Breaking point pt 4

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The people in MCC are intentionally anonymous. I don't want to villainise players I barely know.

Tw: swearing

'What the fuck,' I choke out, staring at the picture.. 'He- he photographed us...'

'Apparently it was accidental.' False replies. 'Then Grian started messaging about Double Life, Scar cheating, the Vex and Scar trying to kill him. From there...'

'Everyone hates us.' I finish for her, reading through more messages. You should be banned. Grian didn't deserve this. Who let a monster like you into MCC, I can't believe I teamed with you. 'Every major player...'

'Just ignore them.'

'I'm in MCC in a week. So's Scar...' I struggle not to cry. 'It's going to be hell.' 

WTF, I thought you were a decent person. You should be banned. You fucking freak monster. You're dead. If I ever see you again, I'll hurt you for what you did to Grian.

'Stop reading them, Cub,' False urges, crouching next to me as I start crying. 'Just ignore them. I'm sure it'll go away.'


Scar. He's woken up, glancing at me over the edge of the bed.

'Hey.' I try to smile. 'You feeling alright?'

'I think my head's gonna explode...' Scar mumbles back, too exhausted to notice my tears. 'Where are we?'

'False's shop.'

'The party... we... we went to the party and... I...' he remembers. 'Oh.'

'It's alright,' It's not alright. None of this is alright. 'Though Scott put a picture on the MCC chat...' Scar's eyes widen. 'And... Now everyone knows.'


'I wouldn't check your private messages for a while.'

'Grian started spreading rumours too,' False adds. Scar narrows his eyes.

'Oh. Of course,' he laughs coldly. 'Of course he's getting involved... Of course it's not enough that he's lying to the hermits...' He's close to crying. 'Oh- oh Notch...'

'Scar... it'll be ok.' I insist, sitting on the bed to hug him as he starts sobbing. False stands, awkward, on the other side of the shop. I signal for her to leave and she slips out, letting me comfort Scar alone.

MCC's even worse than expected. I didn't believe Scott's lies about it, and the photo being an accident, but Scar did. Which meant I had to go and protect him. By halftime, I'm exhausted and frustrated by players picking on me. I'm killed first in Survival Games, hit off whenever I was about to finish in TGTTOS and, after getting my team targeted in Meltdown, they killed me at the start of every round of Skybattle.

'So... you started dating Scar specifically because he was soulbound to Grian?' One of my teammates asks as I'm trying to get some peace at half-time. 'How could you do that?'

'I didn't,' I reply.

'Were you jealous or something?'

'Wait, don't vex-people do horrible pranks?'

'You're pranking him?! Why would you do that?'

'You know how annoying vex are.'

'Look, can you just quit it?' I snap. 'Scar just randomly kissed me and-''

'You're blaming him for showing affection?!'

'He's trying to show he's in love with you... Notch, you're heartless.'

'Yeah, I didn't realise you were so horrible...'

'Just SHUT UP!'

Silence. I let out a deep breath, turning focus to the players crowding the central area, the messages goading a fight, and the only reason for them.

Scar's in trouble.

I push through the crowd to the front. Just as I feared, Scar's facing a player I don't recognise, both furious, bleeding. We're all wearing headphones to only hear our team, but I still see Scar's hiss before he pounces. But the other player's faster. Scar hits the ground, dragging his opponent down with him and pinning them. I jump to action, trying to break it up before either's badly hurt. I drag Scar away. He fazes free, and the other player kicks him in the face. I grab Scar's collar again. One claw raises to strike as he turns, before recognition sets in. A pause. The other player's recovering. Scar ignores my signal to give up, even before the other player attacks again from behind while Scar's distracted, dragging him to the ground. I shove them away, trying to shield Scar as he stands. But I'm just punched to the ground, before-

We teleport to the decision dome. I claw my way to my feet, seeing Hbomb help Scar up, then my own team just scowling and muttering. 4 more games, I think to myself, Just 4 more. It's all that keeps me through the second half. My solutions in Gridrunners are ignored. I'm blamed for 'sabotaging the team' in Parkour Tag and Battle Box, when even Scar's team kills me instantly each time. Even in Sands of Time I'm too upset to focus and die instantly. My teammates don't bring me back, letting me get ridiculed with Scar in the losers-cage. I ignore their messages to kiss again, kiss again, just do it, crying in the corner as Scar, oblivious, argues back.

Needing to calm down, I leave my team's voice-group before Dodgebolt even starts. But I'm still upset when the games end for real and disappear find somewhere quiet. I can't return to Hermitcraft like this. I just-

A shove.

Someone pins me, 

'Your boyfriend attacked me earlier,' they spit. 'Where's he gone?' I don't reply. Another player kicks me in the side, Then again. Again. I keep silent, refusing to let them hurt Scar again. Eventually, they stop asking.

'I guess we'll hurt you instead.' Someone grabs my arm, yanking me into a sitting position. I'm pinned by another player. Someone else kicks my face, breaking my nose, then steals my glasses. My vision's too blurred to see, but the crunch of them breaking is unmistakable. The 4th player continues kicking me in the side, until my ribs scream in pain. My arm's still being pulled back, blood gushing down my face as I'm punched and kicked over and over. Everything hurts. The player with my arm yanks it back one last time, breaking it. I scream in agony. The players laugh.

'That's for hurting Grian, freak,' one says, shoving me back to the ground. 

'Now we're gonna kill you.' My blood goes cold as I feel a blade against my neck. 'One less Vex hurting players.'

I try shifting my unhurt arm further under me, towards my head. My communicator's on it. If I can reach the button to leave the world, I realise, I can escape. It's my only chance. I'm pinned down, trying not to scream as the blade digs deeper and deeper. This was going to be Scar. I realise numbly. But he'll never know that. He'll never realise he did this to me. I feel the cold screen of my communicator against my chin. This is all Scar's fault. Blood runs down my back and face. Every breath hurts. I find the button on my communicator, press it, and the world goes dark.

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