My best friend is a space wizard

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I actually originally wrote this on Tumblr! 

But I decided not to lose it to the mists of time and posted it here too.

I wanted to make a wholesome convex stargazing oneshot so I did

PoV: Scar

I follow Cub up the mountain as the sun sets, barely seeing him over blankets and shulker box of supplies.

'Scar, you need help, man?' Cub calls, clearly humoured, stopping as he reaches the peak.

'I'm fine! I'm fine!' I reply, best as I can. Unfortunately, my assurance is followed by a stumble over a particularly steep step. There's a chuckle and the next thing I know Cub's taken the stuff. A torch lights the rest of the way up. 

 'I don't know why you always insist on carrying everything, Scar.'

'You need to pay attention to the sky! The best places to sit, where it's darkest or whatever. And you can't do that with all this stuff in your arms. Well... you might be able to. Because you've got magic space powers.'

'I do not have magic space powers, Scar,' Cub laughs at what's become a running joke between us.

'You're a space wizard, Cub! A very powerful, very important space wizard who probably has a space wizard broomstick, and a space wizard wand somewhere and magics up the perfect location to stargaze and makes the skies clear every single time we want to go out and- dang it, stop laughing, Cub!'

'Scar, if I was a space wizard surely I make an area for us that wasn't 750 blocks from spawn.'

'I mean, sure, sure. But... maybe it's more mysterious where no one can find us. And you like watching me lug all that stuff along. Admit it Cub. You enjoy it.'

Cub, still laughing, just shakes his head, laying down a picnic mat on the grass. Practice over the years means it doesn't take long for us to get the cake, blankets, cushions, telescope and then ourselves into position. Cub breaks the torch, and we begin.

'Woah...' I stare at the stars above, almost glowing in the inky sky. 'Wait! Cub! Cub look that's the... the... y'know, the Dippledop? The big dropper? Big dripper? Big drippedy-droppedy... dippledop...'

'The big dipper? Ursa Major?'

'Scott's constellation! Wait, Cub- wait, wait, wait, it's the SAME CONSTELLATION? As- as the Dippledop-Impulse constellation?'

'Yeah, man! And, if you look through the telescope, I've lined it up for you already...' I shuffle closer, looking through. It takes a moment for me to realise it's focused on the Scott's (and Impulse's) constellation too. Cub puts an arm around my shoulder as he tries to point out what he's looking at.

'So, the stars the opposite edge to the tail.'

'Do they have names?' Another chance to prove Cub's space-wizardness arises (I know he enjoys it). 'Come on, Cub, I know your space wizard powers let you know their names.'

'Merak and Dubhe.'

'Ooh! A Bdubs star!'

'Anyway, Scar, Scar... If you follow on from those...' Cub shifts even closer to me, adjusting the telescope to point further up. 'Continue from those two in a straight line, there you will see...'

'The Cubonstelib... Dang it!' In my excitement, I mess up the made-up name. Cub laughs. 'No, wait, Cub, I've got this, I've got this. The Cub... stellation! The Cubstellation!'

'Yep! That's Ursa Minor!'

'Woah... that's so cool! Since when were they so close?'

'Since always. Well... since those stars were all made billions of years ago. Now, there's something else tonight that we should be able to see from here in just a bit. But it won't work if we look through this. Come on.' We return to lying, still snuggled close to each other, just staring up at the stars naturally. It's a perfect opportunity to start on the cake, waiting for whatever Cub's space-magic has predicted will happen tonight.

'Cub?' A thought comes to me.


'Do you think Concorp owns space?'

Cub, clearly not expecting that, starts laughing.

'Why do you think that?'

'Because they're CONstellations! That clearly means Concorp owns them! Or, they were claimed by the Vex. The ConVex.'

For a moment, Cub considers my argument. 'You know what? The Vex would definitely be capable enough to claim the entirety of the known universe as their territory.'

'True, true... wait, why's the sky pink?' I glance towards Cub, as much as I can. In the very minimal light, I see he's grinning. 

'Keep looking, Scar. It'll get better.'

'Wait- wait, Cub- you haven't...'

'Why else would we travel 750 blocks north?' Already, streaks of green are starting to join the pink, even some purple. I hug Cub as tight as I can, staring up at the Northern Lights. Of course he knew it's been a dream of mine to see them. Of course he figured out with his space-magic how to find them.

'How- how did you even know they were out?'

'Well, the Northern Lights originate from solar storms...' I listen, not understanding most of what Cub says, but knowing how excited he gets explaining space-stuff. I stay staring up at the purples and greens and pinks crossing the whole sky, laying my head on Cub's shoulder.

' many blocks away that was, found the closest mountain to that, and then told you.' Cub finishes. 'Wasn't too hard, really. I can teach you how to do it, if you want.'

'I love you, Cub,' I whisper, taking his hand.

'I love you too Scar.'

And we remain, curled up together on a distant mountain, watching the night sky until we slowly drift asleep.


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