Abandoned? Pt 3

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Cub's PoV

'Grian, I'm worried about Scar,'

'Because he's not back yet?' Grian guesses, turning.

I nod. It's been 5 days since Secret Life ended, Season 10 is about to end, and in the chaos, no one's worried that Scar hasn't returned.

'Look,' Grian drops the shulker he's holding, stepping closer. 'I wouldn't stress over it, Cub. I know you're scared for him, but he probably just wants time alone to get over winning. I know I did. Pearl spent days in her own world after Double Life. Besides, he might've already said goodbye to Hermitcraft like Impulse and Tango.'

'He didn't,' I reply. 'He'd tell me. We always spend the last day together. And he always comes to my base after a Life Series, without fail, every time. And I help him feel safe, and I deal with his injuries, and every single time it's like this and...'

'Cub, breathe.' Grian puts his hands on my shoulders as I start rambling. 'Breathe. I'm sure everything's fine. And I don't want you worrying for the whole break.'

'Yeah, but-'

'What would the Watchers even do?'

'Torture him to death like they do to other Vexlings they capture? Make him think he's got no one? Imprison him and leave him to die? We can't abandon him, Grian!'

'We're not! Calm down, Cub! Seriously! If you were trying to recover from something alone, would you want people everywhere questioning if you're ok? Or why you decided to be alone in the first place? I know you're worried about him, but we can't jump to conclusions. It's only been a few days.'

'Grian, I don't like this. Scar doesn't just disappear. He'd tell me. He'd know how worried I'd be and message in advance.'

'Perhaps he forgot. He's Scar.'

'He wouldn't forget that.'

'Even after the Life Series? Surely Scar's told you how stressful, and dangerous it is. It's very easy to forget what's going on outside. And if you're so sure Scar would message if he was alright, why wouldn't he message if he was in danger?'

'Because the Watchers stopped him reaching his communicator by chaining him up somewhere in their dungeons.'

'AND if the Watchers wanted to capture Scar, they would've done it after any other Life Series.'

'He didn't win those.'

Grian sighs.

'Cub, he'll be fine. I know you're stressed, but maybe it's just that. Stress. Scar told me you're always anxious about him at the end of a season. Maybe you're just anxious again, and it's correlated with this... didn't you spend all your time after Season 8 panicking about Scar instead of enjoying yourself?'

'I don't want to leave him in danger,'

'He won't be in danger. I'm sure he's fine. And he can defend himself if he is in trouble. Aren't Vexlings some of the only players that can kill Watchers?'

'Yeah.' I admit. 'Yeah, we are, but...'

'He'll be fine.' Grian repeats. 'Ok?'

I have to nod.

'Go and get ready to leave. And if anything has happened to Scar, tell me and I'll help however I can.'


I try to take Grian's words to heart over the break between seasons. And the months alone do pass surprisingly quickly. Me and Scar normally spend the time apart anyway. I'm so used to it, that by the time Xisuma messages about finding a world for Season 10, my worries are long gone. Grian and I have been swapping ideas for a new shopping system, my base plans are coming along well. So I join the others excitedly awaiting the season as we join the world, looking around for Scar.

He's not here.

My worries return, checking my vex necklace. It's not glowing. Scar's not here.

'Where's Scar?' I ask.

'He'll be here soon.' Joe, the closest, reassures me. 'I don't think Kerais is here either... and Wels did say he was going to be late.'

'Scar's always early.'

We continue waiting. By sunset, every other hermit, including Joel and Skizz, is here. But not Scar. I fight my growing emotion, speaking again.

'Scar still isn't here.'

'Is he late?' suggests Tango. 'I can message him if you're worried.'

I nod, sending something myself too. As I do, I see my hands are shaking. I hide them in my pockets.

'Has anyone seen him during the break?' Grian asks. No one has. 'Right. When's the last time anyone saw him?'

'Secret Life.' Etho's first to answer. The others agree.

'He's not checked the server chat in over a month.' Xisuma's reply is the last nail in the coffin. The world spins around me, flashes of Scar being tortured by Watchers appearing in my mind. Blood, chains, laughter...

'Hey... Cub, breathe. It'll be ok.' A hand around my shoulder, leading me to one side. Joe, sitting me down on a fallen tree. I stare at the ground, unable to imagine anything except Scar in trouble. I knew he was in trouble. I knew it from the start. 'Breathe.'

'Cub, it's ok.' Then Tango next to me. I'm barely breathing, my worries turning quickly to a full panic attack. 'We'll get him back, Cub. Breathe. In... hold... and out. In, hold, out. He'll be ok.' I manage a gulp of breath, tears starting to run down my face. 'We won't stop looking for him until he's safe.'

'I've told Martyn. He's got people who can help,' Grian explains, the sound quiet compared to my heartbeat. I hear the guilt in his voice. He didn't listen to me. I believed him. 'If... he really has been taken prisoner.'

'He'd- he'd be dead by now.' I mutter. 'Or tortured beyond recognition.'

'I'm sure it's not that bad. They wouldn't just hurt him, surely.'

'Could he still be in the Secret Life world? Like... he never got out?' Skizz offers.

And then another set of unpleasant images, of Scar alone for however long it's been, in the ruined Life Series world. Covered in blood and still in pain. I never heard what happened, how hurt he is...

'Ok, here's the plan.' Xisuma cuts through all out discussion and worry. 'We'll find Scar, wherever he is. But for now, we should start preparing for the first night. We can't help Scar if we're fighting off creepers constantly. We can spawn-proof and build stuff in this area, but the season only begins when Scar's safe. Ok?' I nod numbly with everyone else. 'If anyone finds anything, tell me. And rest assured that we won't stop until Scar's safe. Whatever it takes.'

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