Mercury pt2

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Scar screams.

And again. And again. Over and over and over, he screams, not looking away from the Secret Keeper, sobbing, screaming. The primal, terrified, sound brands itself into my mind. Scar's claws dig deep into my back as he pulls himself up and hugs me tighter. I have to hug him back, my mind scrambling. He's hurting himself. I see blood start covering the roughly tied bandages as the movement loosens them. I hear the pain in every breath he takes. I know his fractured ribs could've moved and caused internal damage. He's in agony.

'Scar, calm down. Calm down. I'm here, Scar. You're only going to hurt yourself more.' I try to turn his head away from the Secret Keeper. He doesn't move. 'Scar, listen to me. It'll be ok... Scar, please...' But there's nothing I can do to calm him myself. There's only 1 option.

I pull out a strip of fabric from a pocket, and hold it over Scar's nose. His screams muffle. I keep hugging him, both comforting him and keeping him still so he can't hurt himself anymore.

'Shh, shh, it's ok, Scar.' I murmur. He stops screaming. 'That's it, man. I'm right here.' I feel the potion starting to work and Scar relaxes, his breathing slowing. I remove the cloth and just hold him, running a hand through his hair until he's drifted asleep.

'What the... what?! Cub?!' Grian questions. I lower Scar to the ground, decide to prioritize getting him inside, and move to find a comfortable position to carry him. 'Did you- just-'

'Sleeping potion. Only option.' I reply, lifting Scar as slowly and carefully as I can.

'What do you mean 'only option'?! You can't just knock him out!' Grian follows me as I start walking towards Scar's safe room.

'Scar told me it helps him. We needed to get him inside anyway. Go to your base. I'll handle him.'

'Cub, he's my friend too!'

'I'm handling him myself, Grian. Go away.'


'Go back to your base.' Xisuma repeats before I can.


'That's an order. Go. We'll keep you updated.'

Grian flies away. I continue towards Scar's safe room. Xisuma follows.

'X, I'd rather you left too.' I request. 'I need some time alone. With Scar. Tell me if you find anything here.'

'Of course. Message if you need help with Scar.'

'I will.'

And Xisuma walks away.

It doesn't take long to properly treat Scar's wounds. I remove his ruined, bloody shirt completely, cleaning his wounds and reapplying the bandages with a lot more precision than we had time for before. I fix a more permanent sling for his broken arm and leg. I ensure there aren't any injuries we missed before. Once I'm sure I've found everything, I cover him with a blanket to rest.

I stay sat next to the bed to think, waiting for him to wake up and trying to hide my worry for about the Watchers. I know they can and will do worse. I know this isn't the end of their plan. If they wanted Scar dead, they would've killed him already. Whatever they're planning will be worse.

Scar's screams ring in my mind again and I try to shut them out. He's been braving the trauma from Secret Life for months. But it's not gone. It'll never be gone. The Watchers will make sure of that.

If he even survives the Watchers' plan.


No I can't think like that. However strong the Watchers are, us Hermits will be stronger. We'll protect Scar. Grian and Pearl still have Watcher magic and an understanding of them, Martyn, Jimmy and the Listeners will fight. The Vex would want to protect Scar...

A soft groan behind. I turn quickly from my thoughts to see Scar waking up, his eyes are barely open.


'How are you feeling?'

For a moment he doesn't speak, reliving the earthquake again.

'It's all real isn't it?'

I rest a hand on his shoulder.

'I'm sorry.'

Tears shine in his eyes, but he doesn't cry. Instead, he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

'Tell me everything that happened. That you know.' Scar asks.

I do. I describe my experience of the earthquake, figuring out the epicenter was Scar's base, flying over. Seeing both the level of damage to the base, and the messages the Watchers had left. The instinctive fear I felt seeing the Secret Keeper.

Then realizing Scar himself wasn't there. The panic of searching for him in the wreckage. The thought of him being sent back to Secret Life. The split second relief of Grian finding him, before realising how badly hurt he was. The moments when it felt like he was waking up, but never did, listening to Grian and Xisuma arguing about how to help him.

'...Eventually they decided to move the tree,' I explain. 'A lot of the Hermits were sent off to handle damage elsewhere so it took a while to move. By the time we managed, you'd woken up. I've been with you since, and no one's mentioned any other problems.'

'And the writing?'

'Grian translated it, and we figured it was something to do with you, but nothing else.'

'And no actual Watchers?'


'Or... or any notes. Or scrolls of paper with something written on, near the Secret Keeper?' I shake my head, but Scar's still speaking. 'What did the signs next to the buttons say? Were there buttons? Did anyone press them? Did anything happen if they did? When you're next to the Secret Keeper, can you break or place blocks at all? Did anyone's eyes change color? Was there anything about numbers of lives? Did anyone else get hurt over there, and if so, how? Did hearts regenerate automatically? Were mobs spawning?'

'Woah, woah, Scar. Hold on. Breathe.' He stops speaking. I hide how much the detail of the questions terrifies me. 'I'm not sure. But I'll message Grian, and get him to look closer. Or we can wait until you're not bed-ridden and both of us can explore further.'

'I want to see it for myself,' Scar replies. I nod.

'Of course. You're getting better already, and it shouldn't be more than a few days until you're able to walk again. I'll stay with you until then.'

'You're the best, Cub.' Scar takes my hand, wincing a little.

'Do you want painkillers at all?'

'No, I'm fine,' Scar replies. Then gives that classic little Scar grin. 'But... It'd be good to be distracted from it.'

We both know what he's asking. I chuckle, shifting position until Scar can rest is head comfortably on my shoulder.

'Any particular space facts, or whatever I want?'

'Tell me about the planets, Cub.'

I do.

And for one afternoon, our troubles are forgotten.

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