Ch12. Rest

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I lift my head as Peeta enters the room holding a plate of fresh hot cheese buns.

"Relax" he says gently, sitting beside me and sliding the plate over.

"I am" I tell him sourly in reply.

His face flashes a guilty look, "I'm sorry" he mumbles sliding further into the bed in a way of condolence.

I sigh, I didn't mean to be grumpy with him I was just frustrated with being stuck in this bed once again.

"No I'm sorry, It's not your fault" I tell him, biting into the steamy bun, the one thing I've craved more than anything this pregnancy.

"Still" is his mumbled response.

At that I pull him over to me pressing my lips into his which quietens him up real quick, until he realises I still have food in my mouth.

I pull away chewing the last bite with a smile, "that's so gross" he laughs, the sound sending a bolt of joy through me.

Once we've both settled again I look at him with a serious look, "don't feel sorry because my hormones are out of whack" I give him another smile as I say it, "unless I tell you of course, then you better be sorry."

This time his laughter rings out, a sly grin slithering onto his face as he leans over to kiss me again, "yes ma'am" I swat his arm but lean in, resting my body into his chest as I settle in once again.

"Thanks for the cheese buns" I tell him quietly finishing off the last of them.

At my words his hands pick up their pace, rubbing my shoulders with more purpose.

"of course" his lips graze the top of my head, prompting me to lean further in, sleep comes easily.


As I wake up again I find that Peeta's slipped out from underneath me, I'm about to whine about his lack of presence when I smell the delightful smell of lamb stew downstairs, one of my favourite dishes.

It surprisingly doesn't send me sprawling to the bathroom to release what I've managed to get down today, instead it fills my stomach with hunger, a grumble from it telling me it wants food, specifically lamb stew, and maybe a cheese bun or two.

I can practically taste the savoury dish as the smell wafts further, my thoughts consumed by every detail I can remember, what it tastes like, what it feels like and the heat as it slides down my throat.

I'm almost drooling when Peeta enters the room with what appears to be a picnic basket and blanket.

My body subconsciously making room for him to settle down with me, he smiles warmly placing the blanket and basket on he bed almost as if we were in the woods having a picnic.

I'm about to ask him what he's doing when he stops my words with a kiss.

"I feel really sorry about you having to stay in bed all day, so I sorta planned a little date" he explains, moving back over the basket to pull out some candles.

I watch as he places them around the room, quickly lighting each one as he goes before turning the overhead lights off, leaving us in a dimly lit room.

The mood is calm, just like a relaxing night after a long day, yet it holds a hint of romanticism, the feeling of young prosperous love with a night of love inevitable.

He takes a seat on the bed beside me, however he doesn't sit under the covers. When I look over at him I notice for the first time he's wearing a full on suit, exuding a chuckle from me.

"This is a lot" I laugh, "you didn't have to do any of this"

He smiles, "but I wanted to"

I pull myself out of the covers to join him on top of them, just as if we were sitting on the rug in the woods on an actual picnic.

"Should I go change into something more decent?" I ask him as I look down at my raggedy old Pyjamas, seemingly out of place next to his suit, or maybe the other way round since we're actually sitting on the bed.

He shrugs, "you can if you like, but I think you look great just as you are"

I look at him with a scowl, "you would say that"

"What?" He asks with an almost laugh, "I think you look beautiful"

I frown but there's a hint of smile I can't seem to hide.

"She's blushing! She's blushing!" He shouts in glee.

I shake my head trying to erase any joy off my face, "shut the fuck up" I tell him with a laugh that can't seem to stay in.

"Ugh I'm starving" I finally say when I realise we still haven't opened up Peeta's basket.

He nods in the direction of it, "go ahead" he's quick to say but it's not needed as I'm already pulling it open and inspecting the goods inside.

I spot as I suspected two containers of lamb stew, but I also find in there another fresh plate of cheese buns, scrolls of some kind, cake and a couple of bottles of what looks to be lemonade.

I gasp, "Peeta this looks amazing! Thank you" I smile over at him sincerely.

He smiles back, "of course"

With that we're both quick to dig in, devouring the whole basket in no time.

It leaves me feeling stuffed but I don't regret any of it as the taste lingers in my mouth and the warmth lingers in my chest.

It appears Peeta feels the same as he leans back into the bed with a similar expression of fulfilment, mimicking my own position.

"Thank you" I tell him again once silence has fallen upon us.

I feel his eyes turn to look at me, pulling me to look at him also.

He looks at me with an abundance of love, seeming to seep out of him and spread into me, it suddenly fills me with hunger once again, though not for food this time.

I give him a look which he gets almost immediately, "shouldn't you be resting" he tells me sternly, though it's accompanied with a chuckle telling me he already knows that I'm going to get my way.

I smash my lips against his, "I don't care, I've rested enough" I come in again not giving him the chance to respond.

Finally when we both need to come up for air he tells me sweetly "we'll be gentle"

I nod smiling as I watch him move the basket and it's remnants onto the floor hurriedly, allowing me to pounce on him without the fear of breaking anything.

I'm quick to take off his clothes and him mine in return.

Then what comes next is all too familiar, spreading the warmth from one spot to all the spots.

But it's not enough, I pull him in again, silently asking him for another round which he gladly provides.

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