Therapy Pt 2

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Stuff's changed a lot at spawn.

I've kept to myself since I killed Ren, leaving only a couple vague comments about handling some personal stuff before hiding to deal with the Sculk and Vex. And, to my surprise, a few potions, several nights of forced sleep and a lot of calming music later, they appear to be gone.

I return to Hermit society to see a lot more shop and base progress and a dirt pillar to build height outside the Permit station. And, as I circle the latter, I hear a familiar voice.

'Cub!' Scar calls, waving. I wave back, landing next to him

'Hey man. Did you build this?' I ask, noticing a sign on the pillar advertising FREE THERAPY! 'You got a therapy permit?'

'A therapy permit?!' Scar starts laughing.

'Yeah! For selling Hermit Therapy!'

'It's free! And I never said it was mine... Anyway, are you feeling better after...'

'Yeah.' I reply truthfully. Scar blinks, taken off guard.

'Wait, really?' I nod. He beams at me. 'That's great! I'm so glad you've...'

Kill Scar.


No! Not Scar! Don't kill Scar! Vex don't kill Vex! Don't kill Scar!


The vex fall silent as they're mentioned. I nod at whatever Scar said. I can't breathe properly. They're back. I thought they were gone. I thought I stopped them.

'Cub?' Scar steps closer, a hand on my arm. 'Cub, what's wrong?'

Tell him and you're dead. Tell him and I'll make sure he doesn't live long enough to tell anyone else.

'Nothing.' I lie. It comes out too fast, too high pitched. 'Nothing's wrong. Why would you think there's anything... hey, are you going to check this therapy thing out or have you looked around already?' I want to cry. I want to scream. But Scar can't know. He can't know. I can't put him in danger...

'Cub, breathe. Just breathe. Just sit down, take some deep breaths, and you can tell me...'

'No!' I shove Scar. Or... the Sculk and the Vex do. He hits the ground. I back away, struggling not to cry as he slowly sits up.

'S***... Cub...' He doesn't understand, right? 'Do you need... time alone?' I don't speak. I can't. The Vex are quietly seething in the back of my mind for hurting Scar. 'What do you need? Do you want to go somewhere to calm down?' He approaches again. I shuffle back. I don't want to hurt him. I can't hurt him.

'Sorry.' Is all I can say.  Scar stops. 'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...'

'No... No, Cub it's ok.' It's not. 'Just... Take all the time you need.' He's lying. He's upset, and hurt, and terrified and desperate for me to stop hiding stuff.

'I'm sorry... I- I've got to go...' There's a trapdoor down to therapy. Before Scar can stop me I open it and climb quickly down. He doesn't follow. I'm alone.



Another hermit.

'Oh, hey!' I swear silently, turning and putting on a smile. 'Are you... The therapist?' I look around the waiting room. 

'Just exploring. It's all through that door. Do you...' he takes in my rough appearance. 'need therapy?'



'Nah, just checking this place out.'

Tell him he's ugly. Do it. Say he's stinky. He's ugly. He smells.

Kill him.

No! Make him sad. Make him cry. Crying hermit fun. Do it. Make him do it. Do it. Swear at him. Do it.

Kill him. Don't listen to the boring vex.

Boring? We're not boring! Not boring. Don't say that. Not boring. YOU'RE boring.

Hypno's speaking, but I can't hear over the sounds of the Sculk and Vex shouting louder and louder in my head.

Cub, tell them I'm better!

No no us it's US. WE'VE been here longer. We care about you. We care for Cub. We always care. We're better.

'...on my base.'


Hypno pauses at the ladder, frowning.

'Cub? Are you...'

'I'm fine.' I lie. Hypno frowns.

'You're not.'

'Of course I'm fine! Just- just go back to your base. I'm fine. Why wouldn't you think I'm fine?' Hypno doesn't move.

'Cub, you're...'

Swear at him. Shout. Call him stinky. 

Doesn't he understand you need privacy? Doesn't he know you have feelings too? You don't need him here asking if you're alright all the time. Of course you're alright. You have me. Stupid hermits thinking you're...

'Just F*** OFF!'

The Sculk falls silent.

And so does Hypno.

'Right.' He doesn't look at me. He looks about to cry. 'Yeah. I'm sorry.'

And he leaves. 

I sink to the ground and start sobbing. What have I done? I hurt Scar. I swore at Hypno... I glance back at the door to therapy.


Don't you dare.

Coward therapy. Can't cope. Sad is normal. Be normal. Don't need therapy. Normal is no therapy. You're fine.

Only mad people go to therapy. You're not going to admit to the other Hermits that you're going mad, are you? Hearing weird voices in your head? Would they even believe you?

'Shut up.'

Attention seeker. Can't cope alone. Too dependant. Need us. WE help. We make you happy. They're mean. They'll shout at you. They don't understand you. We understand...

'Just- shut up... Shut up! You're ruining everything!'

A horrible silence.

No. There's a new tone to the sculk. Colder. Dangerous. I struggle to breathe as I remember it tight around my neck in the forest, taking over, and I know for a fact it can do the same whenever it wants now. You can't get rid of me.

I need help, I realise numbly, looking again at the therapy room. They could help me.

But how much damage would I do to them?

You know what I'd do if you dare to go in that room.

Blow it up. Burn it. Kill the therapist. Hurt them. Trap them in there. Make them scream.

How would the other Hermits feel if they saw you standing in the middle of a sculk-covered, blown up room with the dead, mutilated body of one of your precious servermates?

'Y-you wouldn't...'

Kill them. Hurt them. Make them scream. Cut them up. Tear them apart. Destroy them. Blood everywhere. Kill them.

I want to throw up. I have to get away from here. I want Scar, but they'll kill him. Surely the Vex won't hurt Scar... No. It's too dangerous. Though the vex crystal's still glowing bright. He's nearby. 

Leave this place and never come back. Do what I want from now on. No refusals or crying and anyone who finds out or comes looking for you is dead. ESPECIALLY Scar. Do you understand?

I nod.

Now, go back to your base. Destroy your potions and anything you were using to try and get rid of me. Now.

I have to do what it says. I leave the therapy room, climbing slowly up the ladder, and fly back to my base.


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