Tsukishima x Reader

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~In your house~

"Kei, let's do something together!" You exclaimed with sparkles in your eyes.

"No." He quickly replied.

Being with Tsukishima could be a huge struggle for many reasons. It's not that he's a bad boyfriend, it's just he doesn't put as much effort as you.

Pouting your lips, Tsukishima sighed in defeat.

"Fine, what do you want to do." He asked, placing his hands on his waist, waiting for your answer.

Putting a finger in your chin in order to think, you came up with a brilliant yet simple idea.

"Let's cuddle!" You exclaimed with a slight tint of blush appearing on your cheeks. You two barely cuddled when you two were in a relationship with each other. He may not look like it, but he is one of the best cuddle buddies in the entire world- no, universe!

As you finished your sentence, Tsukishima widened his eyes in surprise due to your request.

"Why do you want to do something like that?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow. He seems like he's not into the idea but trust me, he's as excited as a dog getting food. Tsukishima loves doing this kind of thing with the one he loves.

"Why not?" You smiled at him, making Tsukishima blush lightly.

He then snickered his lips and gave in. You mentally gave yourself a high five and began walking to the couch. Right as you sat, you started to pat the seat next to you, signaling for Tsukishima to come over.

He was trying to hide his nervousness, but you saw right through him. Giggling to yourself, he sat down next to you and immediately put an arm around you. You exhaled and started to nuzzle your face against his chest.

"Do you remember when we thought we were 'just friends' ?" You whispered to him, reminiscing about how you two started doing things like this, before you began dating each other.

He chuckled and brought his hand to your head, stroking it gently.

"Yeah I do, but then you decided to confess first when I was the one who was going to confess."

Laughing, you immediately hugged him tightly. "Well, what else was I suppose to do? It seemed like you weren't going to anytime soon!"

"That same day, Yamaguchi was the one who pushed me into doing it. I'm glad he did though, because I was about to go home but then you called me over to you."

'My goodness, I ship you two so hard.' You thought to yourself.

"Why are you blushing all of the sudden?" Tsukishima asked with a confused face.



"Well if we weren't dating I would date him." You heard him say.

"Wait what?!" You shot up from his grasp.

"I said 'but you and I are dating, so I wouldn't date him." He repeated, you hearing clearly this time.

"O-oh haha." You laughed awkwardly, I mean who wouldn't? Lololol.

"Did you hear something else?" Tsukishima grinned at you, bringing up his hand to your chin.

"U-uh no way! I just wasn't paying attention!" You lied, beginning to get nervous. You always hated when he teased you! One time he took it too far and then you started crying. Yeah, it was that bad.

"You sure?" He voice was started to get a little hoarse, which made you blush. He got closer to your face, making you pull back unconsciously.

"Y-yeah! OOOOOH LOOK A DINOSAUR!" You screamed, pointing your finger to the direction behind him. Hoping he would turn back, he didn't, instead he grabbed you hand and held it in the most gentle way possible. His thumb began to rub circles on your hand, giving you chills.

"I'm not falling for that ____."

Tsukishima brought your hand to his lips. Once his lips touched your now shaking hand, you twitched unintentionally.

"Tell me you love me." He stated, in a sweet, but demanding tone.

You immediately used your other hand to cover your face, to hide your blush.

"You s-say it first!" You blurted out. Hearing him chuckle, he said those three words.

"Now you say it, but look me in the eyes ___."

You shook your head no, this is too embarrassing for you!! It was hard the first time but each time you said it, it felt like it was as if you were saying it for the first time again.

Getting hit by a random wave of feeling, you put your hand down from you face. You looked at him straight in the eye and said it.

"I feel nauseous." You said, putting a hand over your mouth, feeling the vomit coming.


And in that night, you vomited at least twice.


WELL THAT ONE TOOK A WHILE! And I'm sorry for not updating sooner! I tried to write everyday but things just kept coming up 😅! This book will be updated but will have slow updates! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS ONE!!!!

Up next~

Nishinoya x Reader

Akaashi x Reader

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