Abandoned pt 5

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Blinding sunlight greets me as I step into the new world. I squint, blinking, trying to orient myself. I don't recognise anything, none of the little buildings around are familiar. They moved to Season 10. And now they-


Someone barrels into me and I stumble back with the force of their hug. Black hair, a labcoat...

'Scar... Holy smokes- Scar... you're alive...' Cub steps away, crying. He's utterly relieved. But he didn't come back for me. Or he couldn't come back for me. 'You're alive...'

'Did someone say 'Scar'?' Tango appears. The first person I killed. 'Oh my- you're back! Martyn? Wait, did the Listeners find him? Why didn't you send anything?'

'I didn't have time. I just had to bring him straight here.'

'Scar! You're back!' Then Grian. Now Cub's stepped away, I hug him.

'Oh come on, don't I get a Scar hug too?' There's accusation in Tango's voice. I try to apologise, but I don't have time.

'Scar! You're back! HEY! EVERYONE! Scar's back!' Impulse shouts.

'What? Scar? Goodness gracious, that IS Scar!' Mumbo appears with Stress and Iskall from one dirt hut.

'Oh my gosh, we thought you'd been... taken prisoner by Watchers, or something.' Then Gem appears from another with Pearl, as Grian starts questioning Martyn about finding him, and Mumbo asks how I am. I lost count of everyone as Joe, Etho and Skizz appear, speaking as well. Then more hermits. Then even more. My head hurts as much as the rest of me, I feel I'm on the edge of collapse.

'Scar's back! Scar's back!' Zedaph and Beef start up a chant at one side. Other's start explaining what happened, asking 'What happened? Where were you?' 'We spawned in and you weren't here!' 'We've been so worried,' Stress's checking to see how hurt I am, asking her own questions I can't answer before she's asked another, or someone else has interrupted, saying, 'Cub hasn't slept since we arrived,' 'Screw that, BDUBS hasn't slept!' 'Are you ok?' I swallow, struggling to breathe as the panic with the Listeners rises again. I don't know if anyone hears me saying 'I- I'll explain later.' My voice is just a mumble, still hurting from screaming before. I have no way out, hitting a wall behind me. The portal's gone. I'm stuck here. The hermits continue crowding around me, somewhere through it the 'Scar's back! Scar's back!' has gained drumming almost in time with my throbbing headache and racing heartbeat.

'We should give him a bit more space,' Cub suggests. 'We don't know-' 'He's been gone for months, I'm making sure he's ok!' Stress interrupts. The others ignore, just crowding closer and closer, talking louder and louder. I struggle to breathe. My hands shake. I want to go back- but no. Secret Life can't be better than Hermitcraft. It can't be. This place is safe. It has to be safe. 'Wait, is that blood on his arms?' Another hermit asks 'F***, it is.' Stress grabs my hand, just like the Listeners. I try to pull free, but the Hermits can't hurt me too. 'I think he's still bleeding.' 'Have you got medical supplies?' 'No, Cub, have you got medical supplies, Scar's bleeding!' They're my friends. But they're all here. Everywhere. Closer and closer and closer... 'Hey! Xisuma! He's bleeding! Have you got medical supplies?' I don't want everyone to see my injuries. I don't want Stress to handle them, but I can't upset her. 'How long were you there?' 'It was the bloody Watchers again, wasn't it?' Someone's got a sword. Another hermit's holding a bow. They're going to attack me. I'm trapped. There's nowhere for me to go.

Someone grabs my arm.

'Scar are you-'

'LEAVE ME ALONE!' I scream, shoving them away. Grian hits the ground, staring up at me. The questions stop. But the Hermits keep whispering. Scared. I hurt Grian. Just like my nightmares. He's bleeding. Grian's bleeding and it's my fault. But he attacked me. He was going to hurt me. He was going to hurt me, just like the Listeners. I'm not safe here either. I slide to the ground, sobbing, unable to speak. My heart races, hammering in my head. My chest burns with terror, heart sunk to my stomach at the realisation that Secret Life was better, Secret Life was better, Secret Life was better. I can't breathe. I'm not breathing. I feel like I'm going to die. I'm not safe here. I'm not safe here. I'm not safe here.

'Scar? Scar, it's ok.' A calm voice reaches me through the terror. 'In, hold out. Like this.' They take my hand, resting it on their chest. I feel their breaths, focusing on them as I manage to copy. Until I glance up and see the other hermits. Still everywhere. Still staring, whispering...

'Hey, Scar, ignore them. Focus on me, ok? We'll go inside where it's quiet.' Cub helps me to my feet, one arm around me for support. 'Everyone, move.' The hermits step aside. Cub leads me inside.

It's warm inside, the light dim. I stare at the ground, fighting the urge to cry, or scream.

'Scar?' I focus on Cub. He's holding my hand. 'Are you happy here? Just nod or shake your head.'

I nod.

'Can I cover your injuries?'

I nod.

'Can I remove your shirt?'

I nod.

'Do you want to talk?'

I shake my head.

Cub nods. I focus on breathing again as Cub unbuttons and removes my bloody shirt. He finds healing supplies, gently dabbing at my arms with a damp cloth. I ignore the pain. Cub doesn't speak. I don't speak. I let him help me. I let the terror fade. I let myself feel safe. I'm safe. Cub's here. I'm safe because Cub's here. Cub finishes tying up the last bandages, resting a blanket over my shoulders.

'Are you hungry?' He asks softly. I nod and he grabs some bread from a chest for me. I try not to eat too fast, but it still disappears in seconds. The pangs of starvation fade. Cub sits next to me, his arm back around my shoulder. The sleepless weeks catch up with me as I sit there. I yawn, shifting position until I'm lying against him. He runs a hand through my tangled hair as I close my eyes to sleep.

'I love you, Scar,' he whispers, voice nearly breaking. I shuffle closer.

'I love you too, Cub.'

And for the first time in over 50 days, I smile.

The end!

I did start writing another part, but I think this is a better place to stop.

But I'm pretty sure the SecretLife!Scar trauma is gonna be a recurring theme like Sculk!Cub.

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