Perpetual motion pt 3

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Pov: Cub

I can't move my hands.

I'm lying down. I've just woken up. And I can't move my hands.

'Hello?' I call, trying to move far enough to see why I can't move my hands, which are above my head. I'm in my base. I'm lying down on a bed, underground, in my base and I can't move my hands. 'Is anyone there? My hands are... stuck?'

'It was just a precaution.'

Scar appears in the entrance, but doesn't step closer. He doesn't even look at me. There's a bandage over his arm. Something happened. I did something.

I stabbed him.

'Scar I'm- I'm so...' The truth sinks in with a tidal wave of memories. 'Oh s***....' The moon's big. Science didn't work. Nothing worked. I tried to get me and Scar safe. 'Safe' in death, or whatever lies beyond our sight and knowledge, and reality, and our worlds... and I hurt Scar. I think I tried to kill him. 

'It's alright.' Lie. I hear fear still in his voice, deep, deep down. He's trying to hide it. 'As long as you're feeling better now...?'

I don't have an answer.

'The moon's big.'


'My- my science was wrong.'


'There's no way to... to just science it into returning to normal.' My voice breaks a little more with every statement.

'I'm sorry.' Scar steps closer. 'I should've stayed here instead of going to the stupid Boatem meeting.'

'Nah... you couldn't have hidden it forever... The moon...' I remember the moon again, the sudden change in what I always knew, what never changed before, the one thing I could rely on and understand, now incomprehensible, dangerous, with no way of stopping it.


'Can you... let me go?' I ask, trying to move my hands. 'It's uncomfortable.'

'Xisuma and Grian won't let me.'

'Do you really need to tell them? Just for a bit. I... I need fresh air.'

Scar hesitates. I see the struggle in his eyes. Help me and he potentially hurts the server if I lose control again.

'If they find out, you can blame me. Say I convinced you or something.'

'I'll untie you from the bed. But I'm keeping hold of you until you're happy to come back inside, ok?'


He frees me, holding my hands as he leads me out of the room. It's day outside, the sun bright and warm. I take deep breaths as I pretend everything's ok. The moon can't be big. Not while everything else is ok. Maybe it wasn't as big as I remember and I freaked out over nothing. Sure, it might be getting bigger, but not by much. Surely it's all...

One of the blocks starts flying.

I watch it rise, before dropping back down again. Just a couple blocks. Not far. But far enough.

'T-the world's falling apart.' I mumble. 'The... the moon's...' I grip to the stone before I collapse, struggling to breathe.

'Cub? Cub, Cub, breathe. Just breathe. It'll be fine. Everything will be fine, Cub.' Scar insists, hands on my shoulders. 'Listen to me. Just focus on your breathing. Don't think about the moon. Don't think about it. Just in, and hold and...' I try to see if anything else is flying, or if it was just that one block. 'Cub, listen to me. Just look at me, Cub. Focus on me. I'm right here. Just breathe in, hold, out.' I can't breathe. The world blurs, spotting with black.

 I collapse. Scar catches me and I lie in the dust as he holds me, barely even breathing. 'Cub?' His calm, gentle reminders turn to terror, hugging me. 'Cub are you alr...? What am I saying... of course you're not...' The world's going to end. I want to get out. I want to get out. I want to be free and I can't think of anything else except ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE PLEASE ESCAPE. I can't breathe. I feel like all the oxygen is the world is gone. Or there's something in my throat stopping me. I feel like I'm dying. 'Cub, it's ok. I'm right here.' I numbly realise Scar's still hugging me, still trying to speak to me. 'Cub? Just in... a-and out... just in and out. Copy me. Copy my breathing.' He hugs me close, holding one hand to his chest. It's enough for me to feel his own breaths. 'Copy me, ok Cub? It'll all be ok... in, and hold and... that's it Cub!' I manage a single shaking breath before immediately starting sobbing. Scar keeps hugging me. 'It's ok. I know you're scared but it'll all be ok. I'm right here. I'll always be right here...'

'Scar...' I barely reply, seeing a familiar figure with large wings and a red sweater over his shoulder. 'Grian's here...'

'Shh... shh, you don't have to worry about anything... hey Grian.'

'Scar, you had ONE JOB!'

'He needed some fresh air. I had it all under control,'

'I know you care for him, Scar but...'

'I had it under control. There was a little panic, but no violence. He wasn't sleep deprived like last time.'


'Fine! Fine! Come on, Cub, let's get back inside.'

Scar helps me stand, walking me away from Grian and back into the dark to where I was tied up.

'When Cub's back where he needs to be, I want a word with you,' Grian calls.

'Yeah, yeah, of course,' Scar replies absently. 

'I'm sorry. It's all...'

'Cub, it's ok. I don't blame you for anything.' Scar looks into my eyes. I blink back, surprised by the ferocity of the protectiveness there. 'You were worried about the moon and... Needed my help getting through that.' It's the most simplistic, most Scar explanation of the situation ever. 'It wasn't your fault, Cub. Repeat that for me. It wasn't your fault.'

'It wasn't my fault,' I reply. Scar smiles, and we enter my room again. I hold out my wrists, letting Scar tie them back up again, far looser than I imagine Xisuma and Grian would want, then attach that to the side of the bed. Accepting that it's enough, he stands to leave, but pauses. 

'You... will call if you're in trouble, right?' he asks. I nod. 'If... If the moon's worrying you. Or anything else.'

'I promise.' I look him in the eyes. He accepts I'm not lying, giving a smile.

'I love you, Cub.'

'I love you too, Scar.'

And he leaves the room.

I had nothing for this. 

That's why it took so long to finish :')

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