Ch31. Presents

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I'm surprised by the softness of the sheets around me when I wake, not the scratchy hospital material I'd grown use to over the last week, but instead our own smooth, soft sheets.

They still hold a level of warmth to them, inviting me to stay and rest longer. I know however that very soon Willow will be awake and wanting food; honestly I'm a little surprised she hasn't woken us up yet.

Sighing I snuggle further into the bed closing my eyes to hopefully allow just a moments more rest.

Sleepily I reach an arm out to Peeta, hoping to pull his warm body into mine. But instead my outstretched hand finds only discarded sheets.

In my half asleep state i'm about to call out for Peeta, panicked thoughts coursing through me at his absence.

But my fear is soon subsided as our bedroom door opens, revealing a smiling Peeta and a very awake Willow.

I've only just caught my breath when I realise what he's holding in his free hand.

"Happy birthday to you" he begins to sing just as I've realised what is happening.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mommy" Willow lets out a little coo at the word 'mommy' causing my heart to grow about a thousand times.

Peeta's smile widens, "happy birthday to you" he finishes off finally reaching me and holding the plate in his hands up to my face.

On it lies a single cheese bun, a single burning candle sticking out of it.

Without hesitation I blow the candle out, wishing in my heart to freeze this moment right now and live in it forever.

A small smile comes to my face as I successfully blow out the candle causing Peeta to cheer over enthusiastically.

"I forgot it was my birthday" I say quietly, reaching out to pull the lone cheese bun off the plate.

I can't help but let out a moan at the taste of the cheese bun, I don't know what he puts in them but Peeta's cheese buns are literally magical.

Peeta smiles over at me, "well I didn't" he replies almost smugly, leaning over to press a light kiss to my forehead.

I roll my eyes but grin back up at him. "Thanks"

The cheese bun is gone very quickly, but it has done very little to fill me up. I'm about to ask for something else When Peeta beats me to it.

"There's more downstairs" he informs me, "I'll go get them"

I nod and quickly Peeta has taken the empty plate out of my hand.

Once it's gone I reach my hands out towards him, "can I have my baby?"

With a smile Peeta transfers her over, easily doing so single handedly.

i'm about to pull down my top as I'm sure Willow is very hungry when Peeta speaks up.

"I gave her a bottle earlier so she's already eaten, but by all means take your breast out" there's an air of cheekiness to his voice that I can't help but laugh at.

"Oh" I pause a moment thinking his words over, "can you grab me my pump then?"

He nods as he leaves the room.

Adjusting Willow into a more comfortable position in my arms I smile down at her.

She coos up at me once I'm in her line of sight, though I'm not sure if it's just a coincident, I'm not even sure if her eyes can see me at this stage, still I can't help but coo back at her.

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