Vexed Pt 3

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I wake up screaming and don't know why.

My heart is going twice the speed, sitting up in bed, panting as I try to remember the nightmare... All I hear is laughter, Scar screaming.

It's a month into Season 5. Something happened after Season 4 ended but I don't remember what. All anyone knows is me and Scar went to a woodland mansion, and both appeared here with brutal scars, glowing blue necklaces, and only nightmares of 'The Incident' that caused it.

I stare at the healing scar on my wrist, the strange malicious face that's terrifyingly familiar. Scar's got the same higher up his arm, as well as horrific scars on the back of his neck and the ones we share down our back. As curious as I am, I don't know if I even WANT to know what happened.

My body aches as I stand. The phantom pain in my back and face I'm used to feeling after the dreams remains... It's not morning yet, the world dark outside as I surface from my base. I won't get back to sleep. I might as well get on with what I'd planned.

I take to the air, the breeze calming me slightly, but not much. Even elytra have become awkward recently. Uncomfortable. Like there's something else I should be using to fly... The journey across the world is long enough that it's dawn as I land outside my destination.

A woodland mansion.

I'm a decent way through my mob head collection - today I'm seeking vindicator, evoker and vex heads. The nightmares and half-forgotten memories stopped me going here earlier. What if what happened before happens again? But I can't hold back any longer. I enter, and start to look.

It doesn't take long to find an Evoker. They turn, summoning. I back away as vex fill the air, laughing.

The laughter in my dream.

The scar on my wrist burns more than usual... I glance down at the grinning face there, then up at the grinning vex around.

It's a vex face.

The vex aren't attacking me.


I kill the evoker. No head. Now the vex turn on me, screeching, flashing red as I swipe at them. None drop heads. I have to flee, breaking through the window and flying away.

You whispered to GoodTimeWithScar: meet my base in ten

You whispered to GoodTimeWithScar: got info of incident

GoodTimeWithScar whispered to you: coming

He reaches my base before I do, waving as I land.

'What happened? Is everything ok?'

'Vex.' I explain briefly. 'I was at a woodland mansion... it was the same face, I swear, and they didn't attack until I attacked them.' I explain in a rush. 'I- I know that- that they must be something to do with this... and my scars hurt more, and- and when they did attack me... it hurt. I don't think it's healing on its own...'

'Calm down. Breathe.' Scar's hands on my shoulders comfort me somewhat and I let out a deep breath. 'It'll be ok. We'll figure it out.' I know he doesn't think that. 'Just keep me updated on anything that happens, and I'll do the same.' I nod. 'And you should tell Xisuma about this.'

'I know... I just wanted to tell you first. Since you're part of this just as much as I am...' 

'Yeah... come on, let's head inside and see if we can find some potions for your injuries. And if that doesn't work, Xisuma might know something.' 

'Thanks.' I smile. Scar smiles back.

'It'll be ok, Cub. I'm sure.'

'I hope so...'

Another few weeks pass until I try again to get the vex head. Xisuma's assured me that it'll drop, though he warned me stay careful. But it should be safer on the nether roof with Tango than in the mansion itself.

I'll still nervous though as I prepare. Since the first interaction with the vex, neither me nor Scar have found any further information about the Incident, though we haven't been looking. Maybe this will help... Some part of me is eager to add the vex's head to the collection. Some part that must be connected to The Incident.

Then we begin. The vex fly out, going for Tango, not me. They don't go for me. The same eager part as before now screams as I slay a couple... a few vex later, the head drops. 

Except... it's not a head.

It's a mask.

'What the...' Tango speaks, but I don't listen, unable to look away from the grinning face.

It's exactly like the vex mob head, except it's a mask, glowing faintly with strange magic... I pick it up, warmth filling me. Familiarity with the item I've never seen before. I want to drop it, not allow this magical... thing into the collection. But my hands don't move. 

'Hey- there's another over here! What even are they?!' Tango calls, running over, holding a second mask.

'I think Scar wanted one as well. I'll take it to him.' I don't know what I'm saying, snatching the mask from Tango's hands before he can give it to me.

'Cub?' He steps back. One hand reaches for his sword. 'Your eyes are... blue?'

'What? Oh, that's... Normal. Thanks for helping!'

I fly away.

My heart races, head pounding, as I reach the overworld. I don't know why I said any of that. I didn't want to say it. Like there's something else controlling my speech and actions. Possessing me. What's happening? Why are my eyes blue?

The mask.

The vex.

The incident.

I dive into the Big Dig under the shopping district where Scar's working, landing behind him. I want to fly away, but can't.

'Scar, I have something for you.' 

A squeal of surprise, before he turns. And stops.

'Cub, what's going on? Your eyes are... bright blue.'

'No, no, don't worry about that. I have something for you, but you need to prove yourself worthy.'

'What?' I hear pure terror in his voice and want to stop. I don't. I can't. He tries to step away, but I grab his wrist before he can. 'Cub, snap out of this.'

'Come on, join me.' I force him after me, into the air. He yelps, but then grabs rockets and actually flies. My heart races, my mind screams. I don't know what we're doing, or why I'm making us do this: flying all the way up to build height, then diving down to the ground, landing. 

'Are- are you happy now? Can you go back to normal? Please? Cub, I'm scared.' Scar lands next to me, close to crying. Whatever's controlling my actions just hands him the vex mask. For a moment he pauses, blinks. His eyes shift to the same blue I imagine mine are, a grin growing.

'Oh this is perfect...'

'On 3?' He nods. 



We put on the masks.

And the world disappears.

Mmmmmm... Convex angst


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