Oikawa x Reader

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Damn it's hot over here >.< I'm still sweating and the fan is on ): okay I hope you like this one!



"Hey Oikawa-kun, do you wa-"


"Are you ma-"

"Leave me alone."

He's been avoiding you all day too. What did you do wrong? He's never like this...so, you thought about everything you've done since yesterday.


Well, you two did hang out last night, but you don't remember anything in specific that would make him mad of some sort. So, you decided to ask Iwaizumi, since you know, they're like gay besties. You walked to his classroom and luckily he was there with Oikawa... Oikawa noticed your first and scoffed.

"I'll see you later Iwa-chan." He said before leaving. He walked past you without a word which made you feel a little hurt, he's never treated you like this before.

"Iwaizumi-san, can I ask you a question? Well after that question..." You asked, trying to put a smile on your face. He looked at you and cocked his eyebrow.

"Is it about your dumbass boyfriend?" He questioned, crossing his arms.

"Yeah..." You spoke, looking down at the ground. "He's been treating me like crap since this morning, do you know anything about it?"

He sighed and closed his eyes. "Yeah I do, but I obviously don't believe it."

"Huh? Believe what?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Rumor is that you're cheating on him with Kageyama in Karasuno, but I'm on your side." He explained, opening his eyes to look at you.

"W-what? But Kageyama-kun is just a friend. He knows that."

"Trust me, I've tried clearing this up for him but he doesn't believe me. You should try to explain yourself." He ended, patting you on the shoulder. And with that, he left the classroom.

You put your hand on your head, rubbing it softly. Well, at least you know the reason why he's angry with you now. You stopped rubbing your head and exited the classroom, determined to find Oikawa and clear this up. Running through the halls really tired you out, but you still haven't found him yet. But there's no way that you're giving up.

You love him, and it would destroy you if your relationship ended because of a misunderstanding. Breathing heavily from being out of breath, you asked one of his classmates who happened to walk by you right now.

"Um, excuse me, but do you know where Oikawa-kun is?" You asked his classmate, still breathing hard.

"You're his girlfriend right? Yeah I know where he is! I just saw him in the cafeteria, if you hurry now you'll catch him!" The nice guy said to you, with a smile. You thanked him and ran to the cafeteria. And of course, you saw Oikawa with a bunch of his fangirls.

You didn't really mind them, but sometimes they were just so loud, it annoyed you big time.

"Oikawa-sama~ please go out with me! You know ___ is cheating on you!" Fangirl A exclaimed, which made you flinch at her words.

'Were they the ones that spread the rumor?'

"Yeah for reals! Just break up with her already!" Fangirl B through Z screamed to him, they were so desperate for him, you wouldn't be surprised that they would actually kill to get in his pants or something.

Your eyebrow twitched and you walked up to them, hands on your hips. You coughed to get their attention.

"Excuse me, but who's cheating?" You asked Fangirl A. Oikawa looked at you in astonishment.

"You are of course! I saw you holding hands with that guy in Karasuno!" She said, pointing at you.

"Holding hands? Oh! I'm sorry but you misunderstood, I was putting some lotion on his hands. I do the same for my dear ol' boyfriend when he hits the ball too hard." You explained to her.

"Psh! You obviously have feelings for him and not Oikawa-sama! Why would he even date someone like you?" Fangirl K yelled at your face. You were against violence but is she really trying to provoke you now? You pushed her face out of the way and grabbed Oikawa's hand, leading him out of the cafeteria. He didn't say a word while you were running with him, until you reached the empty gym. You shut the door and put your hands on your knees, breathing heavily again.

"I should build up my stamina." You laughed, trying to make a joke out of the situation. Oikawa looked at you with sad eyes.

"I-I'm sorry for being a jerk to you ___-chan." He apologized, clenching his fists. You smiled softly and grabbed his hand gently.

"I know you are, but why did you believe in a rumor like that?"

He squeezes your hand lightly.

"I always felt a bit of jealously towards Tobio-chan..." He admitted, which made you confused.

"But...why?" You asked, placing a hand on the side of his face.

Oikawa nuzzled into your hand. "Because...I always thought that you liked him better than me since you've know him longer..."

"That's not true Oikawa-kun, Kageyama-kun is just a friend, and you're my boyfriend."

He eyes lit up when you said 'boyfriend'. But, his face fell once more.

"I feel terrible. I treated you like trash." He apologized once more, voice shaking.

"It's okay duuuuuuuuude! I accepted your apology! So please," You hugged him tightly, "Please don't be sad."

Oikawa hugged you back and kissed the top of your head.



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