I Look After Him - Pt 4

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'So... Explain all that to me like I'm 5.' Tango  crosses his arms where he's sat across from me in the bar. 'Why do you want Impulse to hide from Skizz?'

'Skizz and Impulse are best friends.' I begin.


'Skizz is part of Big Salmon.'


'Big Salmon are after Scar.'


I falter, trying to find a reason that doesn't reveal that Scar is HotGuy.

'Because... Well, I don't know why but Scar's my best friend. And Skizz'll do anything if he thinks Impulse is in danger. Key word - thinks. So... Skizz will stop targeting Scar if we threaten Impulse.'

'Why would Impulse do what you say?'

'He wouldn't. That's why you're doing it for me. Make up something. Tell him to go on a 3 week trip away without his phone. A detox from social media or something.'

'And why would I do what you want?'

'Because if not, Scar and I will both be dead. Due to Skizz and Big Salmon. And there will be a... monetary encouragement.' I slip a $10 note across the table. Tango's eyes light with interest.

'Why can't I just tell him to stop targeting Scar?'

'Would he listens to you?' I edge the money away. Tango sighs.

'You're right. I'll tell Impulse something. And message when he's out the way.'

'Thanks Tango.' I let him take the money. 'There'll be more when this is over.'

'I hope so. Good luck, Cub.'


'I could've let Impulse go.'

Skizz stops.


Scar's eyes widen. I signal for him to play along.

'You let us go. Completely let us go. You stop targeting Scar, you leave our house and pay... 10,000 for the damages? That sounds right. You keep our identities and location secret. And in exchange we'll tell you where we buried Impulse.'

'Alive.' Scar adds as fear flashes across Skizz's face. 'Oh, don't worry. It was a big hole. He can survive a few days there.'

'Yeah, but it's already been a few days. I was expecting the handover to be earlier this evening. All this chaos...'

'Where is he?' I hear Skizz's utter terror for his best friend. I almost feel guilty. But this is the exact same thing he did to Scar. Except that wasn't a bluff. My injuries still hurt. Badly. 'Tell me or I kill Scar. All I need is one of you to tell me where he is.'

'You want to make that bet, Skizz?' I bluff quickly. Skizz stops again.

'I hid Impulse,' Scar continues to follow my lies.

'And I hid the keys to the trapdoor that'll let him out.'


'Are you willing to bet on that? Your friend's life. You're a good gambler, Skizz. What's the risk vs the reward?'

'I can tell the police you imprisoned an innocent man. How many years for that?'

'More years alive than you threatened for us before,' I reply. Skizz considers. I see the gears in his brain, weighing up the odds, how good our poker faces really are before deciding.

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