Ch13. Popped

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I watch as my hands caress the small swell of my abdomen in the mirror, confirming my eyes are not playing tricks on my but my bump is really starting to grow.

I'm almost unrecognisable to the skinny young girl I once saw in my reflection, now not only have I got a few pounds to spare but I'm safe, happy even.

My signature scowl has softened over the years, leaving behind a peaceful, content smile, most likely put there by Peeta.

His arms wrap around my own, his hands coming to rest on my abdomen along side my own.

"Look at you" he smiles, looking into the mirror, probably admiring how beautiful I look. He's been telling me it constantly the past couple of days but I still don't see it, still it makes him happy and that makes me happy.

"I'm so big" I smile.

"You're beautiful" he corrects leaning in to kiss my cheek, giving my stomach a soft caress with his thumb.

He then leans down to kiss my bump, pressing his lips almost directly on my belly button tickling my skin slightly.

"You're getting so big in there" he whispers to it, almost if he were having a private conversation with the baby in there.

My hand comes to the back of his head, playing with his soft curls as he holds his ear against my abdomen.

"I wish I could hear their heartbeat" he whispers into the air, his ear still pressed up against the bump almost as if he were still listening for it.

"You'll hear it later today" I tell him.

"Yeah but through a machine"

I nod meeting his eyes as he stands back up to his full height, he pulls me into a hug rocking us side to side.

"I can't believe we're going to have a baby" I can practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Me neither" I nod, finally pulling out of his embrace.

"Now come on I'm starving and we only have an hour before our appointment"


"Wow you've grown since I last saw you" Lucy exclaims as she calls us back into her room.

"But is it the baby or food?" Peeta jokes back, I smack his arm in response but I flash him a brief smile, I have been craving a lot of food lately.

Lucy pulls out her chair from the desk, taking a seat at it before smiling over at us. "You're appetite's back then?"

I nod, "I've been craving so much food lately"

She smiles, "that's great, how about nausea has that eased off also"

I nod again, "I usually vomit in the morning and occasionally later on if something sets me off but no food aversions because of it"

She picks up a folder from her drawer, flicking through it quickly, "yes, twelve weeks, just finishing up the first trimester."

"Most women find the nausea goes away or eases in the second trimester, which appears you'll be one of the lucky ones"

I once again smile.

"Alright is there any other updates or questions you have before we move onto the examination"

I'm about to reply 'no' when Peeta pipes up beside me.

"She was in hospital about 2 weeks ago, I- I attacked her"

I place my hand on his thigh rubbing it gently hoping that it will provide assurance.

Lucy stops, clearly trying to keep a straight face.

She picks up the pile of papers again, shuffling until she finds it.

"Well now I really want to see this baby"

"Will it be okay" I nervously ask suddenly scared all over again. I hadn't even really thought about the prospect of Peeta's attack affecting the baby.

Lucy sighs, "I don't really know until I look but from what it seems, probably not. You haven't experienced any bleeding have you?"

I shake my head, "then I doubt you'll have miscarried but it still could have lasting impacts on the baby"

Peeta shakes nervously beside me, I can practically hear his mind racing with thoughts, knowing he'll be feeling guilty beyond belief.

"Please Katniss if you'll lie down for me" Lucy guides me over to usual examination table, prompting me to lift my top and lower my pants just as she usually does once I'm situated.

She squirts the gel on my abdomen and wastes no time pulling up the black and grainy screen as she manoeuvres the wand around the exposed area.

"Is it alright?" Peeta's voice exudes anxiousness, mirroring my own emotions.

Lucy remains quiet her face not giving away anything.

I can see there is still a blob up on the screen in front of us, looking even more like a baby than it did last appointment, which does gives me some comfort though the fear is not completely gone just yet.

Finally Lucy speaks, "Well I'm seeing no indication of a miscarriage, nor any defects or issues and I'm still measuring 12 weeks gestational. So I think you may have come out of this one lucky."

I let out a huge sigh of relief, and Peeta does the same.

"I'd still like you to rest, don't over exert yourself for another couple of weeks"

I nod.

She smiles, "now that's out of the way, would you like some pictures?"


"Why don't you want to know?" I demand of Peeta as we walk home.

"Because I want it to be a surprise"

"It's still going to be a surprise if we find out now, all that's different is how long we have to wait" I whine, pulling on Peeta's sleeve to try and reach his hand.

"Yeah but it's different, if we find out when they're born we have something to look forward to"

I roll my eyes, "I think we should already have something to look forward to, plus it's not like it really matters"

"That's not what I meant, all I mean is it'll be part of the relief, something to push for"

"Yeah I guess, I just really want to know everything I can about this baby"

"Then find out, call Lucy get her to tell just you and then I'll wait"

I shake my head, "no I want to find out together, plus you know me I'd never be able to keep that secret"

At this Peeta chuckles, "that is true"

We both fall silent a moment both of our minds clearly thinking over our conversation.

"How about this, we'll both think on it, we don't have to make a decision straight away anyway"

I nod a brief smile crossing my face, "okay"

We continue our walk home in silence, our hands intertwined and swinging in the middle.

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