Breaking Point pt 2

50 7 25

Credit to @Redtiger0409 for the vex swear!

Tw: Alcohol

Pov: Cub

With Grian gone, I turn attention to calming Scar down. He's stopped fighting, but he's still shaking with rage, eyes almost white, vex blue across his face and tears down his cheeks. The vex still scream for control in my mind, let alone Scar's. But I grab a squeaky teddy off a shelf forcing Scar to sit down and hold it. A few squeaks later Scar's anger, and the vex's effect, has visibly faded.

'There we go, man... You feeling ok?'

'Grian hates me...' He mumbles back, almost crying again.

'Nah... He's just tired, like you. He'll apologise when some time's past.'

'I- I wanted to kill him... If- if you hadn't been there... did I hurt you?' Scar turns to me. I glance from his terrified expression to his clawmarks on my arms.

'No, I'm fine. You just stay here with me, forget about the party, and everything will be ok.' For a moment, he doesn't reply. 'Ok?'

'I- I need a drink...' Scar reaches under the bed, bringing out a couple of bottles. Faze, I read. Vexling alcohol.

'That's a bad idea.' 

'Impulse is bringing drinks to the stupid party. Why shouldn't I have something?' His eyes are still blue, his voice cold as he wrenches off the cap and drinks straight from the bottle. Even I feel the hit of sudden magic.


'Oh yeah... that's good...'

'Scar, that's enough. I'm not letting you get drunk,' I try to grab the bottle. Scar backs away, holding it above his head. He looks at me, then the bottle, then me again before downing the rest.

'Too late.' he grins at me.

'Scar, I said enough,'

'You want some too?'

'I want you to listen to me, Scar. This isn't a good idea.'

'How'd you know that, Cub?' Scar starts on the second bottle. 'Feels pretty good to me...'

'Please, man. Stop. You're just going to do something you regret.' I grab at the bottle again. He pushes me away.

'You can't tell me what to do... You don't control me, you silly goose.' Scar's eyes are bright blue, smile growing wider and vexier. 'I'm free to do whatever I want and no one can stop me.' he laughs, flopping back down on the bed. 'Oh, man, I love this stuff. I feel amoyzing...' He finishes the second bottle. It's then I wonder if there's anything dangerous here. Scar never told me where he hid his Vex mask this season. If it's in this room somewhere...

'Scar, hey, would you like to see how my base is getting on?' I know where stuff is down there. I can make sure he stays safe.

'Why'd I do something as boring at that... Jeez Louise that's dull... Maybe we can terrorise the server... prank hermits? Oh! Oooh, oooh let's go and prank Grian! And we can fill his base with Vex, and he'll be in a death loop...'

'Or... we can kill some mobs? Don't you have this whole Hawkeye-HotGuy thing going on? Could we see who can HoTGuY the most mobs?'

'HotGuy! Yeah! Let's kill Grian! Wooo!' Scar, misunderstanding, races from the room, grabbing another bottle of Faze as he does. All I can do is follow, trying to keep him in sight, as we flying around the server. It doesn't take long to find and kill Xisuma, then Keralis, then Ren. And then Ren again, and then Ren a third time.

'Let's... find someone else.' I suggest. Scar lands on the Gigapies logo, finishing off his third bottle of Faze.

'No, no! Killing Ren fun! Oh- he's flying! He's flying somewhere! Come on! Come on! Kill Ren!' By now, even Scar's speech resembles the Vex's. But I can't worry about that, as Scar's following Ren to what can only be 1 place.

The party.

'Scar! I think Jevin's somewhere over here!' I lie, trying to distract him. Scar ignores me, landing on the roof of Gigalogs where Ren's now chatting with Tango and Jimmy. I join him.

'The party!' His eyes shine with malice. 'Let's spy, Cub, let's spy!' He breaks a hole in the roof to see the Lifers enjoying themselves. None of them spot us. Scar's attention instantly fixes on Grian, talking to Impulse and Bdubs.

'That little fitst...' Scar hisses, swearing in Vex. 'Let's listen in. Come on! Come on!' He slips down the roof, until we can hear Grian from inside.

'...refused to listen to me, and ended up trying to kill me!'

'Really?! Oh my goodness...' Bdubs replies. 'Why would he do that?'

'Because it's what he did the entire season. And he lied about those stupid pandas again, something about the Vex, as usual...'

'Oh, of course...'

'I just- does he genuinely think I believe the shit he's saying?'

'And now, our first performance of the night... The Ranchers, Jimmy and Tango!'

Some song I don't recognise starts playing, silencing Grian. Scar's pacing, muttering to himself.

'...Scar?' I step closer to him.

'Vex kill? No, no, boring...' Scar's mutters. I force him to look at me.

'Scar. Listen. Let's go home, wait for the vex magic to wear off...'

'Chaos. Revenge,' he replies.


'Why not?'

'You pushed him enough earlier. Just wait until you're sober and he's calmed down and talk to him. Escalating won't...'

'And next up is... Ren and BigB!'

'Oh, um... Ren's still changing... can we go after whoever's next?'

'Then it's... Grian and Scar!'

My blood goes cold. Scar's grin grows as he turns to me.

'Scar?' The DJ (Martyn?) speaks again,'

'Oh, Scar's not here,' Grian replies. 'And he'sperfectly fine except for the fact he started trying to murder me when I suggested we rehearse our dance. Instead, I'll tell you the story of the poor player just trying to win Double Life, despite the fact he had the worst soulmate in the world... and this story actually begins years ago when the soulmate decided to get possessed by evil murder fairies. And, in every situation except when he's in Double Life, he can control them. Funny, isn't it.'

'Little fitzt... Little fitzt pays. No one insults Vex...' Scar turns to me, expression murderous. 'Revenge... Vex need revenge...'

'Scar don't.' He storms past me, towards the entrance, as Grian continues blaming Scar for everything in Double Life. 'Scar!'

Scar reaches the front door.

And enters.

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