Ch38. New Skills

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"Hey Haymitch" I call out, barely lifting my eyes off of willow.

"Hey sweetheart, hi sweetie!" Willow coos as he comes into her line of sight, seemingly happy to see him.

But her happy coos are quick to turn back into unhappy grunts as she realises she's still on her tummy.

"Why's she so unhappy?" Haymitch asks curiously, coming to sit beside me on the floor.

"We're doing tummy time" I explain, "and someone's not a huge fan of it."

As if in explanation Willow grunts again, making pitiful mews as if she were about to cry.

"Oh you're alright" I comfort her, knowing full well she's just trying to get me to pick her up. "We need to build those arm and neck muscles" I say a bit more cheerfully, giving Willow a toy to hold in hopes it will settle her a bit.

As soon as she has her hands on it it goes straight into her mouth, the soft crinkly fabric making a squeaky noise as her lips close around it.

Then she does something unexpected, she lifts one arm up into the air, giving her the momentum to flip over.

For a moment as I watch her laying on her back I sit there in disbelief, not comprehending how she just flipped over in the blink of an eye.

I'm not alone in this either, Willow looks just as confused as to how she ended up on her back.

Of course I've seen her try to roll over a million times before, but never had I actually seen her successful.

"Haymitch!" I exclaim "She just rolled over!"

"I saw sweetheart" he reply's gruffly.

"She's never done that before!"

I smile widely down at willow, who is now facing the ceiling with a happy, almost smug look on her face.

"Did you roll over my little bug? Did you roll over?" I tickle her belly eliciting a small giggle out of her, a sound that makes my heart glow.

I press a kiss down to her chubby little cheek, "I'm so proud of you Willow!"

"Good job Wills" Haymitch smiles also, reaching out his much larger hand to connect with her tiny one. Once he has a hold of it he gives it a little encouraging shake, Willow taking advantage of it's closeness pulls it out quickly to instead hold his pointer finger.

She smiles cheekily.

"I hope you're not planning on going anywhere, you won't be getting that back for a while" I tell him with a laugh. Willow has just recently mastered the art of grasping objects and ever since she always likes to be holding something, Haymitch's hand no exception.

He laughs along with me, "that's okay you can keep it" he smiles down at Willow. "When's the boy coming home?" He asks curiously.

I pause, "soon I think"

"Wait" I pause again, "he didn't see Willow roll over" before I can help it tears spring to my eyes, "he missed it"

With his free hand Haymitch rubs up and down my back, words still blubber out of my mouth but even I don't quite know what I'm saying.

"It's alright" Haymitch keeps repeating but it doesn't stop my crying.

It isn't until Willow joins in my crying that I begin to quiet down, reaching my arms out to pick her up.

"Shhh" I sooth, "mama's sorry she scared you, you're okay"

Once she's in my arms she calms down quickly, now only small whimpers escaping her.

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