Untold pt 3

56 7 9

Tw: self-harm, gore, body horror

This is the worst part if you're squeamish

'Scar, is everything ok?'

I jump at Grian's voice behind me, almost dropping my shulker box of supplies I'm carrying. 

'Well hello Grian!' I beam. He know I'm faking instantly.

'Seriously, Scar. I know something's up, you don't have to hide it. Decked Out's been closed for a week, Impulse is convinced Tango's lying about broken redstone, no one's seen Cub that whole time and you've been avoiding everyone.

'It's all under control.' I reply, because he wouldn't believe 'there's nothing wrong'. He still crosses his arms.


'Yes.' I'm not lying: Cub has been steadily healing, Xisuma waking him from AFK a couple days ago. He's gained consciousness, but was incredibly tired. We let him sleep and keep recovering, though he promised to explain, when he's awake enough, what he should've told us before.

'Can you... Elaborate?'

'There's a situation with Cub, but me and Xisuma are handling it. You can tell Bdubs to stop spreading rumours of permadeath. He's alive, and recovering, and he'll be back on his feet in no time.'

'Are you sure?' I nod. Grian sighs.

'I believe you. But if you need any support, I'm here.' 

'I know.'


My heart stops for a moment as I read the message, grabbing fireworks.

'I need to go.'


'Yeah, yeah. I'll message if I need you.'

My heart races faster and faster as I rocket towards Decked Out. Towards Cub and whatever's happened to him... I barely survive my landing. Etho's there, sprinting over.

'I... I was just checking if Decked Out was still closed and... and I heard Cub talking to himself, then he screamed and...'

'CUB!' I run past, fazing through the wall.

I freeze.

Cub crouches on a bed now staining red, tearing repeatedly at his wrist. In seconds I'm at his side, pulling his wrists apart, stopping him hurting himself any more. He doesn't calm down.

'I'm here. I'm right here. I can stop the...' Another scream, collapsing in my lap. I grab bandages from the side, quickly wrapping up his bleeding wrist, holding his hand as I try to comfort him.  'I'm right here, Cub. What's going on?'

'It won't let me tell you.' He sobs back. 'I- I can't tell you. I can't get rid of it, I can't get rid of it...'

'It's ok, Cub. I'm here, it's ok.' I stroke his hair with one hand as he continues crying. 'I can message Xisuma, get him to come over... You're shivering. Here.' I wrap a blood-stained blanket over his shoulders, properly hugging him.  His sobs fade somewhat to choked breaths, little whimpers that break my heart even more. I feel his fingers moving on my back.



P... U... P... P... E... T


'Help me...' Cub whispers, hoarse, in my ear. I hug him even tighter. 'Whatever it takes. Please. Please get rid of it.'

'I promise. I promise I'll do everything I can.' I try not to start crying as well as the horrifying truth sinks in. What the sculk's done. Controlling his actions, but not his mind. I hug Cub as tight as I can, wanting to comfort him forever.

A pained whimper, something that might be 'no...'


'It- Hurt- Go- X-' The Sculk knows. The sculk knows that I know. Cub grips me even tighter, claws almost digging into my back. Or the Sculk does. Cub told me to go. 'NOW.'

'I- I will... Etho! Etho are you still here?' I call,

'Scar? I'm coming!'

He breaks down the door. I sense him stop suddenly, taking in the scene around me, the blood, Cub clinging tight to me, claws digging deeper and deeper into my back.

'Oh my goodness...'

'SCAR GO!' He regains control, shoving me away. I look right into his eyes as I hit the ground, see the utter terror burning into my soul and memory forever... Then a tug of Etho helping me up. I don't have time to thank him, running out the room, taking to the air. It's only when it's too late that my scrambled brain reminds me I could've messaged... I dive, landing in Grian's base, next to where my friend (thankfully) is.

'Help please, Cub's got- Cub's not ok. I got Etho to look after him I- I should've just messaged X please come please help please.'

'Woah, woah, woah. Breathe, calm down... Oh notch, you're covered in blood... Where is this?'

'Decked Out, come now, please.' I drag him forwards, forcing him to fly after me, back to the dungeon. I'm basically sprinting before I land. Grian calls my name, warning me against-


A crack as I fall backwards, pressure, pain, trapped by some snarling, feral creature.


But not Cub.


Ice fills me as I struggle to free myself from what used to be my best friend, but is now clearly, undeniably under the Sculk's control again. His clawed hands wrap around my neck, a twisted smile across Cub's face. Black eyes, void of humanity. Bile floods my throat as I see the sculk around his neck is shining with blood. 

'You could've saved him, Scar.' The Sculk snarls with Cub's voice. 'Instead of listening to my request.' I can't reply, struggling to stop myself vomiting, screaming, or both. You might've saved Etho then... Now he's dead. And the vexling 'friend' you call Cubfan135 is gone.'


Fire. The Sculk lets go as burning purple fire hits Cub, scrambling free... I gasp for breath, trying not to vomit... Grian crouches next to me. I can't thank him, unable to speak as I take in what the sculk's done to my best friend... Blood drips from a gash right down his arm, only stemmed by tendrils of sculk not just over but in it too. An inhuman snarl mars his face even more than the burns do.

'I messaged Xisuma.' Grian mutters. 'He's coming.'

'Etho's dead.' I somehow force the words out my mouth without crying, screaming, throwing up or worse. 'The Sculk killed him. I let the sculk kill him.'

'This isn't your fault, Scar.' I can't look away from Cub, recovering from the attack.

'Help me. Whatever it takes, get rid of it.' I hear Cub say in my mind again, and again.

The Sculk turns to walk away.

I attack.

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