Sugawara x Reader

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SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A WHILE ): and I'm even more sorry that there's a possibility that I wont update while I'm away. I will still write on my phone when I'm gone but I won't be able to upload them on here until I have Internet ): I hope you like this one though!!


Walking happily with Sugawara hand in hand towards your house, you had a fabulous idea that you could do with him. You smiled to yourself and presented your idea to him.

"Suga-kun! Let's go to the amusement park on Sunday!" You said to him, jumping up and down with excitement. He turned to you and squeezed your hand, giving you a soft smile.

"I don't see why not! It'll be fun." Sugawara responded. Your face lit up when you heard his response, making you smile a huge (and beautiful *since your smile is beautiful whoever is reading this*) smile.

~Time skip to Sunday~

While you were putting on your clothes for today, you got a call on you phone. Walking weirdly to your phone (since you were putting on some pants or shorts or whatever you prefer) you grabbed it and saw the caller ID. You smiled a little and answered the phone.

"Good morning Suga-kun!" You greeted, holding the phone with your shoulder since you trying to put on your bottoms.

"Good morning ___-chan! My parents offered to drop us off at the amusement part so that we could save money. You don't mind do you??" He asked.

You froze right when he said that.

'But this is the second time I've met them! I'm still not comfortable around them!'

"Sure! I don't mind!!" You answered, trying to make yourself sound the most excited as possible.

"Great! I'll see you in a bit!" He replied before hanging up the phone. Setting your phone down, you tried putting on your bottoms again.


After you got ready, you headed downstairs to grab a snack before Sugawara shows up. You grabbed the first snack you laid your eyes on and began eating it. As you were eating your delicious snack, you heard a knock on the door. You swallowed the food you had in your mouth and ran to the door.

You opened to door, revealing a cute and smiley Sugawara.

"You're ready?" He asked, moving from left to right. You nodded with a smile and grabbed your house keys and two water bottles. Everyone was still asleep in your house, but you still said goodbye to them. Locking the door, you noticed Sugawara's parents car at the front of the house. Your heart felt as it stopped, but Sugawara's hand intertwined with yours made it thump again.

"It'll be okay! They really like you." He said, reassuring you. You started to calm down a little bit and the both of you made your way to the car. Right when you got in, you greeted them with a smile, but you were still nervous about this whole thing.

"Good morning! I'm glad to see you two again!" You said to them, putting on your seatbelt.

"Hello, we're glad to see you too!" Sugwara's mom greeted back, turning to face you.

'Man, she is so beautiful, Suga-kun looks exactly like her.'

About halfway through with the drive, you began to get a little thirsty, so you decided to open of the water bottles you brought.

"Can I drink some water too, ___-chan?" Sugawara asked, pointing at the bottle you were holding.

"Sure." You said, handing him a water bottle.

"I wanted to drink from the same bottle as you..." Sugawara muttered quietly, enough for you not to hear.

You two began drinking your water until you heard his father speak.

"So, when are you two going to get married?" He blurted out, making you and Sugawara spit out the water that was currently in your mouths. You started choking and Sugawara began patting your back to help you.

"Otōsan! Why'd you say that all of the sudden!" Sugawara yelled with a faint blush on his face.

"We want grandchildren Koshi~" His mother continued, smiling at the thought of having your babies running around at their house.

You blushed at her statement and put your hands on your cheeks.

"C'mon Koshi, marry her already! How long have you two been dating? Like one? Two years?" Sugawara's dad said.

Sugawara blushed furiously but still answered his question. "It's been 8 months!"

"That's a perfect amount of time!!" His mom mentioned.

You were completely shocked by their conversation, and your heart couldn't handle the thought of marrying Sugawara, it hurts too much. But you would be so happy marrying him...

"I'll marry her that's for sure!!" Sugawara blurted out, causing you to freeze and widen your eyes. He realized what he said and covered his face with his hands. "Oh no! What am I saying?!"

"Our son is going to marry her!!!! I'm going to help plan out the wedding! Is that okay ___-chan????" His mother questioned, turning to you. You were completely frozen, you still couldn't believe that he wanted to marry you. Before you knew it, your face was tomato red at this point.

"___-chan?" You heard his mother call out again, bringing you back to reality.

"Huh? O-oh s-s-s-sure!!" You stuttered, making his mother smile. She turned back to face the road, while you and Sugawara were entirely drained from the conversation just now.

"All right we're here. Have a good day kids!" His father said. The two of you took of your seat belts and exited the car.

"Thank you for the ride!" You thanked, waving at them.

"Call us when you're ready to go!" His mother mentioned before his father drove away.

You sighed out of exhaustion.

"That was the most complicated conversation of my life." Sugawara admitted, closing his eyes.

"I agree."

~Time skip to the middle of the day~

You and Sugawara were walking to the food stand hand in hand, moving your hands back and forth. Suddenly, the discussion you two had with his parents popped up in your head, making you blush again.

Sugawara was humming until he noticed your face.

"Are you okay ___chan?? Do you need water?" He asked, looking deeply at your face.

You averted his gaze and looked at the food stand. "Y-yeah I'm okay!! Haha..." You laughed an awkward laugh.

Sugawara cocked his eyebrow and smiled softly. "You're thinking about what happened in the car aren't you?" He asked, seeing right through you.

You sighed in defeat and nodded. He blinked and looked at the food stand as well.

"I wasn't lying you know." He said quietly, stopping from walking, making you stop in your tracks too.

"Huh?" You questioned.

"When the time is right, I do wan to marry you ___-chan. When we get out of high school and begin our lives at college, I'll get a job to save up on the ring." He further explained, squeezing your hand.

You tried to speak but words didn't come out of your mouth.

"Are you all right with that, ___-chan?" He turned to you, looking at you with a small smile.

You nodded your head, feeling as if tears were about to come out of your eyes.


I HOPED YOU LIKE THIS ONE SHOT FOR SUGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If not then I'm sorry xD I'll improve overtime hopefully.... HAVE A GREAT DAY WHEREVER YOU ARE MAN!

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