Breaking point - pt 1

62 7 25

Tw: uncensored swearing (Ao3 has converted me)

Pov: Cub

The first sign that something's wrong is the sound of a door slamming.

I pause. Scar only left for Double Life an hour ago, surely he's not back yet. But, when I glance down at my Vex-necklace, it's glowing bright enough to show he's not just back, but upstairs.

'Scar?' I call, heading into his part of the tree. Nothing. 'Is everything ok?' Again, nothing. I continue higher up, the vex-magic jewel on my necklace glowing brighter until I hear crying.

'Scar? What happened?' I break into a run, soon reaching his bedroom at the top of the tree. Scar's lying in his bed, sobbing. I crouch next to him. 'Hey, Scar. I'm here. I'm right here.'He glances over. He's not changed out of his clothes, but they, surprisingly, aren't that messy. 'What happened?' Instead of answering, he hugs me, continuing to sob. I hug him back. What happened? And why is he here this early?

'It's alright. I'm here. You're safe,' I murmur. 'Just let it all out. You can tell me when you're ready.'

For a while later, he just keeps crying. All I get him to do is sit with me on the edge of the bed as I check for injury. But there isn't much. Scar isn't badly hurt, like the end of previous seasons. And, once he's recovered enough, Scar explains why.

'Grian- Grian told me I was a bad soulmate... then he went down into the shulky place... the ancient city... and the next thing I know there was... I could hear a warden... and my ears hurt so much, Cub. I couldn't hear anything and- and I was on the ground and- and I could hear it again... And... and I think Grian intentionally killed himself... because he- he didn't want to be with me... and BigB, his secret soulmate was dead...'

'What? Dude...' I hug him closer as he starts crying again. 'He wouldn't do that. Surely.'

'He- he yelled at me...'

'Surely it was stress... and if he did he's the bad soulmate. Not you. You did nothing wrong.' Scar just silently cries, head on my shoulder. 'Grian's wrong. You're an amazing friend, Scar, and I'm sure you were an amazing soulmate too. Ok?'


'And I can stay here with you as long as you want, and then I'll talk to Grian and get him to understand how upset you are... dude, I can't believe he called you a bad soulmate...'

A knock.

I fall silent, glancing at the door. 

'Hello?' I say.

'Oh, Cub! Great! Can you tell Scar we need to practice our dance for the party tonight? Oh, and I'm sorry for getting him killed.'


Scar tenses, hugging closer to me.

'He's busy.'

'Again? Well, tell him we really do need to practice for the party. Everyone's doing a dance with their soulmate and...'

'I'm staying with Cub,' Scar says.

'Scar? You're here? I've said I'm sorry...'

'I'm staying with Cub.'

'Come on, Scar. I'm sorry. It's not like it was that bad a death... you weren't badly hurt. And actually, it's quite rude to just ignore me after going through so much...'

'Go and do your stupid dance with BigB. I'm staying with Cub. HE cares about me.'

'Scar, I'm SORRY! For goodness sake, stop being rude and hiding from me!'

I'm on my feet in seconds. Grian storms in and across to Scar, who can't hide before Grian grabs his hand and tries to drag him out of bed.

'Hey, HEY- GRIAN STOP!' Mind racing past rational options, I wrestling him away from Scar. 'Get off him!' Eventually, Grian falls back, panting, glaring at us. Scar's left shaking on the ground. I crouch next to him.

'Shit, Scar, are you ok?' He nods, and I help him back onto the bed where he stays, staring at Grian, still here. I glance over.  'Grian, get out. He doesn't want to speak to you.'

'Whatever he said, he's exaggerating.'

'You told him he was a bad soulmate! I found him here, sobbing his heart out, because you decided you didn't have enough empathy to care about him! He thought you died on purpose!'

'Why would I do that?! I'm actually aiming to win!' I think he's done, until Grian turns to Scar and continues. 'Unlike someone here!'

'Well at least I didn't cheat on my soulmate! And lie about it!' Before I can speak, Scar's standing.  I feel the vex's anger rising in him. 'And yell at me! And die, when I was all alone in the forest, and terrified that...'

'Oh calm down, Scar. It wasn't that bad...'

'Grian, I swear to Notch. Just get out.' I ignore the Vex urging me to attack him.

'Oh, of course you'll take his side. Did he tell you how many times he tried to kill us? Like he claimed I was doing? And pretended some FUCKING PANDAS were his soulmate?'

'You ignored me! And- and didn't trust me, and spent your time kissing BigB and complaining. And you died in the end! And I didn't pretend the Jellie-pandas were my soulmates! I needed them to stop the Vex from causing chaos, which you also complained at me for nearly doing, when I DIDN'T!' A glance over shows Scar's eyes are now blue, Vex wings behind him. He's shaking, fighting tears. 'And- and now you want me to pretend we were happy soulmates and that what you did didn't matter. Well- well FUCK OFF and stop pretending you cared about me!'

'Well you're so FUCKING SELFISH that every single session you're making up excuses for why we can't practice, when you know the others are going to laugh at us, and I spent ages on our routine. And you didn't listen to me, or understand that you were a bad soulmate, or think for a SECOND that you're the reason I spent time with BigB. Because you just mess around, and pretend our lives don't matter and lie that, oh no, you just have to listen to the Vex-'


Scar lunges for him, all control lost. The only thing that stops him hurting, or even killing, Grian is me.

'Scar, calm down. Calm. Down,' I hug him, feet digging into the ground, as Scar wrestles to free himself, clawing, screeching and hissing. I fight the Vex screaming for control in my mind too, knowing if they take over, Grian's dead. He's flat against the wall, eye wide and expression less scared and more disgusted. He isn't moving, even as he sees me struggling to keep Scar from hurting him.

'Grian... run...' I can't stop Scar with him here. I just can't. Grian glares at Scar but obeys, leaving and slamming the door behind.

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