Total Disassociation pt1

44 7 1

TW: Body horror...? Idk how else to describe it

Set season 6

PoV: Cub

The moment I reach on the edge of the platform, I realise 3 things:

1: this is a terrible idea.

2: I'm going to die

3: I can't back down now.

Below, a pit of lava bubbles. I can only imagine how hot the slime-block platforms I've promised to jump across to safety are. And beyond my imminent death are watching hermits, waiting to see if I'll be the next one demised. 5 dead are already dead. The last Hermit to die was Scar. And now the Vex want to punish me for 'letting him die' by killing me.

I take a deep breath and step away from the edge again. The Vex already screech with excitement. For a moment, I try to drown them out. Then turn back to the edge.

I run.

And jump.

For a moment, I think I misjudged my jump as all I see below is lava. But the next moment I land on the first slime block, bounced up again. It explodes behind me just as I hit the second, jumping high into the air for the third, the fourth.

And then lose momentum.

I land on the 5th slime block, and no further. I'm left standing there, in the middle of a pool of lava with nothing. In each direction, my plan to make this as dangerous as possible has ensured there's nowhere to jump without ending up in lava. I'm stuck. And the only way I can escape is by dying and letting both the Vex and whatever has already made Ren go crazy take control.

cubfan135: I am stuck here forever

The message doesn't help me feel any better. I can't even make myself laugh at it. The fear I've been trying to avoid grows with every second I spend unable to escape. I scan the Hermits for a friendly face. None are moving. A couple are muttering to themselves, laughing at my message. Scar's stood to the back, just staring at me. I can't tell his expression from here, but he's not moving.


An arrow hits me. I stumble backwards, barely catching sight of Xisuma stood next to a rogue skeleton before I hit the lava. Instantly, I feel myself burning, thankful the rumors of dying in Demise hurting more than usual are wrong. All I can do is try and swim ashore. But it's too late. The world turns dark and I die.

For the first 5 minutes or so, I can't feel any changes at all. But the moment I land in ConCorp, the Vex's constant laughter turns to whispers.

Forgetful little Vexling. You'll remember soon. We control Vexlings. We say chaos. We have chaos. You cause chaos. Our Cub now. We control you. We teach you. We punish you.

I notice my hands slowly shifting to a silvery vex blue, further than normal. The Vex grow louder, and louder, but I don't feel the normal press for control that follows.

We kill. We prank. We control you. We're in control. Helpless Vexling. And you'll watch.

Pain flares through my back and, in my shadow, I watch skeletal wings tear through my skin. Blood runs down my back. I scream, gripping tight to the building next to me. My already-pointed fingernails grow to claws, my teeth to fangs. My mouth stretches slowly into a wide grin. Something's stopping me from talking, or moving my hand towards my communicator, or even using magic to tell Scar I'm in danger. I struggle for breath, my legs give way and I collapse, hard, onto the stone below. High above, I see a parrot circling. Captain Jack. The Vex laugh louder and louder in my mind.

I try to stand, but I stay lying there.

I can't move.

Sleep now, Vexling. Everything is fine. Everything is just right. One of the Vex hisses. My heart burns with terror. You'll understand soon.

My eyes close. And not long, later, I'm asleep.

I wake up frozen in place. Even my eyes don't want to open, nor my mouth, still stretched into that smile, to talk. Each breath is loud and heavy, unnaturally so. I can't slow it. I can't control it.

My eyes open, but I don't open them. Neither do I roll to my side and stand. Or walk towards the ConCorp fountain, laughing quietly to myself.

I can't control my body.

But the Vex can.

Whatever small part of my consciousness is left panics. I want to scream. I want to die, or at least sleep until this torture is over. I want to huddle in a bed somewhere with Scar hugging me and telling me everything will be ok. I'm stuck, a prisoner in my own skull, helplessly watching the Vex control my actions.

The Jingler - I might as well name the possessed me after the fake identity the vex are making me prank under - stares into the fountain. My skin is completely vexy silver, eyes pure white, smile wide and terrifying. The dried blood on my wings is black. The Jingler laughs, before turning away, whistling. Captain Jack lands obediently on my arm, claws digging in. I feel the pain. The Jingler doesn't, just stroking his feathers.

'Good bird.' The Jingler says, the words too cold, too high-pitched to be my voice. By this point, even smiling's starting to hurt. 'Good bird, Jack.'

'Good Jack!' Captain Jack squawks back, claws digging even deeper, drawing blood. 'Good Jack!' He climbs up to our shoulder, biting our ear. If I could, I'd let out a yell of pain. But the Jingler just laughs, coaxing Jack back down.

'Come on, I still have to hear with those... where are the villagers?'

'Slave villagers! Prisoners!' Jack squawks, taking to the air again. The Jingler follows him into the village I'd been working on for months, the villagers it took ages to bring into here, and draws a sword. I don't know if The Jingler can hear my thoughts, like I heard the Vex's. But if he can, all he'd hear is a constant scream for him to stop. But, to my relief, he does as the sound of my communicator buzzing.

RentheDog whispered to you: Welcome to the greyskins, Cub! You are now obligated to help with the construction of our base, and to come to a meeting at once to celebrate your death.

You whispered to RentheDog: It would be my honour.

'We'll do this later then. Come on, Jack.'

He finds fireworks in my inventory and takes to the air.

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