Ch17. Interview

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"Why did we agree to this again?" I whisper the words over to Peeta, earning a chuckle from him and a comforting hand squeeze in response.

My attention is pulled to him as I feel his lips meet our entangled hands, but it's quickly pulled back as our prep teams remind us to stay still.

At least they didn't seperate us this time I remind myself as I continue to try and steal glances of the boy sitting beside me, smiling when I catch him doing the same.

They wanted us in separated rooms but I threw a fit, pulling the pregnant card and eventually convincing them that it didn't really matter.

Being prepped up for an interview brings back similar feelings from many years prier, preparing to enter the games and then preparing to film propos. For that I am grateful that Peeta is still there beside me stopping this feeling of fear from sending me into flashbacks.

"It'll be better after this" he finally answers my question.

I nod numbly, resting the hand that isn't in Peeta's onto the small bump of my abdomen.

"Fifteen minutes" a loud voice rings out above all the rest, sending all the smaller ones of the prep teams into a riot, I don't know why though from what I can tell we already look ready asides from maybe the outfits.

It's then that we're forced to seperate, each of us being led into separate changing rooms.

In mine I find a simple yet elegant red florally dress hung up on the far wall, a pair of simple black flats resting underneath it; at least they're not making me wear heels I think to myself with a laugh.

The dress hugs my curves somehow perfectly, my baby bump very prominent when turned to the side.

"Five minutes, are you ready Katniss?" The same voice from earlier calls out again pulling me from my own reflection which I had been unknowingly staring at for the past couple minutes.

"Yeah I'm coming" I yell back sneaking another glance before reappearing back out in the main room where both the prep teams and Peeta are waiting for me.

"Woah" Peeta is the first to speak, "you look incredible"

I'm about to respond likewise but we're quickly pulled from the room towards the stage entrance area, allowing no more words to be exchanged between us until we are lined up and ready for our entrance.

"You look great by the way" I finally get to whisper over to him, both of us squeezing the others hand this time.

He smiles, "so do you" he tells me once again, as usual taking every possible moment to tell me.

Suddenly it's as if the whole world has been brought to life with the all but familiar sound of Caesar Flickerman's voice bounding out into the crowd and what is sure to be nearly every television set across Panem. Suddenly I'm feeling incredibly nauseas.

"I can't do this" I whisper yell to Peeta shaking my sweaty hands from his, pacing back and forth as the inevitable comes closer.

His hands reach over to pull me closer, "you don't have to" he tells me calmly, "but we've come this far are you sure you want to back out now?"

"Yes! I can't do it, don't make me do it!"

"Okay okay, I'm not making you do this. But say we do pull out right now the rumours are just going to be all the more worse" his voice remains calm yet speeds up with urgency to get his point across.

Once again I'm nodding numbly, taking Peeta's hand in mine to calm my ever growing nerves.

"I'll be right beside you" are the last words he whispers to me as our names are announced and the bright stage lights beckon me towards them.

I smile and wave politely out towards the audience holding on tightly to Peeta the whole walk over up until Caesar pulls us into seperate hugs, then immediately reconnecting as we sit down on the love seat provided for us.

"So Katniss, Peeta how have you guys been?" Caesar asks us brightly.

I look over at Peeta as he replies with a simple "good"

"My, it's been fifteen something years since we've last seen you, to which I must say you guys look amazing! Do they not folks?" He turns back to the audience for their screams of agreement with the same amount of charm he'd always have for the tribute interviews.

I'm honestly a bit surprised Caesar survived the war, especially with a bunch of Snow's supporters being executed for being associated with him after the rebels won, though at that point in the war I had been an outcast so not very in the loop about all of the going ons in Panem. Nonetheless here he sits in front of us still as bright and bubbly as before, with his old capital fashions only died down a little since the war.

"Now I could talk forever about the star-crossed lovers of district 12 but I believe you guys came here for something other than that, would I be correct?"

This is it, the moment I've been dreading and fearing more than anything else.

Peeta's hand squeezes mine once again prompting me to start.

"Well Caesar" I start turning once again to make sure Peeta is okay with me speaking, I'm only greeted with an encouraging smile so I continue on. "It has come to our attention that a few rumours have been going around about us that I would like to set straight"

Caesar's face is full of wonder as if he has no idea where I could be going with this, "go on" he says with a smile.

"Well, we wanted to be the ones to tell you that Peeta and I..." I pause creating more of a dramatic effect but really I need all the time I can get to get the correct words out.

"Are expecting"

Gasps are let out all throughout the audience and once again I'm sure throughout all of Panem.

"I'm sorry did I hear you correctly there?" Caesar asks just as shocked as the audience, acting I'm sure.

"Yes you heard correctly Caesar" Peeta chimes in, now coming to rest his hand on my bump as he cuddles me from behind on the couch. "I put a bun in the oven, as I like to say it" he says with a cheesy grin, bringing the smile back to my face.

"You sure did" Caesar exclaims. "Please will you show us"

I suppress the groan and try my best to show a happy smile as I stand to frame my hands around my belly, my dress helping to show the protruding bump that is sending excited claps over the entire crowd.

As I turn to take my seat again Peeta helps me back down, pulling me closer into him this time.

"How far along are you?" Caesar is immediately back into his questions as soon as I am situated again.

"Seventeen weeks" Peeta answers for me, something I'm immensely grateful for.

Caesar asks us an abundance of more questions all the way up until the very last minute of the scheduled interview where he regretfully tells the audience it's time for us to leave.

For that I am so thankful for, collapsing back into Peeta's arms offstage while we both decompress from all of it.

It was all over, I could now only hope they would leave us alone.

A/N  Hey everyone, hope you've all been enjoying the story so far! Just letting you know (for those that care lol) I'm pushing my weekly upload date back a day, just because my Wednesday has become super busy. Anyway, love you all! Thanks for the love and support you guys have shown towards this book.

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