In tents pt 1

66 11 30

I generated a lot of prompts for this...

PoV: Ren

'We're here!' Hypno calls as we reach the campsite. I blink awake, half-asleep on Martyn's shoulder.

'We're... here?' I yawn, regretting trying to rest immediately at how achy I am. The others are already moving, Joe saying how tent-atively hopeful he's been for months.

'Hope you don't PEG the best spot before me, Ren and Doc,' Martyn replies as I grab my case. Doc's already in a race to make the tent with Cub and Hypno, and Impulse and Skizz.

'Pole-lease, we've clearly got the best position... wait, aren't we staying at a proper campsite?' Joe frowns.

'We're in a forest, the only camp thing we didn't bring was Scott Smajor...'

I laugh, investigating the fabric and poles I'm hoping Doc will transfigure into a tent. Impulse and Skizz are arguing about whether the pole Impulse found is important. Cub, Joe and Hypno are unpacking already. Martyn just lets me and Doc suffer, helpfully calling some incorrect instructions every 30 seconds until we have a finished tent.

'If we're doing this properly we need wood for our campfire.' Skizz figures. We all agree, and I join Martyn in gathering it. 

'Nice place,' I say as we find some nice fallen sticks next to the river. Martyn nods.

'Impulse found a good place,' he replies. 'A nice little wood for us to be in.'

'Wait- dude.' For once I catch the joke first. 'Does that mean you're Inthelittlewood... in the little wood?'

He bursts out laughing. I join in and for a few minutes we just laugh. 

'Come on...' Martyn recovers first 'This should be enough for a decent fire.' 

'Aye... we need a good fire in these cold winter months...' I say, putting on the old Third Life king accent.

'Indeed, my lord,' Martyn replies with his own Hand's voice. 'The nights are cold... the snow shall fall thick and fast in the kingdom until all-'

'IMPULSE THEY'RE ROLEPLAYING AGAIN!' Skizz's yell turns out conversation to laughter. Doc makes a campfire, while Cub has flint and steel he confiscated from Scar. Hypno and Joe set up chairs while we wait for the food to cook.

'Dude, whoever made this is a cooking genius,' Skizz declares as we start eating. Impulse nods.

'Pearl did,' he explains. 

'Always reliable with soup.' I agree.

'Perfect for these cold winter evenings, my lord. Warm the bones and maybe our old souls as well,' Martyn says in full roleplay mode again.

'Aye... the eve is cold, but our hearts are yet warm... Let them remain this way for times to come.'

'Indeed my lord.'

'Dude... Someone separate these two or we'll have a bloody axe, a mad king and a war with Scar and Grian on our hands,' Skizz laughs

'HAND,' Martyn notes with a grin.

'Dude, I have no idea what's going on, But please, keep going.' Doc interrupts.

'This noble scene, and the king thusly placed at the centre of equally nobility...' Joe joins in. 'Me, Sir Cubalot, and Sir Hypno...'

'Sir Hyp to the Noooo,' agrees Hypno.

'I'm staying out... Perimeter forever!' Doc declares.

'Doc, man, how much money will you give me to join your side?' Cub asks.

'I'll give you 2 entire bags of marshmallows.'

'Oh, deal.'

'Ohhhh how these foul and treacherous acts sicken me...' I wail melodramatically. 'You dare sacrifice loyalty for mere food?!'

'Obviously.' Cub replies. 'Anyone who wants marshmallows, join team Perimeter!'

'Oh that's tempting...' I turn, scandalised, to Martyn. 'I do like marshmallows...'


'You want one, Ren?'

'Oooh, yes please!' I reply without thinking.

'Then join our side.' Hypno smirks before eating another marshmallow. Before the roleplay gets out of control, I surrender.

'I have been thusly defeated.' I hold out my hand, and Cub gives me a marshmallow. 'For these delicious, sweet, marshmallows...'

A flash of lightning above. Huge drops of rain start falling. Cub immediately protects the marshmallows.

'Into the tents?' Impulse asks.

'Into the tents.'

We all scramble for shelter. Doc and Martyn follow me into our tent. Just as we're about to zip it up, there's a yell from across the campsite.

'I TOLD YOU THAT POLE WAS IMPORTANT!' Impulse screeches, now trapped with Skizz within their collapsed tent. By now, the rain is torrential, the wind howling through the trees. But Hypno and Joe still bravely run out their tent again to help the screaming pair, Cub calling suggestions from just inside the tent.

'Try and find the zip, dudes!' I yell, as though it'll help. Cub nods.

'Yeah, that's a good-'

A crack.

Loud, and just behind us.

'MOVE!' Cub yells. I see the shadow behind, diving into the corner of the tent, just as the tree lands on it.

'F***! MY LEG!' Martyn howls.

'MARTYN?!' I turn as much as I can towards where the tree landed and squished the middle of our tent. 'WHAT HAPPENED, DUDE?'

'The- the damn tree landed on my leg. I can't- OW!'

'Try not to move it. We'll- just hang on.'

'IMPULSE, HELP!' Skizz call outside. Doc shuffles towards the tree. I help too, pushing it away from the tent. Martyn's lying there, pale. The moment I hear the crash of the tree being moved away, I scramble over to him. Doc's left holding the rest of the tent up.

'Dude, are you alright?!'

'Ow...' Martyn mutters.

'I think his leg's broken...' Doc murmurs. 'We need to get to Cub, Joe and Hypno's tent.'

'Agreed... Martyn, can you walk?'


'Can you crawl out  so I can carry you over?' Skizz asks outside. I watch Martyn free himself, crawling into the rain. Skizz carefully lifting him. Me and Doc follow out, sprinting after and into the only surviving tent.

'There's not much room in here...' Cub warns.

'Yeah...' Joe shuffles further into the corner. 'I know we're camping, but I didn't know it would be this in-tents.'

'Ha ha...' Martyn replies drily, collapsed against the edge of the tent. I sit next to Skizz, sharing the towel Hypno gives us. Cub's already trying to help Martyn's leg.

'Zip the tent up!' Impulse demands. Doc quickly does.

'Sch***se! The stupid zip broke!'

'What?!' I watch Doc try to move what's left of the zip.

'We're trapped.'

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