Ch22. Plan

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"Is everything alright?" I ask nervously, peering over at the grainy screen.

Lucy smiles, "everything is just fine Katniss, we've got a very healthy happy bubba in there"

I let out a held breath smiling at her words, watching as the little grey blob on the screen wiggles around, grinning harder as I feel the correlating movement underneath my skin.

"They're an active one today" Lucy comments moving the wand around again to locate whatever she just lost due to baby's movements.

"They've been moving around heaps in the past couple of weeks" Peeta jumps in beside me, grinning ear to ear just as he would anytime he gets to feel the baby move.

Subconsciously I squeeze his hand as we both continue to stare in amazement at our beautiful creation on the screen.

All too soon the screen is flicked off again, leading me to look at the other love of my life, his eyes full of love as he squeezes my hand once again.

"Alright, now, since you're officially in the third trimester I should recommend you start thinking about your birth plan"

Dr Jenkins words pull me back into the room, "my what?"

She smiles "your birth plan, basically how you would like your birthing experience to go"

I'm confused isn't there only one way for it to go, well I guess there is another but I don't dare think about that option.

"How I want it to go? Isn't there only one way of it going"

Lucy shakes her head, a smile still resting on her face, "well yes, but also no. A birth plan is more what things you would like to have in your experience, like people you want in the room, the vibe of the room, etcetera. We can start with where you'd like to give birth, of course as a doctor I would recommend you do it here where I can have a team with me to assist. But you could also have it home if that is where you'd be more comfortable"

I think over her words, I guess I never really thought about how it all happened at the end. I mean back when I was young there wasn't really an option, there was really only my mother.

My mother. I hadn't even thought about having her involved but I guess that was also an option.

"You don't need to decide right now" Lucy once again pulls me from my thoughts, turning my attention back to her. "I'll send you home with some pamphlets to help you decide on these things as well as how to prepare for your expected arrival" she smiles brightly at 'expected arrival'

With that she grabs a few papers from her desk handing them over to us, from just a quick glance I can tell immediately they are the flyers she promised.

"Think it over and I'll see you in about three weeks to discuss further and of course check up on this cutie" she hands over the printed photos from our ultrasound which I am instantly flipping through as we exit her room.

As we make our way back out onto the street, my fingers are still playing with the tiny photographs in my hands, flipping back and forth between a few of my favourites with a fond smile.

My other hand holds Peeta's swinging by my side as we make our way back home by second nature.

"What are you thinking about?"

I look over at Peeta, seeing the soft loving smile rest on his face as he watches me. I shrug, "I don't know, just thinking about how lucky I am"

I feel his hand squeeze mine.

"Any thoughts on the birth plan?" He asks referencing the conversation we just had with Dr Jenkins.

I shake my head, "I hadn't really thought about it before today" I admit. I mean I knew that the baby had to come out eventually and I'm very much aware of how it happens, or at least the general gist. But I've never really thought about the finer details of it all.

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