Abandoned? Pt 2

37 8 19

PoV: Scar

I wake up.

I'm on a bed, inside. The ceiling above me is tangled with plants, the walls natural stone. Cub's base.

I'm free.

I take a deep breath, blinking away the terror. I'm safe, and free. A small laugh escapes me. I'm safe. Cub saved me. Cub's always there for me.


I turn.

And freeze.

His eyes are cold, glassy. Blood and cuts cover him, his hair is a mess, glasses cracked, clothes torn and bloody.

'You won,' Cub says. 'You killed everyone.'

'No...' I shuffle away. 'No, I didn't. This isn't real.'

'We're dead, Scar.' Now Grian, wings bend and broken, eyes pure black, a sword through his chest. 'You won.' Tango. Then Skizz, Etho, Cleo, Impulse, Gem. Everyone's here, getting closer and closer. 'Congratulations,'

'No- no, get away from me.' There's nowhere to go, but there's a sword next to the bed. I grab it. 'I didn't do this, this isn't real... this is a dream. This is just a dream. This is all a dream...'

'You know it isn't.' Cub reaches me. My best friend, dead. His eyes aren't green anymore. They're pure white, a cold grin stretched across his face. Skeletal, bloody wings stretch behind him. 'You did this, Scar. You KILLED ME!' He lunges to attack. I yell, blindly swinging my sword in defence.

As I open my eyes, I see Cub, normal Cub, stumbling back, green eyes wide. Blood slowly covers his chest.

He collapses.


I wake, scrambling up, the image of Cub dying running through my mind again, and again, and again. Until I'm bend over, vomiting up what little food I've eaten. My hands shake, my scarred arms constantly throbbing with pain. I struggle to breathe, gasping for breath as I fight sobs.

I don't know how long it takes to calm down, shivering in the snow. Winter's set in, the world ashy white. The dream remains branded in my mind, my friends attacking. Cub, dying. I killed him. But it was just a dream. But I killed him.

As I crouch there, I hear a chime from behind. A distraction. And when I look over my shoulder, there a new scroll. I crawl over and take it.

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas Day.

My grip tightens, the words distorting. Every Christmas, the Hermits celebrate. Even after Season 8, me, Grian and Joel celebrated in our hardcore world. But there's no one to celebrate with here. Not after the stupid Watchers trapped me here, keeping me hurt, and alone, and starving, and having constant nightmares night after night after...

I scream, tearing the scroll to shreds until I can't see the Watchers' words. And I sob, curled up on the ground. Alone. At Christmas. Then the next day. And from there, it only gets worse. I run out of food, and then I give up sleeping from the nightmares. But the worst of it comes as I mark day 26.

My communicator buzzes.

The alarm.

The alarm revealing it's not been 26 days, it's been exactly a month since I saw Cub. I've been stuck in this world, unrescued, unloved, completely alone, for an entire month.

I haven't seen anyone in a month.

It's taken over a month for the Hermits to find me.

If they're even looking.

No. I can't think like that. I just can't think like that. Because if they're not coming back, they don't care about me. And if they don't care about me, there's no point in returning to Hermitcraft. And if there's no point in returning to Hermitcraft?

There's no point in living.

'You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong...' I mutter over and over. 'They're coming, Scar. They care about you. Cub cares. Grian cares. Bdubs... and, and Doc... and Pearl... and... Tango and... and they all care. They all care about you. They're coming...' I grip my vex-magic necklace tight, the dull jewel that would be glowing if Cub was here. He's not here. It's been a month and he's not here. But, if a month feels this long, how long will a year feel like? 2 years? A decade? Eternity? When will I bleed out from the cuts on my arm? When will the Watchers let me go? When will my friends come and find me? If they even come at all. 'No, Scar. They're coming. You know they're coming... They have to be coming. Why wouldn't they be coming?'

'Why would they be coming?'

The thought doesn't leave my mind, spiralling me further and further down bad option after bad option until I can't deny it anymore. Why would anyone be coming after I killed so many of them? The Watchers wanted me as their villain. The Vex made that happen. Why would they care for me? Put in all the effort of breaking into this world, if it's even possible.

No one's coming to save me.

No one cares about me.

So no one will miss me when I kill myself and escape.

I remove the necklace, my respawn, hiding it in a pocket before standing. And, to my surprise, I start to feel excited again. Hopeful.

I'm going to be free.

Joel's tower isn't far from here. I remove my cloak as I approach. More and more justifications for this fill my mind with each step, then every ladder rung. If it took them a month to find me, they either don't care enough to try hard, or the way in is too hard for them to find. If they haven't been looking for me, they don't care.

It doesn't take long to reach the top, staring down at the destruction below. I shuffle closer to the edge.

And I fall.

And then I wake up.

I'm not dead.

Everything hurts, but worst is the stinging across my palm. I turn it over and stare, uncomprehending, at the bleeding words scarring it.


'Then HOW DOES IT WORK?!' I scream. 'Why can't I leave? Why was it me? Not Martyn, or Pearl, or Grian? Why did you trap ME? Oh- Oh Notch...' I cover my mouth with my hands, sobbing. There's no way out of here. I can't even kill myself. The world spins around me as I realise I have absolutely no options. I'm completely and utterly alone.

And I will be forever.


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