Class system pt1

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I should be writing not-fanfiction books right now.

Or reading through the monologues I need to have completely prepared for next Friday.

But this idea has been in my brain and I want to write it.

Yes, I have given Badtimes another name because if not he'd be Badtimes Goodtimes

PoV:  Archer Goodtimes (Badtimes)

'Come on!' my older brother Scar insists, dragging me along towards our first day of our new school. 'We'll be late!'

'The bell goes in 5 minutes.'

'We still need to find our classrooms, and get timetables...' We reach the entrance, but don't stop to admire the cracked concrete and gum stuck to the ground, continuing in, navigating our way to reception. There's a receptionist there I imagine has been here for 50 years and hasn't smiled once that whole time. Scar gives a small cough. They glance over.


'Hello! We're new students... Scar and Archer Goodtimes. Do you have our timetables? Or... a map of the school?' Scar says. The receptionist turns and starts rummaging through paperwork until she find and hands over the timetables.

'There's a map by the canteen,' the receptionist says, turning away. Smile faltering, Scar heads off with a 'thank you!' Neither of us know where the canteen is to see this map, so I try to understand the classroom system on my timetable instead, match it to anything we see, but I'm still clueless. So me and Scar just wander awkwardly, looking for any maps or classrooms to point us in the right direction.

'Excuse me,' Scar ends up asking a group around my age. 'Do any of you know where F8 English is?'

They exchange glances.

'We're new. My brother Archer needs to be there next lesson.'

'Yeah, we'll show him.' The tallest, with white hair, replies, standing.

'That's amoyzing! Well, have a wonderful day, Archer. I'll see you at home time, ok?'

I nod. Scar hugs me and I'm left hiding my shame that THIS is the first impression I've given. I wave back as he leaves before returnocus to the group. I'm smaller than all of them, except perhaps the blond in the dark grey hoodie, his brown eyes almost red. The white-haired guy who spoke, an 'edgy' girl trying to hide her blonde hair with black dye, and a guy with long purplish red hair are all taller, almost intimidating.

'It's this way.'

They lead me across the school, almost to the far side, before pointing to a rough path through mess of brambles with a small run-down building behind.

'It's across there.'

'Are... you sure?' Years of being bullied tell me it's a joke.

'Yeah, it's the worst block in the school... Good luck, buddy.' With more force than necessary, white-hair pats my back. I don't move. Neither do the group.

'Come on.' Edgy-girl crosses her arms. 'We're not crossing for you.'

I have to listen to the group, pushing through the brambles, shoes squelching deep in mud, legs scratched. I turn back to the group as I reach the other side. They're laughing, taking photos of me, covered in brambles and mud, trying not to cry with embarrassment.

'Someone's found the drug shaaack...' The blond in grey gives a dumb grin, like he's actually smart.

'Awww... What are you going to do? Run to your big bwuvver and tell him your classmates bullied you?'

'F... F*** off.' They only laugh more.

'Come on, cry-baby. You're not allowed to swear... We'll you in English.' After one last photo, white-hair — clearly the leader, turns, leaving me there.

'Sorry I'm late.' I mumble as I arrive in my actual classroom, 20 minutes of looking later. Everyone stares at me, muttering, noting my torn, muddy trousers and a teacher, who found me wandering aimlessly, standing behind me.

'You're the new student, aren't you?' I nod. 'Well, that's no excuse to be this late to class... your seat is next to Gem over there.'

'I didn't know the way. And THEY didn't help.'

Silence, as I point to the group, previously snickering to themselves. The teacher turns to them.

'Elex? Is this true?'

The white-haired leader shakes his head, feigning innocence. The others chime in with fake alibis until the teacher gives up asking.

'Well... Archer. I'll let you off because you're new. But you won't be next time. And try not to track mud through my class in future.'

Everyone's stares continue through the rest of the lesson of confusion and being too shy to ask Gem next to me what's going on. I'm first out the classroom, trying to find toilets where I can maybe clean myself up, calm down. But before I can, there's a voice behind.

'Hey, Cry-baby.' I turn, seeing the group approaching, Elex leading. 'didn't know you were a little snitch.'

'I don't know what you mean.'

'And little SNITCHES,' A shove. I hit the concrete ground. 'need to learn a lesson.'

There's nothing I can do. None of the students surrounding us help as I'm pulled to my feet, dragged by my backpack across the playground and behind the buildings where the giant bins are waiting. Purple-hair tears my bag off my back, rifling through. Elex pushes me against the bins. 

'We never introduced ourselves earlier. I'm Elex, these are my friends... True, Xor and Hels. And we don't like it when little cry-babies snitch on us.' I expected them to just throw my bag in the bins, like the bullies at my old school would. But Elex and Hels are strong.

Strong enough to pick me up.

All I can do is scream as I'm thrown in. It's empty, but the bottom is hard, and a long way down. Whatever they haven't stolen follows, crashing down next to me. I try to stand, in pain.

'You... you proved your point. I won't tell on you again.' I insist.

'Tell us that at the end of the day.'

And they slam the lid closed.

Darkness. I wait until their laughter fades before trying to free myself, first annoyed and then frantic as I can't find anything to grip onto. I try yelling, banging against the plastic walls. They took my phone, so I can't even message Scar to help. I hear the bell for the end of break. Elex doesn't return.

Another bell, ages later.

Elex doesn't return.

Then another.

Elex doesn't return.

I'm starving, terrified, voice half-gone. I sit, hugging my legs as I sob, and sob. He said the end of the day. He's leaving me here all day.

The lid opens.

I squint through the blinding light at the face of Elex. His expression is cold.

'You learnt your lesson yet, bin boy?'

I nod.

'Good... True, help me get him out.'

I grab my bag, not prepared for the sudden drag up and out of my prison, dumped on the ground. 

'You smell.' Hels notes, as though I haven't been trapped in a bin since period 1. 'A lot.'

'Come on, give me a little smile, crybaby. Go off and find your big brother and tell him what a wonderful day you had.'

'You took my phone,' I reply. 'I could tell the police about that. Get you arrested.'

That silences them. Elex signals at Xor, who throws my phone at me. Or... the wall next to me. I checking it for damage before running.


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