Wake up 4

50 8 13

There will be Convex moments in this that can be seen as romantic, but I'm seeing them as more queer-platonic.

Vex insult in this chapter courtesy of Redtiger0409

Go follow them, they're great.

PoV: Cub

'I can't BELIEVE him!' Scar snarls the moment we're out of earshot. 'I want to take that little...' He descends into a collection of furious noises and vex-language insults. I fly closer.

'I know. But he doesn't know us. It's alright for him to be suspicious.'

'There's 'suspicious' and then there's pulling out THAT and threatening to... to... He didn't hurt you, did he?' A glance over.

'I'm fine... Maybe bruises but nothing else. The knife didn't do anything.'

Silence for a moment. I ignore the dark masses of sculk everywhere below as much as I can. How much did I do? How far has it spread? How do I fix this?

'I don't regret what I did.' Scar mutters. 'He deserved it... I'd do it again, if I saw him. I'd fight that fitst with the passion of a thousand Scars!' 

'Language, Scar...' I scold gently at his vex insult. He sighs.

'Sorry... It's- I can't believe they don't understand! I've told them so many times...'

'It's alright.' We land outside the still incredibly sculky Hermitopia, entering. Grian's there, but disappears into another room. Me and Scar return to ours and I sink down on the edge of the bed. Scar joins me. Neither of us speak for a moment.

'Cub?' Scar glances over at me. I look back.


'When you... when you were cornered... what happened?' I know what he's talking about.

'They were trapping me... stopping me from escaping... blaming me. Then they got violent. Joel hit me with lightning and... well, they wanted me gone, so I... tried to go.' I mumble the last bit. Scar puts a hand on my shoulder.

'Cub... You should've...'

'If I'd messaged, they would've got even more aggressive. Joey might've pulled out his knife then. With you not there to protect me...'

Scar's about to hug me, but pauses.

'Can I...?'

'Yeah.' I decide. Scar hugs me and I hug back. The memories of Sculk I anticipated returning like they do even when I'm in bed, are drowned out by Scar's comfort. 'Thanks.'

'I'll tell Grian to start finding a way back to Hermitcraft. The sooner we get you away from the meanie Sculk and Emperors the better.' Scar pushes out of the hug, but keeps an arm around my shoulder.

'What about the sculk?'

'Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault. And after what the others did to you... They deserve to clean it up themselves.'

A knock on the door.

'Hello?' Scar calls. I shuffle closer to him.

'Can I come in?' Pix. Scar glances at me. I nod.


Pix enters, closing the door behind him. He takes a seat on the chest across the room, silent for a moment.

'I've spoken with Joel and Joey. I don't know how much they're exaggerating, but... Joey will be left with scars.

Scar doesn't speak.

'Why did you do it?' Pix asks, calm. I know Scar would prefer shouting to his disappointment.

'Joey was going to hurt Cub,' Scar explains. 'I let the vex take control. I was protecting him.

'He had the knife against my neck.' I explain. ' He didn't cut me but he knew what it could do... He threatened to hurt me, probably worse than Scar hurt Joey, until... I obeyed him.'

'Obeyed him?'

'Clean up the sculk, accept the blame, and then leave the server.'

Pix sighs.

'It'll take time.'

'He pinned Cub against a wall and punched him!' Scar interrupts. 'After I told him and Joel again and again that it wasn't Cub's fault. I wanted to kill him.'

'You did?'

Scar nods. There's no regret in his expression.

'You saw what he did before. And now he physically hurt Cub again?! Please tell me you've punished him...'

'I him he wasn't allowed near Hermitopia or either of you and had to clean up the Eversea himself.'


'But similarly, you're not allowed near him or Joey. Either of you. And Scar, you'll have to clean up all the Sculk in Hermittopia.  Cub, don't feel you have to clean up the sculk. You weren't in control of it. But if it would make you feel better... You can help Scar.'

'I'm not letting him.' Scar puts a hand on my shoulder. 'He's been through enough.'

'That isn't your decision to make, Scar.'


'It isn't your decision.' Pix repeats. 'Now, Cub, you said you weren't hurt?'


'Good. You're free to leave here if you want, though I'd imagine you'd want to rest, Scar.'

'I'm fine,' he lies.

'Right... I'll see you around, ok?'

Pix leaves. I turn to Scar.

'You stayed awake for me again.'

'I didn't want to be asleep when Joel and Joey returned. I knew they'd return. If I'd been asleep...'

'Sleep now. If it's make you feel better, I'll sleep too.'

'You need to sleep more! I know you're not getting enough and have nightmares.'

'I'm not talking to you again until you agree to sleep.' I sit on the floor, leaving Scar room on the bed. For a moment he doesn't move until-

'Fine. We sleep together.' Scar decides, before dragging me up towards the bed. 'Come on! Up!'

'Scar!' I laugh, fighting to get free from Scar's infinite affection. In the end, he wins, collapses back on the bed with me.

'If you're forcing me to sleep, we're sharing.' He throws a blanket over us, freeing me enough to shuffle around until I'm facing him.


'You're talking again,' Scar notes with a proud little smile.

'Because I can now force you to lie here until you fall asleep.' I lay my arm across his chest in a half-hug.

'What if I make you fall asleep first?' Scar pulls me into a proper hug.

'You're tireder than I am.'

'I don't want to sleep.'

I laugh, not replying but smiling to myself as Scar continues insisting I'll sleep first, running a hand absently through my hair. It's then that I realise: this is the first time I've not been reminded of the sculk in bed since it possessed me.

'I told you...' He whispers as I start fake-snoring. 'Goodnight, Cub.' He yawns, and not long later starts gently snoring. I smile, lying awake.

'Goodnight, Scar.' I whisper back, shuffling closer, getting as comfortable as I can and curl up, close my eyes, and sleep peacefully until morning.

The end.


(Queer-platonic Convex my beloved-)

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