Breaking point pt 3

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'GRIAN.' Scar snarls as he bursts into the party. The room silences. I follow behind, but not close enough as he, furious, drunk, and dangerous, charges at Grian on the other side of the room.'GRIAN. APOLOGISE.'

He pounces. I sprint forwards to stop him as he shoves Grian against the wall, claws around his neck. He's snarling, screeching threats, grip tightening. Grian struggles, unable to breathe. I reach them, grab Scar by the shoulders and start trying to pull him away.

'SCAR STOP! Stop this. Now. Stop this.' I demand. Scar hisses, turning and shoving me to the ground before returning to Grian. There's another scream. I roll over, seeing Grian cowering, bleeding on the ground and Scar ready to strike again. I scramble to my feet and between them, wrestling Scar away. 'Scar, stop this. Stop. Calm down. Deep breaths.' I hold him by his shoulders, trying to look him in the eyes. 'Focus on me, Scar. Not Grian. Focus on me,'

'Revenge.' Scar spits, struggling. 'Revenge for Vex. Cheating Watcher PAYS.' I don't relent.

'No. Go home. Calm down. Talk to Grian later. Get him to apologise later.'

'Why would I apologise when you've tried to fucking MURDER ME?!'

'Grian SHUT UP!'

'How are you still taking his side, Cub?! You saw what he did! He attacked you too! Is that why you're such a shit soulmate Scar? Because your stupid boyfriend Cub lets you do anything? Because you miss him?'


He kisses me.

On the lips.

I can't move. The vex's power rises, almost overpowering. All I can hear is my heart in my ears. All I can feel is Scar's kiss. Without asking. Without thinking. The Vex scream louder than ever. And everyone is watching. Everyone is staring. Someone that could only be Grian sobs and runs from the room. My face burns. Scar doesn't let go. And the magic rises, the vex screech louder and louder, demand control and chaos and I don't know if I can hold them back much longer.

I push Scar away, breaking free. He stumbles back and for a moment he just stands there, eyes wide.

And collapses.

I can't catch him, barely managing to soften his fall. He's fainted, the vex's power far too much. Everyone's still watching us. I glance up, just for a second to see them staring and whispering, not moving. I can't hear my thoughts, I can barely control my breathing. I can't hear anything except the vex screeching and whispering, and my heart hammering in my head. All I know is I need to get out of here. I need to get Scar out of here. But I don't trust my strength carrying him out, and no one's helping me.

'Come on Scar... wake up...' I mutter, shaking him gently. He's only fainted. He should wake easily. Sure enough, there's a groan. His eyes open slightly. He's awake.

'Come on.' I mutter, holding out a hand to him. Scar numbly takes it and I haul him to his feet. 'Up you get. Let's go.'

I'm left holding his weight as we stagger out. I'm barely standing, my brain still stumbling over what just happened. In the fog of shock, I don't know which way it is back to our base, or if we can even get there on foot. And if that wasn't hard enough, it's night. There are mobs we have to navigate too. Scar's not speaking. He's barely conscious, utterly exhausted. I'm almost dragging him with me, hoping this is the right way, or I'll find something somewhere that I recognise soon... there, in the distance, I catch the branches of Scar's tree. My heart sinks. It's too far away, There's a river in the way, and the unlit shopping district. So I turn my attention turning to whether there's anywhere here with enough shelter for the night... I spot someone's unfinished shop, changing direction. It's small, but it's shelter.

'Not far now... Come on...' We reach the shop. There's no bed inside, but I find one in my ender chest. Scar collapses onto it, out in seconds. I sit next to him, then glance to the exit, wide open to the hoards of mobs that I'm praying won't spot us. It'll take too long to cover it especially as, right now, after the effort of getting Scar here, standing feels too hard. So I decide to stay on watch and fight off the mobs if they come. And keep an eye on Scar at the same time. I just stay sat next to him, one hand on my sword, running through my thoughts.

My mind's a mess of emotions, but shock wins out. I run through the kiss over and over. I know Scar. He didn't do it as a sign of affection. He was furious at Grian, heard the accusation, and under the influence of the vex magic, he realised kissing me would hurt Grian most and acted without thinking.

But, as I glance over at him sleeping I know, no matter how justified it is, I just can't blame Scar. Grian's blamed him enough. And he needs me to help him get through it. I can't blame him. I can't blame him. I can't...

'Cub? Why are you... asleep in my shop?'

'Wha...?' It's light outside when I next open my eyes. False is stood there, confused. I fell asleep. Is Scar ok? I glance over and, to my relief, he's still asleep.

'Wait... wait, is this... a follow on from the picture...'

'I needed to get Scar inside,' I explain, not really listening to False. 'As soon as I could. We needed to get away...' Images of last night return to me. Trying to control Scar. The party. The kiss.

'What happened? After... the picture?'

'...Picture?' My unease grows,

'You need to check your communicator.'

I do, and my blood goes cold. I've got over 100 private messages, and too many of them are from people I don't know.

How could u do that?

Grian didn't deserve it

U monster.

I hope you die permadeath.

Cub, what happened? I remain on Hbomb's longer, seeing he's not sharing the unexpected hate of the others, and read through his messages. Do you know about this? Have you seen the MCC chat? Scott's photo?

And then there's a pair of photos. One is a selfie of Scott at the party, with a silly caption about thinking Pearl was a bad soulmate.

And the second is a zoomed in picture of me and Scar kissing.

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