dead and I'm left to silence.

I place the phone back onto it's stand turning on the spot to look over at Peeta and Willow.

"She'll be over soon" I say making my way over slowly to meet them on the couch.

He nods, handing over willow to me wordlessly, somehow knowing I was wanting to hold her again.

She stirs slightly at the movement but quickly settles into my arms nuzzling herself into the crook of them.

I make my way back to the bed, settling back down onto the soft cushioned mattress with her still resting peacefully in my arms, and it's there we stay for the next ten—twenty minutes before there's a light knock on the door.

Peeta rises from the couch and I watch as he makes his way over to it, opening it up slowly.

Peeking from my position on the bed I can spot my mother and one of the nurses, he invites them in but only my mother comes in, the nurse probably just coming over to escort her to our room.

She walks in with slow cautionary steps but stops when she spots me, a smile finding it's way to her face.

"Look at you" she exclaims, coming closer over to me "you look amazing, I'm so proud of you"

I smile sheepishly once again receiving a compliment on my appearance.

"Doesn't she" Peeta comments from behind her, grinning over at me with a look of victory on his face.

"And who's this?" My mother asks softly gesturing to Willow.

I smile sweetly adjusting her in my arms so she can have a better look. "This is Willow. Your granddaughter"

I watch as the tears glisten her eyes, my own tears springing as if in reaction.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask her gently. She nods eagerly and with practised ease I transfer her over to my mothers arms.

Willow doesn't complain, completely content from having just been fed before my mom arrived.

Easing back into the bed now baby free I'm finally able to take in the image fully, it's beautiful to say the least, my mother holding my baby girl is a sight that makes almost as much sense as watching Peeta hold our baby girl.

She sways her softly, small coos escaping her lips as she is introduced to Willow for the first time.

Neither me or Peeta say anything, all of us soaking in this memory and enjoying it for all it is.

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