Bokuto x Reader

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Having Bokuto as your boyfriend is one of the best things that has ever happened to you. He's always there when you need him and he treats you with just pure love. You really love him a lot.

"Hey hey ____-chan." He said to you, while you were on your phone on tumblr. You ignored him because you were reading a text post, and heard him call your name out again.

"Yes?" You answered, looking up to see him.

Bokuto was really close to your face and gave you a sweet and gentle smile.

"You look really pretty today!" He exclaimed, with a slight blush on his face.

Taking in what he said, you blushed as red as a tomato and went back to looking at your phone. "T-thanks..." You mumbled, trying to hide your blushing face.

"Y-you look nice today too..." You mumbled again, blushing even more a volcano. Bokuto gasped after you finished your sentence and grinned.

"Hey hey hey," Bokuto started, trying to get your attention again.

After calming down from what he said to you and what you responded to him with, you looked up from your phone again and gave him your full attention.


"I love you!" He exclaimed, leaving you a little speechless.

You put your phone down and covered your face.

"What's with you today?! My heart can't handle all of this!!" You muffled, hiding your embarrassed face.

Something does seem 'weird' about him today. But today was like any other day?


You went to school and saw Bokuto at the entrance like always. You ask him where's his gay bestie, Akaashi, was for the millionth time. Then you two headed to class together and went on with the day. If everything seemed normal today, then what exactly was wrong?

"Nothing at all my beautiful beauty! I just felt that I don't say these things to you as much as I should. I mean...we've been dating for almost a year and I just..." Bokuto began looking down, trying not to show his face, "I just really love you." He said again, making your heart skip a beat for the hundredth time.

I'm surprised you aren't dead because of this kid.

You uncovered your face, despite how much you were still embarrassed.

But something still seems wrong...

You furrowed your eyebrows and lifted his chin up, since he was still looking down.

"Hey, did something happen???" You asked, worried out of your damn mind. "Trust me I love and appreciate all the things you said, but I feel like something's there?"

You know that it may be the wrong move to persist Bokuto into telling you what's up, but it may also be the right move because it's best to not keep your problems bottled up inside.

He grabbed your hand, kissed it, and put it against his face.

"I've been wanting to tell you since last week...and I got the call again for a confirmation or not today during our lunch break." As he was speaking, his voice began to get quieter and softer, and you noticed that he was having trouble talking.

He's trying not to cry.

You began preparing yourself for all the possibilities. Not exactly knowing what he's talking about, you're ready to support him. No matter what.

"You could tell me Bokuto-kun." You spoke in a reassuring tone. His grip on your hand became slightly tighter, as if he's trying so hard not to let go.

"I've been scouted."

Your eyes widened, from surprise and excitement. Immediately hugging him, you congratulated him.

"DUDE THAT'S SO GREAT! I KNEW YOU WERE AMAZING!!" You kept babbling on and on.

Because you knew that it's going to affect your relationship with him.

"____-chan..." Bokuto whispered, hugging you just as tight as you were hugging him.

Please don't say it.

"I would have to go to America." He continued in a whisper. His voice cracked and at this point, he was definitely crying.

And it felt that your whole world stopped.

You had a feeling that this day would eventually come, but you didn't think it would be this soon. Bokuto's talented, a setter like him is so unique and you're so happy that you got to support him in everything he did.

Including this.

Feeling the tears well up in your eyes, you tried to sound as happy as possible.

"Bokuto-kun, you should do it."

He let go of your embrace and looked at you, with his red eyes and a runny nose.

"W-what?" He asked.

"You should do it dude. An opportunity like this could only come once in a lifetime. Don't worry about me!" You explained, trying not cry.

"But, won't you miss me? Because I'm sure as hell that I will miss you." Bokuto whimpered, tears falling down from his eyes.

At this point, you began crying with him.

"Of course I'm going to miss you. You've made me so happy throughout this entire adventure. But I know for a fact that this would just continue this adventure...your adventure. I want you to be happy, doing what you love. And I'll be right here to support you, no matter what." Your voice cracked many times, and a couple of words were inaudible because you were crying so hard.

Bokuto let out a huge sigh, and hugged you once again. He pecked your neck and wipes your tears from you face.

You kissed his cheek and wiped his tears from his face as well.

"I promise you, I'll make you proud." He said in a determined tone.

You smiled and sniffled, "You already did man."



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