Sugawara x Reader

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Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed my last update, it's okay if you didn't because I don't think it was good at all! But I wanted to update after not updating for about a year. This chapter may be a little too long (longer than any other chapter in this book), but I think this is my favorite update so far? Anyways, I hope you like this update because it took me a while to write it!

You might be a little frustrated with the reader, but I'm trying to make it as realistic and possible to anyone who might have felt this way (including myself)! And you might also be frustrated because of the lack of romance between you and Sugawara, but I promise you there will be a lot towards the end of the story!

Happy reading my loves! <3

NOTE: This will be separated into two parts, because I'm not done with the entire chapter at the moment, so I thought it was best to do that. It's also really long, and I was insecure about the idea of you guys not wanting to read this because it was really long. However, if you end up liking this chapter, like and comment so that I'd know please!


You always told yourself that you didn't want to date nor get married. You tried flirting with members of the opposite and of the same sex, but once it reached to the point where they saw some romantic interest in you, you lost interest and stopped talking to them completely, literally leaving them on 'read'.

You also didn't mind being alone either, because friends and family would suffice and were the only ones you felt that you needed more than a lover.

But that was until you met Sugawara Koshi. Sugawara was somehow different to you. You genuinely enjoyed talking to him, and you yearned to talk even more with him after a conversation would end. Yeah, you love talking with your family and friends, but deep in your heart, you feel that he's completely different.

He makes you feel some type of way; a way that you've never felt in your life before.

Every time you see his smile, your heart squeezes in your chest.

Every time you see his beauty mark by his eye when you speak to him, you just want to kiss it and tell him how beautiful you think he is.

Even with these reasons, along with many others, you still couldn't understand the concept of romantic love between two people. So, this is a little story on how you accepted yourself and Sugawara's love.

Going to school when it's late autumn is sometimes difficult. It's windy as hell, it rains at times, and everyone around you complains about how cold it is because some of them underdress for this weather. But luckily, Karasuno allows its students to wear their gym pants to provide extra warmth. And that's exactly what you did! You even brought an umbrella just in case!

I wonder if Suga is dressed warmly right now...

You caught yourself thinking about Sugawara for like the millionth time of your life and slapped yourself, which caught the attention of some people around you.

"Oopsies..." You mumbled to yourself, now walking a bit faster to get to school.

After about half an hour of speed walking later, you finally made it to the school gate, and there he was; the boy you can't get your mind off of since the day you became friends.

Sugawara was standing near the front gates, wearing a scarf and his normal school uniform. At the simple sight of him wearing a scarf, your heart bursted (omg you just died), causing you to stop walking while you placed your hand on your chest to try to calm down its rapid heartbeat. You were going to start smashing your umbrella to the ground, but that would bring unwanted attention, so you refrained from doing that.

Haikyuu! (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now