The fire pt 1

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I came up with a headcanon last night and now I have an angsty Convex oneshot idea based on it...

PoV: Cub

Is what I'm doing dangerous?


Yes it is.

Working with dangerous potions, mobs and science in a laboratory deep underground beneath Concorp, where not even Scar knows where I am to help me if it goes wrong is very, very dangerous.

Is it also fun?


So I continue trying to see if I can gain blaze rods from blazes without killing them or myself (and hopefully without causing harm to either of us) without worry. It can't attack me, trapped in a cycle of water and healing potions stopping its fire. And down here, I'm free from Scar finding me and messing around, or ask questions I'm not in the mood to answer. Most of the time I can handle it. Sometimes, I need some peace. And, unlike huge grinds for resources, the vex don't get bored by my increasingly dangerous experiments and are quiet too.

The trapped blaze tries again to escape I let it keep struggling as I scan over a potion recipe I found that might help. I turn to grab ingredients from across the room and-

I trip, catching my balance but not the water bottle that splashes onto the redstone below, breaking it. The water the blaze was in disappears. It lights on fire, shooting straight for me. I nearly dodge, but my labcoat sleeve still catches.

'No- no no no...' I mutter, trying and eventually succeeding to shake off the fire. 'Blaze, please...' It shouldn't be spreading this fast. It shouldn't be spreading at all. Something I tried made the blaze's fire magical. Magical enough to actually cause damage. 

To actually hurt me.

I grab a bucket of water, throwing it over the fire. The blaze quickly dies, but it's not enough to stop the fire. I can't save it. I just need to run. 

I reach the exit, the 1-block wall of vex magic I can usually faze through. But, right as I need them, my vexling powers fail me. I hear laughter in my ears. The vex. Clearly watching me burn will be fun for them.

'Let me out, let me out, let me out...' I mutter over and over. My diamond tools won't break the magical walls and if I can't faze through them, I definitely can't remove them with magic. 'Vex, please...'

I turn back to the fire. The whole room is alight. Or... as much of it as I can see through the smoke. Some part of my mind tells me to message Scar, get him to come over and help. The rest tells me it'd trap him here too. And he doesn't know where this place is.

My eyes sting, watering so much I can't see more than a blur of grey and yellow. I cover my mouth with my hand before I inhale too much smoke. The other hand holds tight to the crystal of my necklace, reminding me that if I die, I'll wake up. But my spawn is down here too. I'd just keep burning, and dying. Could I break the bed and respawn elsewhere? 

I take a single step forwards, then another, trying to spot a way around the fire to reach the bed... there isn't one. The flames reach my legs and I have to retreat, back to my corner by the unusable exit. A creak behind. I turn, seeing the huge burning bookshelf all my stuff was on leaning closer and closer before-

It collapses, and I can't run. In seconds I'm pinned and trying not to scream as the flaming wood burns through my labcoat, my shirt, my skin. I claw for freedom, before darkness washes over me and I die.

I respawn in bed, across the room, unable and unwilling to get out. I stare out at the fire across the room and praying it won't reach me here. I reach one shaking hand towards my side, where the bookshelf landed, feeling the area covered in blood. Pain be damned, I keep it there, trying to stem the bleeding as I curl up, hoping the fire will burn itself out. It can't get through the walls. It'll run out of stuff to burn at some point. Though it'll probably leave me trapped in a room without any oxygen, suffocating to death over and over and over and over and... 

The world fades to black and I fall unconscious.

I wake in a world of grey.

I can barely open my eyes. I can't breathe properly. The fire's burnt itself out, but not before it reached my bed, the blankets turned to ash, the posts burnt through, depositing me on the ground where the little fire-resistance my labcoat had must've been the only reason I'm not dead. 

I claw up until I'm sitting and my side explodes with pain. I'm left wheezing for breath, lightheaded, feeling about to throw up. I want to stay here. But I force myself to stand on legs burnt and screaming with agony, stumbling across the room towards the air vents I had enough foresight to put in, but not open. I stand there for a moment, gasping for fresh air before letting it clear the smoke away. Only then do I realise the other hermits might see it and worry about me. But False's base isn't that close, is it? If they ask, I can lie and say I'm fine. 

As the smoke starts to clear, I turn back to the room. The ground is covered in ash, little remaining of my laboratory. Only glass, a few flower pots and a bit of half-melted metal 'survived'. It'll take a lot of time to get it back to usable quality, let alone recall all the information I stored here.

Next concern, my injuries. My trousers are burnt through, legs pink and burnt. But that doesn't compare to the deep wound across my side, burnt and bleeding, the shirt around it dark red. I stumble across the room. My magic thankfully works now, enough to open the supply cupboard. I have to remove my burnt shirt to cover the injury, but first... 

My lab-coat. 

It's unwearable, blackened, full of holes. I hold it up, trying to accept the fact it's gone. It's warmth, the pocket-space, the protection it gives me. 

If I don't wear it, Scar will be suspicious. I think. Though, I can't leave here anyway with the level of my burns. I'll clear up, wait for my injuries to heal somewhat, and then I'll tell Scar. And after that, the other hermits. 

It shouldn't take too long, right?

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