Ch21. Massage

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Peeta stayed true to his word over the next couple of weeks, holding back on his overprotectiveness of me though there were still times that I needed to remind him.

I could tell he was trying but I could also see that this was hard for him, my body has been feeling very worn out the past couple of days, the third trimester very clearly set to be upon us in a few weeks.

"Are you sure you don't want to lie down for a little bit? You don't look too good"

I shake my head but immediately regret it as a throbbing pain goes shooting through my head. "I'm okay"

"Are you sure?" The look he gives me tells me he knows what I'm feeling, but I don't give in only shooting him a warning glare.

He rolls his eyes "I know, just please be careful"

I'm just feeling a little dizzy is all, my heads been super painful the past couple of days, possibly from the lack of sleep I've been inclined to get due to the rest of my body's discomfort, or possibly just a new symptom entirely.

My hands come to rest on my bump, a huff expelling out of me as a more painful kick gets launched against my skin.

"The baby kicking?" Peeta asks beside me, resting his free hand on my back comfortingly.

I nod, "they've been getting stronger each day"

He smiles, "can I feel?"

"You can try"

He drops the spatula he's holding and comes to rest both of his hands on my bump.


"Come on, kick for your daddy" I ask, trying to prompt the baby to kick like they've been doing all day, but it doesn't come.

"You can try pressing down lightly they sometimes respond to that"

Peeta nods and I feel the slight pressure on my abdomen, we both wait expectingly but once again nothing happens.

I laugh, "I guess we're not in a kicking mood"

Peeta joins in on my laughing but I can see the sadness that now rests behind his eyes.

I place my hand on his shoulder comfortingly, "hey, I'll let you know as soon as they start kicking again.

He nods picking up the stray utensil he was using before and turns his attention back to the pan in front of him with no other comment.

I do the same, picking my knife back up and continuing to cut up the vegetables that sit on it.

Just as I'm about done another throbbing pain stings my head as I feel yet another headache coming on.

I lean on the counter for support, shutting my eyes to try and bring just a bit of relief.

"Katniss?" Peeta asks beside me and before he's even said anything I know what his question's going to be.

"I know" I whisper.

"I'll finish up here, you go lie down for a minute" he tells me in a semi sternly manor.

Usually I would argue back but I simply don't have the energy at the moment, and in all truth I know he's right.

I nod, smiling as he presses a kiss to my forehead.

Making my way into the living room I relax onto the couch, slowly feeling the dizziness ease from my body as I lay in a horizontal position.

I feel the pressure release from my back and the pain in my feet begin to subside, only just realising how much pain my body was in standing for so long. I almost don't want to get up ever again.

Finally after a few minutes of restless sitting I decide I should get up again, that's when I feel Peeta slip in behind me, he wraps his arms around my torso, in turn keeping me secured to my spot.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Cuddling my wife" Peeta says nonchalantly.

"What happened to dinner?" I laugh again.

I can feel him smile behind, "oh it's mostly finished I'm just waiting on the rice for a few more minutes"

I smile feeling the hunger rise inside me, however I don't make a move to get up and neither does Peeta.

"How are you doing?" Peeta asks sweetly, rubbing his fingers along the curve of my hip.

"Better" I smile though he can't see it, "I feel much better after lying down a minute"

Peeta laughs lightly as if I've just said something amusing, but he doesn't share and I don't question it.

I sigh in content as his hands begin to work there magic down my back, his fingers working through the knot in it.

"That's so nice" I moan.

Peeta laughs, continuing to rub all the spots I've complained about being painful to him. I don't know how he does it but by the time he's relaxed back into my embrace I feel almost no pain in my back.

"You'll have to do that to my feet later" I laugh.


Just as I'm about to quip back a sharp kick comes in contact with my skin, making me wince just slightly.

"Was that?" Peeta shrieks behind me, I smile widely nodding my head.

"Oh my god" he sounds near to tears as his hands come to rest on my belly again.

Another kick comes in response, bringing the tears that were threatening before cascading down, I think there might even be some on my face.

"Hi baby" his voice is chocked up but I still hear his whisper and apparently so does the baby as it begins to go wild under my skin.

"They like you" I smile turning around so I can look at Peeta, once I see his expression my smile widens, I swear I've never seen him happier before.

"Yeah" he grins, leaning in to first kiss me and then my bump.

A/N  Hey all, hope you've been enjoying the story! Unluckily for me but kind of lucky for you, the fan fiction writers curse has got me once again and I have fractured my ankle :( But that means I get to stay home more and write a bunch so... that's a positive I guess? Anyway thank you everyone for the support, and I'll see you next week!

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