Love, the Jingler

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Contains shipping

I wanted to experiment

( :D )

Hey Scar!

Just wanted to tell you how cute you are <3

Love, The Jingler

Of all the things The Jingler could've sent to Scar's volcano base, a love letter wasn't it. He read a couple times, face flushing with vex blue. Who- which hermit- since when-? He hid the note in his pocket, mind scrambling, just as his communicator buzzed.

cubfan135 whispered to you: hey, Scar wanna meet up in Concorp? I have a shop idea

You whispered to cubfan135: yeah! Meet in 5!

'CU-UB!' Scar called from afar as he glided into Concorp. 'Cub, Cub, Cub, Cub!'

'Scar, Scar, Scar, Scar!' Cub replied. Scar laughed, landing next to his friend, hugging him. 

'Hey, Cub! What was your shop idea?' he asked, stepping away with a huge grin still on his face. Cub gave a curious smile back.

'Did something happen? You look even happier than normal.' Of course Cub immediately noticed his excitement at having a secret soulmate. 'Is it your birthday? I thought that was August?'

'You know the Jingler?' 

'The secret prankster who stole our job at pranking everyone? Yeah?'

Scar showed Cub the love letter, unable to stop smiling.

'They're in love with me.'

'You're kidding, right?' Cub couldn't hide his own smile back. 'This guy takes my job pranking everyone, and now they take my best friend?' Scar laughed as Cub put an arm around his shoulder. 'Completely unacceptable.'

'Aww, thanks Cub.'

'Anyway, any clues as to who it is? And, do you love them back?'

'Depends who it is...' Scar began pacing. 'They have to be someone chaotic, but not bold enough to speak out, or speak to me.'

'Grian?' Cub figured. 'He doesn't know you very well... he might be showing his love through letters instead.'

'I don't know... False? She joined us on a couple of pranks.'

'Surely False would tell you... the real question is, will you send a letter back?'

'I can't leave my secret soulmate hanging!' Scar insisted. 'I have to reply... anyway, you had a shop idea?'

The conversation shifted, but Scar's excitement and intrigue about having a crush on the server didn't. As soon as he returned home he wrote a letter back, leaving it where the first was. Questions as to who they were, thanks for saying he was cute. 

And the Jingler replied. By Season 7, Scar and The Jingler were regularly sending letters, though they hadn't revealed who they were. And, even as The Jingler stopped pranking, they kept writing, congratulating Scar on being mayor, revealing they'd voted for him (which got Scar asking several hermits who they'd voted for to narrow down his guesses as to who it was). A note even reached him in Third Life, though The Jingler noted how easy it would be to ask someone to send it there anonymously.

Then Season 8 came.

The Hermitcraft 10 year anniversary.

'Cub, I've got a question for you.' Jevin asked. Cub glanced over. 'Were you the Jingler?'

And he said he was. 

Scar played along, laughing with the others, but the notes kept coming to mind. He'd ruled out Cub from day one... Surely his friend would've told him in person if he had a crush... He could've NOTICED even. Or was someone else framing the Jingler? Cub was surprised when he was told about it...

'Scar?' He turned to see Cub next to him. 'Are you alright?'

'Alone.' He muttered back. Cub nodded, and the pair disappeared into Grian's house, the closest base.

'What's going on? Is it... ?'

'Did you write the letters?' The question was out before Scar could even think. 

Cub froze, vex blue spreading from his ears immediately with his dicomfort. His hands sunk deep in his pockets, staring at the ground.

He nodded.

'I should've told you first.' He muttered, refusing to mention what he knew Scar's biggest question was. 'I'm sorry.'

'You're in love with me.' It was supposed to be a question. Both knew it wasn't.

'You're cute and funny. You always cheer me up... Your stupid little smirk... It's just...' By now, streaks of pink joined the vexling equivalent of blushing. 'I always wanted to tell you. But... I didn't want it to make things awkward or... I don't know. But I love you, Scar. I... love you.' He managed a glance up at Scar's face. 

I love you too.

But Scar couldn't say it. Even though it was the only reply that wouldn't break his best friend's heart, even though every conversation or joke with Cub was pure joy, even though he adored their nights stargazing, cuddling under a shared blanket, Scar didn't say it. He always thought it was just close friendship, or their bond as Vexlings. Not love.

'I... Never thought...' was all that came out, unable to look at Cub or the embarrassment in every pixel of his face.

'It's ok,' Cub mumbled back.

It wasn't ok.

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you like this. Now.' There were tears in Cub's eyes he tried desperately to fight. 'At all. We should've just sent letters... I didn't have to tell everyone I was the Jingler. I didn't have to fall in love with-'

'I love you too.'

Cub stopped.

'Don't lie to make me feel better. Please.'

'I wouldn't lie about this.' Scar stepped closer. 'I'm not lying. I love you. I love the little sparkle in your eyes whenever you smile, I love clever you are, and how you're patient with me whenever I make mistakes... And the way you run your fingers through your hair because you're still getting used to it. And your jokes... And... How you know exactly when and how to cheer me up and... Everything. I love everything about you.'

'I love everything about you too.' Cub replied, still struggling not to cry, but now from relief, and slight shock. Scar's little steps closer, all through his speech, meant the pair were barely a block apart, just staring at each other. 'If I could've chosen anyone to be bonded to by the Vex, I would've still chosen you.' One tiny step forwards, before what was almost instinct took over in Scar.

He kissed Cub.


And they stood, kissing, vex magic flaring, as the world disappeared around them. Friends. Vex. Now lovers. Scar broke away first, just staring into Cub's eyes as Cub stared back.

Both slightly shocked, both burning with uncontrollable vex magic, and both silently promising to stay together.



I did a thing :D

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