Hermit Warrior Cats

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We return to my Wattpad origins and write Warrior Cats fanfiction... but this time it's Hermitcraft

Y'all have to guess which cat is which hermit, but I will confirm in the comments

Tw: cat injury

'Everyone!' yowls Skystar, leader of Hermit Clan. 'Gather at the High Rock for a clan meeting!'

I wait excitedly at the entrance of the nursery as the cats gather. My brother Tanglekit waits next to me, talking constantly.

'Who do you think my mentor will be?' he asks for the fifth time. 'I want to hunt... and learn to fight, and learn to be a medicine cat because it all looks so FUN!'

'...Featherkit, Tanglekit, come over.'

I bound forwards, but slow as I reach Skystar, glancing out at the warriors below... which will be my mentor? The infamous Swiftsnow? The deputy Creeperface? 

'From this day forth,' Skystar looks down at me.  'until he has gained his warrior name, this apprentice will be known as Featherpaw. Sparkheart, you will be be his mentor.'

I glance at the warriors below, confused as none approach. But then I catch a black and white cat nudge their friend, who glances up, realises it's them and runs over. I fight a laugh at their forgetfulness, but also my wariness. Surely they're barely older than an apprentice, though their scars are that of a warrior.

'Sparkheart, I hope you pass down everything Cubflight taught you to your apprentice.' Sparkheart bows his head with a small 'I will'. Skystar turns to my brother Tanglekit, shaking with anticipation. 'And from this day forth, until he has gained his warrior name, this apprentice will be known as Tanglepaw. Flamestep will be your mentor.'

Flamestep, a ginger tom, pads over instantly, touching noses with Tanglepaw. I glance up at Sparkheart, just as he remembers we need to do the same, awkwardly touching noses. Skystar finishes the ceremony, letting us go. I spring after Sparkheart as he leaves the Highrock.

'When are we going to start? What will you teach me? Are the other clans really really scary and dangerous or are we the best?'

'One question at a time!' Sparkheart meows back. We reach his friend again, who immediately congratulates him. 

'Well done! You'll be a great mentor, Sparkheart!'

'Thanks, Cubflight... I don't know if I'll be as good as you were...' Cubflight gives a small laugh.

'I believe in you... hey there, Featherpaw!'

'Hi!' I reply. 'You were Sparkheart's mentor?'

'Taught him all he knows... it's my talents he'll be giving you.'

'Oh really now?' Sparkheart challenges jokingly. 'What about my wonderful skills at fighting off those badgers.'

'...after you went too close to their den. Anyway, you're in safe paws. He's a bit of a kit-brain but Sparkheart's the bravest and kindest cat I know.'

'Really? And- and you said he fought off BADGERS? Aren't they really really big and scary?'

'Even I was a little bit scared. But as I said, Sparkheart's the bravest cat I know. Or the most reckless.'

A yowl. I glance behind, just as Tanglepaw bowls me over. 

'Look what Flamestep taught me already!' he meows excitedly. I bat at him with my sheathed until he lets me go.

'Wow! Sparkheart was telling me about how he fought off a whole clan of badgers! On his own!' Even his mentor was too scared to help!' 

'That's not what I told you... but I did fight with the passion of a thousand clans!' 

'Nice work, Tanglepaw!' Flamestep joins us. 'In an actual fight, you wouldn't alert the other warriors before you surprise attackificate, but you still managed to pin your brother... anyway, Sparkheart, I thought we could tour the server with our new apprentices tomorrow?'

'Really? Woah... that sounds so fun!' I run over to Sparkheart. 'Can we do that? Can we do that?'

'Only if you're up quick enough... I'll see you at dawn!'


'There's a lot of territory to see...' Cubflight replies. 'Anyway, it's getting dark. You two should head off and rest. It'll be a busy day tomorrow.'

I yawn as I wake in the apprentice den. Cherrypaw and Finpaw are still asleep behind me, but Tanglepaw is waiting across the camp for someone. I try to stay quiet and downwind, as Sparkheart's taught me the past moon, padding closer before...

I pounce, pinning him. A yowl back as he bats me away.

'Shhhh!' I hiss, hitting back. 'You'll wake the whole clan with that kind of noise, mousebrain!'

'You surprise-attacked me!'

'What's going on? Is the camp under attack?' Bushface, woken by the noise, scrambles up. Behind, Nightstrike and Raventail also wake. I claw at Tanglepaw again.

'Mousebrain... sorry, we were just playing.'

'Right that's it!' comes a crankier growl and the small brown tom Mossfang bounds from the den. 'That's the last time any apprentices disturb my sleep!'

'Sorry, Mossfang... aren't you on dawn patrol with me, Swiftsnow and Sparkheart though?' 

Mossfang sighs, returning to his den and pawing at the sleeping Sparkheart.

'Hey! HEY! We're on patrol, kit-brain!'

'W-what? Oh yes!' My mentor springs us, joining us. The reknown Swiftsnow (fastest apprentice to become a warrior ever, according to Wildtail) follows. 

'See you later, Tanglepaw!' I call to my brother, joining the 3 warriors as we leave the camp.

It doesn't take long to reach the border, walking along, marking it as we go, until we reach the thunderpath at the edge of our territory. A monster races past. I step further away, knowing how dangerous it is. 

'Shh!' Swiftsnow crouches low to the ground. Mossfang follow suit. Sparkheart snorts.

'That's nothing like what he's doing...'

'SHUT UP! He was my mentor, not yours!'

'Shh!' Swiftsnow repeats. 'I smell badger!'

'I can fight badgers!' Sparkheart insists.

'No you can't!' Mossfang shoots back. 

'At least I try instead of hiding like a coward.'

'I'm not a coward!' snarls Mossfang, clawing at Sparkheart who darts out the way.

Onto the thunderpath.

'Come on, little brother! Prove you're not a coward!'

'Sparkheart!' I meow back. Swiftsnow stops me following. Mossfang bounds after Sparkheart. 'Don't do that! Cubflight said the thunderpath was dangerous!'

'Last to leave wins!' He challenges. Neither cat moves. I hide behind Swiftsnow.

'Get off the thunderpath now,' the warrior demands. 'You shouldn't be messing around with the monsters.'

'Come on...' Sparkheart crouches, ready to run from the approaching monster. Mossfang doesn't even seem to care.

'Get off the thunderpath!' I yowl. 'It's dangerous!' He does. At least, Sparkheart breaks into a run  as the monster gets closer and closer and-

It strikes.

I'm sorry

There will be pt 2

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