I Look After Him 2

81 6 18

PoV: Cub

'The King and Dog', like every pub I've been in, stinks, but the mafia men I'm playing poker with stink more.

'So. What did you want?' Skizz, the leader with the sleeveless jacket and bright blue eyes slides another $10 bet across the table. 

'Not much, not much,' I fiddle with the corner of my 4 of spades. 'Just a... little request. Paying off a favour, you might say. You've been after Hotguy, haven't you?'

The others all exchange a glance. Skizz's poker face stays in place. 

'What's that to you? He screwed with Big Salmon, Big Salmon screws with him. It's none of ya business.'

'As I said, paying off a favour to him. He... got me out of a bit of trouble a few weeks ago, so I'm helping him back.' Lie, but I pair it with another lie, raising Skizz $5 for my pitiful hand. 

'And why do you think I'd listen?' Skizz meets my raise and shows a pair of queens, sweeping the money into his growing collection. I don't care. It's all fake anyway, and the more reckless and gullible he thinks I am, the more he'll underestimate me.

'Because you came.' 

No reply. Skizz stares at his hand.

'I mean... tell me if I'm wrong, but surely you wouldn't respond if you didn't think it would benefit you.' I bet $5. Skizz gives a short laugh.

'You're a smart guy...' He signals for me to give my name. I don't give it.

'Come on, I'm not that dumb, Skizzleman.'

Skizz stops. His poker face flickers. I hear a gun click. 

'Who told you my name?'

I smile.

'Here's the deal, Skizz. I owe Hotguy. And I wouldn't appreciate you killing him or handing him over to the police. And I know you wouldn't appreciate me hurting a certain buddy of yours.' I place a picture on the bar table. Skizz stands, his expression turning to fury. I keep calm. 'What was his name again? Dippledop, wasn't it?'

I see the punch coming for a splitsecond before the world goes dark.

I wake sat down with my hands and legs tied up a gun against my head. Dried blood already covers my face. Ahead, Skizz paces. I note the bloodstains on the ground, and then the phone in Skizz's hand.

'I asked you before, I'll ask again, what's your name?'

'Why do you want to know?' The gun's shoved closer to my head. Skizz wtops.

'I know your game, homey. You ain't just got a deal with Hotguy. You're working for him.'

'And what makes you think that?'

'I've conducted enough interrogations in this room to recognise when someone cares for someone else. Beyond the point of any deal.'


'Now, give your name or my buddy shoots.'

'You won't shoot me,' I scoff. 

'Why not?'

'Because you need me alive.' Skizz pauses.

'Fine. I'm sure your buddy Hotguy will recognise your voice anyway... Hey there, Hotguy.'

I don't speak as Skizz starts phoning Scar. The moment he knows it's me... he'll get mad. And then he'll get reckless. He'll get hurt again. He's still recovering from before...

'What?' Scar replies. 'What do you want?'

'You're the one who'll want something, Hotguy... I met a guy earlier this evening. Won a few games of poker against him, before he said something that made me think you knew him. Say hello to your friend, homey buddy.' The phone's shoved in my face. I glare at Skizz. 'Come on, don't be shy. You were confident earlier... don't you want your friend to know who you are...?'

Again, I don't reply. Scar coughs.

'Hello? Mysterious stranger'

I don't speak.

'Then maybe you'll recognise his scream.'

A knife slashes across my shoulder. I can't bite back my yelp fast enough.

For a few seconds, Scar falls into murderous silence.

'Let him go.' 

'Oh, you do know him then. Say hello properly... he knows it's you, buddy.'

'Look... I...' The gun click.  All I hear is my heartbeat in my ears. All I feel is utter terror. 

'So, Hotguy. You tell us everything we want, or we hurt your friend. Take too long, and we'll put him out of his misery. Do you understand?'

'F*** you.' 

'Question 1. Who are you?' Skizz starts calmly pacing again. My heart only beats faster as a tray of sharp items is calmly carried out and placed on the table next to me. I try to free myself, drowning in panic. I should've stayed home. I shouldn't have threatened Big Salmon. 'Come on, Hotguy. Do you really want us to hurt your friend?' One of the guards takes a scalpel from the table.

I can't speak. He knows I'm terrified. I want freedom. I want safety. I want Scar here, hugging me and telling me I'm safe...

'I'm afraid it'll take too long to switch to video and give you the full experience, Hotguy. But I'm sure his screams will be good enough.' 

I can't move away as the guard holds the scalpel point against my neck. I can't do anything, another's got their hands on my shoulders, holding me back. My fingers fumble with the rope tight around my wrists. I'm not breathing. 

'Come on, Hotguy. Just tell us. Or your friend's gonna pay for it.' Skizz gives a brief nod. All I think is don't-scream-don't-scream-don't-scream as they slowly cut from my neck towards my shoulder. Blood covers my shirt in seconds. Tears of pain blur my vision, I taste metal as I bite my tongue too hard, but a quiet whimper of agony still escapes me before-

An arrow.

The guy hurting me collapses.

Another past my ear and the gun disappears from my neck.

'WHERE ARE YOU?' Skizz yells. The remaining guards draw weapons. 'YOU- KILL HIM! KILL THE PRISONER!' A single firework drops from the ceiling, hissing and sparking.


Bright blue and orange lights the room. Skizz stumbles back, the guards point guns blindly. I try to free my hands, again in the chaos continues, but the final guy's keeping me back, one hand over my mouth, the other holding the gun to my neck.


A crack and the last guy is gone. The rope around my hands give way and a knife forced into them.

'Quick!' Scar hisses in my ear, behind me. I cut my legs free, turning to see him hanging upside down from a newly-made hole in the ceiling. 'Hold on to me- OW!'

Blood spray. I cling to Scar and he pulls us up, through the hole, and out into the sunlight to safety.

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