Kageyama x Reader

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The two of you were sitting on your couch, watching a movie.

"Hey Tobio-kun?" You asked, looking down to the lap.

"Hmm?" He responded, looking at you.

"Why did you start dating me?" You said quietly, putting your hands together.

"What do you mean? I started dating you be-" You cut him off.

"There's plenty of other girls better than me! Why am I your girlfriend?!"

You were never like this towards him. But because of what happened earlier in school, you were insecure and couldn't stop thinking about it.


You set your bag down on your desk, waiting for your teacher to start the class. You grabbed your seat, about to sit down, when a couple of girls came up to you.

You took a notice of this and turned to them.

"Do you need something?" You asked with a smile. '"If you need help with something, I would be glad to help!"

"Tch." One of the girls scoffed. "Pleeeaaassseee. If you want to help us, then stay away from Kageyama-san." She put her hands on her hips, while the rest of her group nodded in agreement.

You were confused by her statement, and tilted your head. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that if you don't stay away from Kageyama-san, then we will break you two up, so we could have him for ourselves. As you can see, we are way better matches for him than you. I mean, look at you!! You're a piece of shit. You're trash." She continued with an angry tone.

You squinted your eyes in disbelief. "Pshh, you guys are just stupid. Do you possibly think you guys could intimidate me?" You laughed. "Get out of my face and leave me alone." You glared at them.

They laughed and walked away.

'What they said doesn't matter to me.'

Class started, however, the more you thought about it, the more it affected you. Throughout class, you felt as if you were about to cry.

'Why did he choose me...'

~Back to the present~

Tears were streaming down your face, falling down to your lap. You sniffled and wiped your nose. Kageyama was staring at you, confused. He put his arm around you and placed his other hand on your shaking hands. He kissed the side of your head and started rubbing your arm.

"Did something happened during school ___?" He whispered. You sniffled again, nodding. He sighed and began to rub his thumb against you hands. "Don't ever listen to them. You know I l- love you..." He blushed slightly.

Another tear when down your face. "But why..." You said, making yourself barely audible for him to hear. "Because... You're you. Don't let those people say anything bad about who you are. You're the only one for me... You know that..." He started muttering, blushing more. You smiled faintly and blushed a bit, accepting the words that came out from him.

You faced Kageyama and rested your hand on his cheek. "Thank you Tobio-kun." You smiled, closing your eyes. (You know what smile I'm talking about right? No? Well use the picture as a reference x)

You opened your eyes and you see Kageyama smiling as well. "You should smile more Tobio-kun! You're so cute when you smile!" You exclaimed, giggling.

He blushed furiously and screamed, "STOP TEASING ME ___!!"

You continued laughing.

"Hehe but you pretty much said I could be myself!" You grinned. You looked past Kageyama's face to check the time. You widened you eyes and gasped.

"OH CRAP! ITS 8:32! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HOME AT 8:00! DAMMIT I'M SCREWED!" You yelled, getting up from the couch. You grabbed your things and ran to the door, Kageyama following behind.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning yeah?" Kageyama asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah! I'll be at the front gate!" You responded back. You walked up to Kageyama and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Tobio-kun, I love you... so much that's it's about the size of you!" You laughed, burying your face into his chest.

Kageyama hugged back, squeezing you as well. "Idiot." He murmured.


LAMEEE THAT WAS SHORTER THAN I EXPECTED!!! But for reals guys, if anyone has told you that being you isn't okay, don't listen to those assholes! Being yourself is one of the best forms of happiness, so don't let anyone take that from you! I do know what's it's like to be that position, so please take this advice from someone who has experienced it and who has made some choices that I really regret today. I hope you enjoy life like I finally do now. :)

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