Breaking point pt 5

36 7 19

Tw: Swearing

For a moment I'm left in the void, before I spawn somewhere in Hermitcraft. Unbalanced and hurt, I collapse to the ground, gasping for breath, though every breath is agony. I hold my good hand over my nose to try and stem the bleeding. My whole body throbs with pain. I can't see anything, I can't move far, I can't message for help, praying someone will find me. I don't even really remember where I left from to know where I am.

'Hello?' I try to speak. Even that hurts slightly. 'Is anyone there?'

'Cub?' comes a call back.

Scar. Relief fills me as I hear his footsteps approaching.

'Oh notch, I'm so glad you're back... I need to be with someone...' I can't see where he is, but he's not helping. 'I was targeted so many times... I swear they were laughing at me... Can you believe that, Cub?! I feel so sorry for my team having to protect me all the time from those meanie players... and then at halftime... I can't believe the kind of stuff they were saying. I don't regret attacking them one bit... and, oh, everyone just HAD to go for me in Battle Box, but we outsmarted them... did you see we won every single round Cub? Just to spite those horrible players... and in Sands of Time, I swear they put that stupid magic-hands-man there intentionally... H did incredibly well to get us out of there. Until my stupid injuries from earlier caught up with me, right at the end, and I got locked in, dropping us all the way down to 8th...'

He hasn't noticed.

I'm in agony, bleeding out on the ground, and Scar's more focused on how MCC went.

'Scar... man...' I try to keep calm, but after everything I've just been through because of him, I just can't. 'Seriously?' Scar stops.

'What do you mean, 'seriously'?! I've just had the worst MCC ever! Why are you just lying there getting upset with me, Cub?! I haven't done anything!'

It's the final straw.

'Oh, of course not.' I snap. 'Aside from kissing me without consent in front of everyone, forcing me through the worst 4 hours of my life and now start rambling on about how terrible MCC was for you, how horrible it was to come 8th when I'm in fucking AGONY!'

'What?! Cub, seriously?! I-'

'They were going to kill me, Scar. They beat me up and tried to kill me and you didn't even notice.'

'Cub, I- I didn't know! I didn't realise... Oh notch...' Again, my hope for assistance grows. 'Tell me who it was and I swear I'll find them right away and hurt them with the passion of a thousand Scars!'

'How would that help ANYTHING?!' I lose it. 'I just want you to help me Scar, instead of just escalating, and escalating, when all it's done, Scar, is get me hurt. And, the worst part is you don't even realise you're doing it. Why is it so hard for you to understand that your FUCKING ACTIONS have FUCKING CONSEQUENCES!?'

I have to stop, my ribs hurting too much as I yell. Across the room, I hear Scar sobbing. He's still not helping me.

'C- Cub... why- why didn't you tell me?'

'Why are you BLAMING ME?!' All my anger I've been keeping from the players in MCC comes out at Scar. 'YOU did this Scar! This is YOUR FAULT! How do I get that through your FUCKING HEAD that YOU. DID. THIS. And you're not the only one who's suffering because of it. I'm so sorry that your team protected you, and helped you find solutions. And I'm so sorry you couldn't ignore a few stupid comments and started a fight. And I'm so FUCKING SORRY that you got 8th place in 'the worst MCC ever'. Yeah, that's nothing compared to being killed first in every single round of every single game and being hated by my team and then being beaten up and nearly killed as revenge for you attacking them because, after everything you've done, I didn't want you to get hurt. That's why I've done all of this, Scar. And all it's done is get me hurt, and then I pretend I'm ok so you don't feel bad when I'm not ok!' My voice breaks as everything catches up at once. The truth sinks in. 'I'm- not ok...' I start sobbing, and sobbing, and sobbing. And everything hurts. And Scar's just crying, instead of helping me.

'B-but you could've told me...'

He still.



'Just fuck off, Scar.' I sob. 'Fuck off and find someone who'll actually help me.'

'Cub... no... no... not you too...' A hand on my shoulder. 'I- I didn't know... I swear...'

'FUCK OFF!' I turn, clawing at Scar, before making a pained noise as I land on my bad arm and my ribs flash with pain. I gasp for breath, curling up. I'm sobbing again. I don't know what Scar's doing. Until I hear him speaking.

'Ursa.' Scar says into his communicator. My emergency word. 'His base. He's- he's hurt... Cub... If you want me to go... I- I can go but...'

'Just go.'

He does. I'm left alone, still hurting, but now my heart's hurting too. I just start crying. Not long later, I hear footsteps again. 2 sets of footsteps.

'It's alright, Cubfan,' Xisuma. 'Just keep still.'

'You'll be ok.' And Joe. 'We've got medical stuff... and Scar said something about glasses, so I grabbed a spare pair for you... here you go.'

My vision returns, and the first thing I see is Joe's worried expression. Then Xisuma, dabbing at the cuts on my face. Not long later, I'm sat up against the edge of my bed, still fighting tears, as my arm's tied in a sling.

'Thanks,' I say, the first thing I've said since they arrived.

'How are you feeling?'


'Scar's explained a lot. I messaged Scott to punish the players who did this... You should probably get some rest.'

'How's Scar doing?'

Joe and Xisuma share a glance. It's enough of an answer.

'Tell him I'm alright. And I... Notch, I just can't stay mad at him...'

'He's incredibly apologetic.'

'I'm sure he is.' I take a deep breath, 'Tell him I'll find him when I'm ready to. I just need some rest, some time to recover... I can't be mad at him. I just can't be.'

'Get some rest, We'll tell him you're alright.' Xisuma advises again. I nod, and I crawl up onto the bed, quickly falling asleep.

The end!

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