Headcanons that will probably change

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I have a lot of headcanons, and I feel it's good to show them before I start this book. These are just for any oneshots set within the Hermitcraft world. AUs have different rules, but might still somewhat relate to this (depending on the AU)


Vex are powerful, chaotic beings that possess and give their powers to players to achieve domination of Minecraft. They work as a hive mind, mostly through the High Evoker, leader of the Vexlings. Cub and Scar are Vexlings, as are Tango and False (though the latter two aren't pressured as much by the Vex). 

All Vexlings have pointed ears and claws, and often vex wings when they're flying but when they get emotional, or use their powers, around their ears and hands grow bluer, their wings appear and their eyes turn bright blue. Possessed Vexlings have glowing white eyes and constant grins, and only turn back to normal when they fall unconscious or the Vex let them go. Wearing a Vex mask causes instant possession, as can huge outbursts of emotion or magic.

Vexlings can summon and manipulate Vex magic: powerful, nearly unbreakable magic crystals that can numb pain and grant energy to Vexlings. They can also faze through walls, summon and manipulate soul/vex fire, summon vexes and talk in the Vexling language. Vexlingsbcan also convince you into believing or doing whatever they want, but they won't admit they're doing it.

Vexlings also have vex magic necklaces that connect them to the High Evoker, meaning they can travel or be summoned to the Vexling land. Some Vexlings, like Cub and Scar, have paired necklaces that create a mild psychic link between them. These necklaces glow when they're near each other and they control respawn - they can't die permanently with them on, but always will if they're removed/broken.

Bedrock is poisonous to vex and vexlings. Extended exposure to bedrock slowly stifles a vexling's magic and drains their energy until it kills them permanently. Contact to bedrock stifles magic quicker, and vexlings can't faze through bedrock or alloys containing it (such as Xisuma's armour). Watchers, and some High Evokers, use inescapable rooms or bracelets of bedrock to kill/punish vexlings. Watchers also are averse to bedrock, but far less than vexlings, and use it within their walls and prisons to stop Vexling attacks.

(I just wrote 250 words on that alone-)


Powerful creatures with magic to See almost everything and manipulate the code of worlds, players and more. There are 4 groups/kinds of Watchers with different symbols - all-powerful (wings), who research other kinds of magic; all-seeing (mask) who see everything and handle history; all-creating (cloak, though I want to change this), who control the code; and all-protecting (halo) who control other worlds (aka: the life series).

Watcher trainees don't have any of the symbols (wings, mask, cloak, halo). More powerful or important Watchers have more of the symbol. 

Grian's a Watcher (all-protecting) who was sent to Hermitcraft on an unexplained mission and slowly realised they were jerks. Pearl (all-creating) is also a Watcher who escaped to Hermitcraft in Season 8. BigB might be a Watcher, though he doesn't talk about it and doesn't have wings.

The Watchers control the Life Series and the curses in it,  sent the Moon into Season 8 (because Pearl escaped), and destroyed Evo SMP.

Martyn hates the Watchers. The Watchers hate Martyn. They still communicate with each other because the Watchers like having someone to gloat to and Martyn likes knowing what they're doing.

Watchers speak and write in Galactic, and when they're speaking to players in other worlds, use riddles. 

Watchers hate hybrids or players with other magic. Watchers and Vexes utterly despise each other and think the other are cultish heretics. After Hermitcraft Season 4, the Watchers and Vexlings began a challenge of who can control a server faster. The Watchers chose Evo, the Vex chose Hermitcraft (Convex). When Grian ended up in Hermitcraft, both claimed the other side were cheating and they started an ongoing war against each other. 


Sculk is a sentient plant intent on corrupting every single world in Minecraft. If in contact with Sculk, it can talk psychically with you, and it is incredibly persuasive and manipulative. Sculk can only be stopped by magical items (not in-world magic) and anything that hasn't been used to fight it before. Sculk can detect and possess magical players, stifling their powers. Possessed players tend to be covered in sculk; have wardenish antennae; and pure black eyes. They can control sculk and soulfire and don't activate sculk sensors or upset wardens. Possessed players can also sense and hear through the sculk and are healed and energised by souls. Possessed players, depending on the level of possession, can forget their old lives and possessed Watchers completely lose their vision.

During the Crossover, Cub was possessed by Sculk and has been slightly scared of it ever since. The Watchers and Vex are both scared of Sculk. 

Wizard magic

Wizard magic is the only kind of magic you can learn yourself, based around magical words or items to create innumerable effects. There are 5 types of wizard magic: potions, crystallography, charms (collections of various magical items attached to each other), runes, and spoken spells. Most wizards know one kind of magic. Only a few 'leaders' of the wizards know all five. Within each kind of magic, there is illegal or 'dark' magic (for instance, potions including blood or magic crystals made of obsidian) that tend to cause harm or permadeath. 

Wizards, except dark wizards, have their own world with a growing town far from spawn. It accepts visitors once a year for the Wizard Fair, but only those who have some kind of magic already. People within the wizard world aren't allowed to live or travel to other worlds, though are granted safety from being there.


In normal worlds, injuries don't hurt much and don't bleed. They heal naturally and fully heal upon respawning. Only if you die to the same/similar injury repeatedly is there a risk of bleeding or scarring.

In some hardcore or similar worlds (Life Series, 100 hours), injuries are more painful and bleed slightly, though you can't bleed out from injuries. They heal slower, and create scars when you respawn that can be removed (though some players choose to keep them)

Injuries from magical beings or weapons - such as obsidian weapons or Vex attacks - are as painful as they'd be IRL, bleed, can cause you to bleed out, kill you permanently and only heal slightly if you die to something else and respawn. Only other magic can properly heal them, such as special healing potions. When healed, they leave scars that can't be removed. Cub and Scar, for instance, have scars from becoming Vexlings.


-Jellie is Scar's magic familiar. The two are bound together, meaning that Jellie can't die permanently until Scar dies. Jellie has magic abilities to levitate/fly, become larger (Jellie pandas), teleport (between worlds too), teleport other players, clone herself (Evil Jellie/Good Jellie), and also has all Vexling powers. She can appear fully possessed by the Vex with glowing white eyes but the Vex would never do that because they love Jellie. Jellie adores Scar, but probably prefers Cub, as he gives her cat treats whenever they meet. Jellie knows when Scar needs help or cuddles and will (almost) always assist him. Scar speaks Cat, so can communicate with Jellie. He's tried teaching Grian and Cub, who can speak basic Cat. A lot of the Hermits don't believe Scar can actually speak to Jellie and whenever he tries to prove it, Jellie intentionally ignores him.

-the Fountain of Youth in Concorp, HC Season 6, actually worked, and Cub used it to become younger at the start of Season 8. Cub's used it multiple times to become younger, but stopped counting how old he actually is at 135. 

-being AFK is a kind of a coma where a player appears dead and are basically on pause. So they can't die, and injuries don't get worse. Only admins or the players themselves can turn AFK, though someone else needs to wake them up after. It's illegal to turn a player AFK against their will, unless it's to save their life/keep them safe.

Communicators are the most important technology for players. They control inventory, respawn, chat, talking long-distance (like a phone call) and leaving or joining worlds. All communicators are on a player's lower left arm. They're basically impossible to remove and it's illegal to try. Some players' communicators (such as Doc's) are part of prosthetics or metal arms.

I'll probably add or change this later on when I come up with different important lore

For now?

Oneshots :D

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