*Kuroo x Reader*

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I'm currently writing this while listening to a drama CD. I HAVE TO GET IN THE MOOD OF WRITING SMUT. OKAY LETS GET STARTED.

"La la la la laaaaaa! LA LA LA LA LAAAAAAA!" You sang to yourself, very loudly. You were very happy for some reason, but you honestly couldn't put your finger on it. You checked your phone to see what the time was.

It was 5:43.

(DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN. No I'm just kidding xD. )

"Maybe I should wait for Kuroo... Nah I'll just study in the library." You whispered to yourself. You made sure you had your bag, since you tend to be forgetful, and headed to the library. You walked past the vending machine and froze.

You were hungry, so you decided to get a snack. There were many things to choose from such as chips, juice, candy. But you just got chips because the rest were too expensive and you only had some cash on you. (Story of my life honestly >.<) You crouched down to get the bag of chips and smiled to yourself.

You got up, opened your bag of chips, then walked a couple more steps until you reached the library.

'All right let's do this!'

There was literally no one is the library. But that's good because no noise! You put your bag down on the nearest chair and went to a book aisle.

'Well, I should study for history...'

You looked through the aisle for the history book. You explored throughly and realized it was at the highest shelf.

"God dammit." You muttered.

'Lololol this is when Kuroo steps in and grabs the book for me hehe.' You giggled to yourself then felt a presence next to you.

"Do you need help ___?"

When you heard that voice out of nowhere, you were startled. However, you knew that familiar voice.

'Woah I didn't actually expect that to happen!'

You did say that you needed help, and he grabbed the book you needed. "Thank you Kuroo! Wait, I thought you had practice? Don't you have a game tomorrow?" You asked quickly.

"Hmm? Oh, I said I had to go to the bathroom, then I saw you struggling." He sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

'Well then, you don't have to look so unhappy about it.' You started walking back to your seat, until you felt hands pull you back to where you were. Kuroo had you trapped in his grip, holding you against the aisle. "You know ___, you being so helpless like that," he went closer to ear, "really turned me on..." He whispered.

Widening your eyes with surprise, you said, "But I wasn't trying to be helpless...I was just trying to get my book." About to look the other way, Kuroo grabbed your chin with his hand.

(I usually don't say which hand he uses or which way you look, I give you the opportunity for imagination and control :D)

He leaned close to your face. "I'm acting on my impulses ___. I told myself that I would wait until we date more, but I can't do that anymore." You were about to say something, but then his mouth overtook yours. You were still in shock from what he was saying, so you didn't kiss back yet. And throughout this whole time, you were still holding your book!

You immediately shut your eyes and started kissing back. (Finally.) You felt him smile within the kiss. "Open your mouth." He demanded. As you were about to do what you were told, you heard the door.

You put your hand on his mouth, stopping him from kissing you. "OH NO WE'RE GONNA GET CAUGHT!" You screamed.

Then, you felt his tongue lick your hand. You blushed by his actions, and took your hand off his mouth. He grabbed your book and threw it on the floor. "Don't worry, I locked the door before I came in here. " He smirked. Feeling a hand go up your skirt, you gasped (dramatically). You were about to pry his hand off of that area, but failed. He used his other hand and pinned your wrists above you.


You gave it into his decision on what he wants to do. He loosened his grip on your wrists and kisses you again. You started kissing back, wrapping your arms around his neck.

You opened your mouth, to give Kuroo the will of joining his tongue and yours. You never felt a sensation like this before. He started rubbing your inner thighs. Knees feeling weak, you began to slide down the book shelf. You both ended on the floor, not once releasing the kiss. Kuroo placed a hand behind your head and lied you down with care, beginning to kissing your neck. You moaned and stretched your neck, giving him more space.

He started to unbutton your shirt/blazer thing and started feeling your breasts. Kuroo chucked and massaged them. Breathing heavily, you felt as if your emotions and love for Kuroo were beginning to overflow. Kuroo took off his shirt (but you didn't see because YOUR EYES WERE STILL SHUT). You felt your skirt and underwear being taken off. Kuroo traveled from your neck, down to your place of pleasure (I'm sorry but if I say vagina right now I feel like it would kill the mood) and started kissing in that spot. You gasped as you felt his tongue in you. You started to grab his hair, with no realization that you were actually pushing his head more into that certain place.

"Now, I think I'm ready to put it in ___." He smirked, unzipping his pants.

You were scared, you weren't ready, but for Kuroo, you'll do anything for him. You felt as if you were about to cry, but tried your best to hold it in. Kuroo penetrated you slowly and steadily. You felt a shock of pain run through your body, but you didn't want it to stop. He hovered over you and kissed once more. "Can I start moving?" He asked, almost as if he was begging. You nodded slowly, preparing yourself for the pain and pleasure that was about to initiate. He exhaled and then started thrusting. You tried to contain your screams and moans until he said, "Let me hear your voice."

"I'll be a little rough, endure it for a while ___." He breathed, thrusts getting more rough. "I want to come, but I know you're not finished yet."

He continued thrusting. The pleasure that is inside your body at the moment is unbearable. You released those feelings as he did with his. He stopped.

"Are you all right?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"Yes..." You said, starting to feel your face blush. You covered your face with your hands and heard him chuckle. He pulled your hands off your face and kissed you again, embracing you.

"I love you." Kuroo said, hugging you tighter.



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