History doesn't repeat itself (but it sure does rhyme) pt 1

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Pov: Cub

(in Season 9)

There's already a large number of hermits gathered when I arrive at Impulse's party. And, as King Ren's closest ally Bdubs is one of them, I decide it's legal. I won't get punished if I don't know anyway. So I start chatting with Jevin about base plans until everyone's here - including Xisuma, incredibly confused by the number of hermits dressed like him.

'Is everyone here?' Impulse calls when no one else arrives. 'Let's head down to the vault then, and make this the best party in Hermitcraft!'

'Woo!' Jevin cheers. I let off a few fireworks before following the 11 other excited Xisumas into the party. The games are a lot of fun, with a lot of time for drinks, jokes, costume comparisons and discussions of how the party even came to be.

'I'm pretty sure my content generator came up with the idea,' figures Grian with a laugh. 'Impulse did say something about visiting my base. And I might've left something specific for him to find about... well, you'll see.'

'Yep, Grian's right,' Impulse says. 'I've been trying to obey those orders... oh, there's treats for everyone in the corner. A few gifts for coming over.' There's a chaotic smirk on his face. I raise an eyebrow.

'Really?' He leads us towards the corner. I hide my growing suspicions about what Ren would think of the party — Bdubs doesn't appear too worried, and I wouldn't want to cause problems. And Ren's never been too harsh about having a bit of fun, if his quests are anything to go by. But then Impulse continues.

'Gifts everyone!' Impulse calls. 'Free diamonds!'

'Diamonds?!' Bdubs is first to attention, running over. I open the chest, seeing it full of diamond blocks. Grian grabs a few instantly, as do Jevin and Keralis. 'Are these... wait, are these Ren's diamonds?!'

'Who's to say?' Impulse continues nonchalant, still grinning. 'He wasn't doing anything with them...'

'But... he's our king! We can't- we shouldn't just... Impulse, that's stealing!'

'Ren took them from us first. Only fair we get them back,' Grian replies, his pockets stuffed with diamonds. He is right, a lot of these diamonds were ours to start with. Ren didn't ask before taking them from us. I grab a couple, just as a new voice interrupts the party.

'What is happening, dudes?!'


In seconds the party turns to panic. The hermits scatter, flying away, terrified of Ren's wrath. And, stolen diamonds in my pockets and my position in Ren's court probably at stake, I join them. Grian blows his 'SURPRISE!' goat horn, furthering the chaos. Impulse is screaming about it not being his idea. Xisuma yells he'll be punished even worse because we were dressed as him. Ren stands, furious, next to the terrified Bdubs. Memories of Season 7, of Scar, flood back, telling me only one thing.

This won't end well.

season 7

Grian's starting a resistance.

That much is clear from the rumours and the chests of mycelium in the Barge. Of course, he's denied everything. But that doesn't mean Scar's any less worried. I sit next to him in the initial HEP meeting, listening to him declare war on Grian. I see his fingers are clawed and vex blue, but ignore my wariness about it. It's just a normal sign of stress in Vexlings. I'd know if the Vex were trying anything.

'Cub, you're in charge of propaganda,' Scar says. I nod, accepting the role. Ideas for posters and billboards come to mind instantly. Somewhere deep in my mind some less harmless thoughts rise. I push the Vex's whispers away. We agreed to ignore them after Season 6. Demise. But, as I focus in Scar, he's now not the only voice I can hear. There's a faint whisper from above. Scar glances at me long enough for me to silently signal it. He falls quiet. Impulse and Grian's mumbles become clearer, something about looking closer. The next thing I know, Grian's splatted onto the balcony, clearly having fallen. Scar's on his feet. I follow, a hand on his shoulder.

'Hey... fellas...' Grian tries to smile, backing away. 'Just looking for uhh... for Decked Out tokens.' His pitch rises. 'But there... aren't any... Bye!'

He flies away, Impulse following. Bdubs starts screaming for someone to follow. False does. Scar's lost for words, just staring at where Grian was.

'Scar?' I step closer. 'It'll be alright, Scar.'

'This meeting is dismissed.' He ignores me. 'Go... go stop the resistance. However you can.'

Tango and Keralis obey. Xisuma and Bdubs follow after another moment.

'Scar, seriously... don't stress about this, man.'

'They're spying on us, Cub.' he mutters back, 'You- you know... they're... Cub, spy on them back. See what they're doing.' He turns to me, eyes now blue with vexling panic. 'I don't care how, but we need to stop them.'

'This'll all be ok, Scar. I'm sure,' I reply, staying as calm as I can. 'Like the Civil War last season wasn't that serious. We shouldn't make it worse than it is. We need to think rationally, ok?' No response. 'Scar, ok?'


season 9

I don't tell Ren about going to the party.

It doesn't matter how much I care about or support Ren as king. I can't tell him I was part of an illegal part. I just can't. And surely what he doesn't know won't hurt. So I keep my mouth shut, hoping Bdubs will do the same. I don't even tell the other court members, even as we wait outside Ren's bedroom for our duties. Joe's talking about billboards. Scar just stands, fidgeting with the book Ren gave him and occasionally laughing at something one of us says.


I turn to see Cleo leaving the room, wishing me good luck. Scar calls his own. I thank them, entering and sitting opposite Ren.

'Greetings Sir Cubalot.' He smiles. 'I hope you are doing well?' 'Yeah. You?' 'I am doing fine, Sir Cubalot. But I will have far less sleepless nights, tossing and turning once the foul resistance has been thusly punished.'


'Sir Hotguy's doing most of the work on the partygoers of that foul, foul party in the king's most private of areas, but I believe the resistance, that foul group, thusly require further persuasion.' I nod again. 'You, Sir Cubalot, are our noble court magician, are you not?'

'I am indeed.'

'Then I doth decree that you shalt make Gem's prismarine shop disappear, my dude. However you see fit. I trust your judgement, Cubalot. And trust that thou wouldst never let me- HEY!'

I jump as Ren shouts, shooting to his feet. I look over, seeing through the windows a flash of red, another flash of green, a few dark purple feathers that must be from Pearl's wings, a terrified whisper that could only be Impulse. Resistance. Spying.

'SIR HOTGUY! IT'S THE FOUL RESISTANCE! KILL THEM! I SAID KILL THEM!' Ren barks. I fumble for a bow, but before I can be of use, a familiar black-clad superhero charges into view, firing already. The resistance flees. I follow after, into the air, watching as they separate. Gem and Pearl in one direction, Grian in another, but Scar stays trained on Impulse, chasing him down, one arrow sending him falling. Behind, Ren says something about me following Grian. I have to obey, one eye still on my best friend, ruthlessly hunting down and killing another servermate.

It's only after I can't look anymore that I hear Impulse scream.

First cross-published oneshot!

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