Teacher! Sugawara x Reader

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YOOOO! Sorry I updated so late >.< I think this is the only update for today until tomorrow >.< I'm really sorry!! And on Friday I'm not going to update at all because I'm attending the Anime Expo! So I'm really sorry!!!!

JUST A HEADS UP! Suga is different in this chapter than how he normally is XD, so I hope you enjoy! But if you don't like when the character is different based on their personality, then I'm really sorry!!!


'Oh crap I'm so late!' You thought as you were running down the hall. Sugawara-Sensei was not the teacher who you could just piss off and get away with it. He actually punishes his students, that's why no one has even tried in getting on his bad side. But nooooooo, your alarm didn't turn work this morning, making you 30 minutes late to school.

You reached the classroom door and gulped. "I'm so dead." You muttered to yourself, feeling the anxiety and the fear appear inside you (and your face). Breathing slowly to calm you down, you slid open the classroom door. Every student in the classroom turned their heads to you, scared out of their minds that you just showed up late to class, Sugawara stopped teaching as well.

You closed the door and bowed to your teacher, making your way to your desk as quickly as possible. Sitting down on your desk, your classmates started whispering, knowing that it was about you being late.

"___-san, step outside with me for a moment." Sugawara sighed, walking towards the door. He was obviously irritated, and you were going to poop your pants by how scared you were. You got up from your seat slowly and walked to the door with your head down.

Sugawara let you out the door first, then slid the door close behind him. He moved away from the classroom window, making sure the students won't see.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry Sens-sei!" You apologized frantically, literally about to vomit from fear.

"If you want this relationship to work, then you can't make me angry. Promise?"

His voice echoed in your mind, reminding yourself that you did break that promise by showing up late today. Sugawara pinned you against the wall with both hands placing on each side of your face.

"Why did you break our promise?" He whispered huskily in your ear. You blushed as you felt him breath on you, trying to put your words together. You averted his gaze until he grabbed your chin with his hand.

"Look at me when we're speaking to each other." He demanded. You noticed the lust in his eyes, making you more nervous.

You took a deep breath and explained what happened.

"I-It's because my alarm broke! I'm r-really s-s-sorry!" You apologized once more, shutting your eyes. Sugawara sighed, putting a piece of your hair behind your ear, making your eyes open.

"You do know what'll happen now right?" He smirked, leaning closer to your lips. You bit your lip out of nervousness and breathed deeply. He kissed your lips and inserted his tongue almost immediately, making him hold your face. You wrapped your arms around his neck, until he pulled back first. Sugawara stepped away from the wall.

You were getting ready for what's about to happen. This is it.

You slapped your cheeks to get into character, inhaled for as long as you could, and screamed.

"I'M SORRY SENSEI! THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!" You screamed, walking into the classroom and making your way to your desk with 'frustration'. Your classmates were startled by your sudden outburst.

"If you do that once more, then everyone in this classroom will be punished! Do you understand!!" He yelled, walking into the classroom and into the front of the classroom.

"WHAT?!" Everyone panicked, becoming frightened of what their teacher would do to them.


Okay I'm really sorry that this was shorter than usual!!!! But I hoped you liked it even though I felt like it was all over the place >.< and guys! If you have requests, comment on the 'Hello :)' please! That'll make it easier to keep up with the requests!! Thank you ^.^

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