Two Birds - Redtigor writing contest entry

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Aaaaand another writing competition!

This time, we were given 5 songs to choose from to inspire a oneshot (and you had to include a lyric from it)

And I chose Two Birds by Regina Spector

PoV: Martyn

'JIMMY RUN!' I stumble away from another blast of violet fire, holding Jimmy's hand. The world cracks underfoot. Somewhere this way, there's a portal to safety, if the Listeners are to be believed.

A scream behind. Jimmy stops, and we turn to see Muka struggling in the 4 arms of an eldritch-horror, biblically-accurate, eye-god Watcher.

'I'm gonna kill them.' Jimmy swears. 'I'm gonna kill those stupid...'

'Come on!' I grab his collar, trying to pull him after me. Jimmy doesn't budge. 'Come on! We have to get out of here!'

'They're killing our friends, Martyn!'

'I know! But we can't do anything!' I insist, just as Muka screams again.

'HEY! Get off him! I'll KILL YOU!' Jimmy demands, grabbing a sword. The Watcher turns attention to us, many eyes locked on Jimmy. He freezes. The Watcher whispers something. I think I see a flicker of canary yellow in Jimmy's eyes. But I have to keep pulling him away towards safety. In the distance, I see a green beacon. Hope fills me.

'This way! Come on!' Jimmy starts moving again. We continue through the world. Until Jimmy ducks behind a smouldering wall, gasping for breath.

'Are you alright?'

'Y-yeah but...'

'Then let's continue. It's not far... can't be more than 50...'

Jimmy screams.

I turn. For a second, I'm a block away from a Watcher, its wings and height blocking the sun, before there's nothing.

I can't breathe as my senses vanish. My shouts are silent, or maybe I'm not shouting. I try to move, but I can't feel anything. My vision isn't even black, it's just empty.

'Where are you going little bird?'

Pain. Searing, overwhelming pain burns through me. I can't run. I can't escape. I try to call for help, but I can't hear anything except the Watcher laughing as I silently scream. I'm utterly defenceless, in agony, knowing the Watcher can do anything.

It's my last thought before I fall unconscious.

I wake up in bed. I'm in a small room, empty except a table of medical supplies and an occupied chair.


'Don't move. Please. We're safe but... but you're hurt... your eyes went completely black, you started screaming... there was blood... you collapsed... I thought you were dead...'

'I... Ow...' I look down to see bloody bandages covering my torso. 'Notch...'

'Are you ok?'

'I...' The memory of the Watcher attacking me runs through my head again and again. The emptiness, the helplessness, the pain. Jimmy takes my hand.


'I'm... oh Notch...'

'I'm right here, Martyn. As long as you need me.' The memories overwhelm me. My brain panics. Jimmy holds tight to my hand. 'Martyn? Breathe. Breathe. Please, Martyn...' I try to breathe, but some part of me just freezes and I can't. Every time I close my eyes I'm in that sensory deprivation again. 'Martyn?'

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