Oikawa x Reader

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I have nothing to say here so enjoy and thank you for reading!!!


You sighed dramatically for no reason. It was barely 3:00 p.m. and you were so bored in your house. You would hang out with Oikawa but nooooooo, his fangirls seems more important than you. You're not going to lie, but you were slightly jealous of all the fangirls who are with him all the time.

'I know he wants to be nice and not push them away but... It's getting annoying.' You thought to yourself, playing with your hands. You wished that Oikawa would be with you right now, but what can you do?

"___!! Someone's at the door for you!!" You heard one of your parents say.

'Maybe it's Oikawa!?'

You ran to the front door, hoping to see Oikawa, but it was just one of his fangirls. You had the '-.-' face (sorry I can't explain it >.<) and asked, trying to sound nice, "What is it?"

The girl was carrying a bag and it looked pretty heavy. She looked anxious and her face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Um... Is Oikawa here?" She asked, looked down to the ground.

"Uh no? Why? You do know I'm his girlfr-"

"Please give him this!" She pleaded, bowing and holding out the bag she was carrying. You were so confused, but you took the bag anyway, she looked as if she was about to cry.

'Man, I'm such a good person.'

"THANK YOU!" She screamed, and ran away.

How did she even find your house in the first place? You brought the bag inside your house and closed the door. You were curious about what the bag contained, so you decided to take a peek.

'I 💛 YOU' It read. You cringed so hard that you actually started twitching. You sighed again, rubbing your forehead with your finger.

'Damn these fangirls...'

You took out your phone and called Oikawa.

"HOW'S MY LOVELY ___-chan doi-"

"Get over here, one of your fangirls brought a cake for you." You demanded, getting so tired of the fangirls that you just wanted to bang your head on the wall.

"A cake?! Wahhhhh!! I'll be there in a bit!" With that, he hanged up. You put the cake in the refrigerator and sat in a chair, waiting patiently for him to come. The doorbell rang and you walked to the door, dragging your feet in the process.

Opening the door, Oikawa looked mad?

'Oh crap what did I do?' You got scared by his look. He began leaning closer to your face but you recoiled out of fear. Oikawa took on hand and pushed you against the wall.

"Why do you look so mad..." You asked, heart beating faster. It's not that you were embarrassed, it's because looks so freaking scary (and hot) right now.

"You know..." He said deeply, "where's the cake?!" He asked excitedly all of the sudden, even pulling off a huge smile. Was he just pretending to be scary?!

"Wait what? WERE YOU JUST PRETENDING TO BE MAD AT ME?!" You screamed, but relieved a bit. He took his arm off the wall and put up a peace sigh, sticking out his tongue.

"Oops! I thought it would be fun to tease you but it didn't work!" He sounded disappointed, but still happy (if that's possible).

You put your hand on your heart, glad that he wasn't actually mad. You told him to follow you to the kitchen to get the cake. You grabbed the cake from inside the refrigerator and placed it on the table.

"Awwww! You were the one who got this cake for me weren't you ___-chan!" He exclaimed, looking down the bag.

"What?" You were confused. "What are you staring at?"

He took a note and started reading out loud. He cleared his voice and started,

"Hello! I know this is sudden, but I noticed that you was looking a bit sad this past week. All the girls were over Oikawa-senpai and it seemed like you didn't like that at all. So, I decided to bake this cake for you to give it to him! Hopefully this will bring you two closer than ever. P.S. I was blushing really hard because I actually have a crush on you, ___-senpai! Bye bye!!!" He finished reading. He was literally reading the whole letter in a girly tone.

"Ooooooo my girlfriend is popular!" Oikawa yelled, putting the note down. You blushed a little when the girl said she has a crush on you.

"Damn I'm cool." You said in a cocky tone.

You got plates and a knife to serve the cake.

"I want the piece with the heart on it!" Oikawa requested. As you were about to cut the cake, Oikawa went behind you and snaked his hands around your waist.

"What is it?" You asked with a monotone, you were trying to cut the cake, YOU NEED TO FOCUS.

"Nothing, I just haven't seen you the whole day. I missed youuuuuuuu." He held out the 'you' for so long that you couldn't help but laugh. You finished cutting Oikawa's piece and handed it to him. He was still behind you, so he grabbed the plate of cake, used his fork to get a piece, and started doing the airplane good thing on you.

"Open wiiiiiiiide~"

You blinked at his actions and just gave in. You ate the piece of cake that was on the fork.

"Hey! This is pretty good!" You were surprised on how good this cake was. It was like heaven, in cake form. Oikawa set the plate down and turned you around.

"Do you not want cake?" You questioned, focusing on that other than the fact that he was really close to you. He licked his thumb and brought it upon the side of your mouth. He wiped some icing that was left and licked his thumb. You blushed and your heart began to race.

"Kiss me ___-chan." He ordered, leaning more close to you. Right when he was about to kiss your lips, you turned to side, making him kiss your cheek.

"Do you hear that I think it's the ghost!!" You yammered. Before you knew it, he grabbed your cheeks with his hand, making you pucker your lips.

"No really! There's a ghost here!" You muffled, trying to make an excuse. He chuckled and went straight for the kiss. He let go of your checks and put his hand in the back of your neck, unable to escape. You gave up and kissed back. He suddenly put his tongue in your mouth, making you gasp with the kiss. You pulled back first so you could breathe, but when you pulled back, he went forward for another kiss. This kiss was long, but my goodness he was a great kisser. He let you go, but pecked your lips swiftly one more time.

"This was all according to keikaku!" He screamed, with a thumbs up.

Wait what.


WOW THAT WAS INTENSE! Not really but I just had to put in the keikaku thing. I hope you enjoyed this one! I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE SHOTS BOOK BC IF YOU DO THEN THAT MAKES ME HAPPY!!!

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