Ch25. Final Moments

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Today is officially baby's due date, meaning they really could come at anytime now.

It certainly feels like it'll be happening anytime now, I am absolutely huge at this point, completely busting at the seems and I honestly don't think I'll be able to go another day being pregnant.

My joints complain as I waddle my way down the stairs. Peeta keeps insisting he can do everything and that I should relax every little bit I can, but with my mom here I feel compelled to make an effort and at the very least get up every day. Plus I think I would go insane if I had to spend the entire day locked away in the bedroom.

I almost instantly feel Peeta coming up behind me, assisting me down the stairs while he repeatedly asks me if I'm feeling okay.

I continue to reassure him that I'm feeling fine but even so I have to stop and take a break every so often, either just to catch my breath or to also ease my aching bones. I've also been having what I'm told are Braxton hicks, a practice contraction of sorts which every so often causes me pain.

As we finally make the landing Peeta guides me onto the couch were my mother is already sitting. She greets me with a smile, asking her regular question of how I'm feeling.

I respond with a groan, "massive"

She laughs but gives me a sympathetic look, "it'll be any day now"

I nod, "I know, I just wish it could be over already"

"I get that" my mother nods, "it seemed both you and Prim wanted to stay in there forever, eventually I had to try and induce labour" she chuckles lightly.

I give her a questioning look, "how did you do it?"

She thinks about this a second "Well I went on a lot of walks, that seemed to be what induced it in the end, though I tried many things"

"like what?"

She smiles "well I tried drinking a lot of herbal tea and eating spicier foods"

I nod, "can those work?"

She shrugs, "I've heard them working for other women but like I said, movement was the only one that really did anything for me"

Just as we finish our brief conversation Peeta reenters the room, a plate of food in hand.

He hands it over to me and after a quiet thanks I dig straight in.

I'm vaguely aware of the conversation between Peeta and my mom as I eat though my thoughts mostly stay on our previous conversation, I would definitely need to try some of them.

After finishing my meal Peeta is quick to take my finished plate, helping me up to standing again as I voice my want for a warm bath.

He helps me back up the stairs eliciting a small grumble from me in response, yet I allow it knowing it would be unsafe for me to walk it alone at this stage.

After a long tedious walk that leaves me out of breath we finally make it to the bathroom, and without another word Peeta reaches over to the taps beginning to fill the tub, adding in some calming oils that gives the water a cloudy tint.

Without much care that Peeta's still in the room and the door is wide open I begin to strip my clothes, freeing myself from the suffocating fabric.

As usual these days it takes me quite a bit longer to get changed than it would pre pregnancy, I'm only just taking off the last item of clothing as the big spacious tub is finally filled.

He leans over to stop the taps, checking one last final time that it's a safe temperature for me. Then he turns, catching sight of me for the first time.

He smirks, "nice"

I groan, "I'm already pregnant, shut up"

He chuckles back In response, offering me his hand and gently helping me settle into the tub.

The soothing feeling the water brings is almost instantaneous as slowly each limb is submerged underwater. A sigh of relief escapes me, some of the tension leaving my muscles as my body floats without effort.

Peeta's hand brushes over my arm, turning my attention back to him.

"Call me if you need anything, I'm going to go and get you some clothes for after"

I nod briefly, watching as he retreats from the room after flashing me a small smile.

I just lay there then, submerging my head underwater until I hear silence.

It isn't long before Peeta re-enters the room. I surface again at the sight of him watching as he places a pile of clothes down onto the counter.

"Thanks" I smile at him.

He smiles back, "it's okay, let me know when you want to get out and I'll help you out"

I nod and he leaves again this time shutting the door behind him, leaving just a crack open presumably so he can still hear me if I call out.

I soak for another fifteen or so minutes, rolling over to each side every so often throughout, eventually though I feel my fingers beginning to get super pruny, telling me it's time to get out.

I call out to Peeta as he requested I do and almost instantly he is dashing into the room, clearly relaxing a little as he sees I'm in no immediate danger.

He helps me out just as gently as he did to get me in, helping me to dry off as I take a seat.

It takes a little while but eventually I am dressed again, this time in slightly more presentable clothing, well at least something that is acceptable to wear outside.

Peeta helps me once again to get down the stairs and once we get there I suggest we go on a small walk, repeating what my mother said to me earlier. He quickly agrees and after a small rest for myself while Peeta finishes up whatever task he was doing before, we both head out.

A day of trying to induce labour ahead of us.

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