Chapter Seventeen

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Despite all the hardships promise to never let go and never give up

Chapter seventeen

“Daddy really!”  Beebah excitedly shout

“I thought you’d not accept us.”

“Why wouldn’t I? Besides he’s my late friend's son and he’s a responsible man with a wife too. Even though your brother was against it at first he accepts the moment he and Muhammad had a man to man talk yesterday” General Ibrahim spoke through the phone

“Yes muhammad informed me yesterday after I was discharged.

Thank you Daddy, thank you so much”

“Anything for you my princess”

After the call dropped she holds the phone tight and release a relaxed breath then brought the phone to her gaze and dialed hammad's line.

“Hey!” she uttered    

“Hey” he replied

“Aren’t you guys done yet? I am tired of waiting for you to reach home!” she started to cry as though she’s an infant who’s mother refused to hand over the candy

“I am on my way with attahir and your brothers…please don’t over do your makeup, i don’t want my wife to look like a baby doll”

She laughed at how she prolonged the doll pronunciation and hanged up the call.

“You heard him right? Don’t over do my makeover” she sniggered at the Artist while raising her chin for a proper application of contour.

When is your co-wife returning home?” Beebah's bridesmaid called out

“Inace tayi yaji ne (didn’t she went back home)” the other bridesmaid uttered

“I hope she never comes back. I just hate her, especially her goddamn guts” Beebah commented then hissed after

Just as expected, they continue to insult and poked fun of kulthum who was not even in the house. The makeover was done and the bridesmaids were waiting for hammad and his friends to arrive so that they bless their home and ask for their bridesmaids money that was somewhat like a tradition.

One of Beebah's friend who was at the kitchen doing only god knows what came in a haste telling everyone that the groom has finally arrived.

“Welcome sir” Jonathan murmured the moment hammad came out from his car together with attahir whereas the two cars that follows were Beebah's brothers and their friends

“Congratulations sir!”  Baba mai gadi commented heartily whereby hammad answered with a huge smile and then walked into the house

“Ango ango (groom groom) congratulations” the bridesmaids said in unison excitedly

Few minutes after the congratulatory and the cute awwns from both side of the groomsmen and bridesmaids, they prayed and give their blessings once more. Yet merely the bride’s smile dropped the time attahir asked for kulthum's whereabouts.

“She was supposed to be here but she had to attends to work in bauchi which was urgent” hammad shamelessly responded

“Oh yes, I forgot she is a Doctor” attahir said which also sounds excitedly

“His first wife is a doctor? Wow! You are so lucky Bro” Beebah's big brother jubilantly spoke

“One a doctor and the other an officer…hmmm…kudos dude” the other brother voice out and all that hammad do was smile.

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