Chapter thirty one

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Ten days of Dhul-hajj starts today. So, if by any chance try as much as possible to fast for the great ten days. May Allah gave us adequate health and wealth to serve him purely. Ameen!


Khalifa we will be having a meeting over breakfast and I expect you to be there” Abba commanded

“sure Abba”

 The meeting commenced instantaneously after everyone was present. In the meeting room everything was quite a villa type, embarked from the space, to the distinct physical objects, to the humble décor and yes, the ceramics that was exactly from Germany, Berlin.

His Excellency Rufa’I Aminu  launched the conversation whilst every person was inclining in agreement.

“The rational I want Khalifa Rufa’I aminu to be the head of the work is because he is an eligible Doctor and also a neurologist. And in addition to that, he also worked for three good years in Lagos. So, what’s  your opinion Advisor adekunle?” he ended his sentence looking up to his Advisor whom was sitting beside khalifa

“ah… since the project is about Abnormal psychology and it most be processed by a neurologist. Yet, the government should be able to assist the doctors with securities sithen the first planned endeavor is going to hold in Lagos due to their much population”

All in the room were satisfied with Advisor adekunle’s opinion including the president too.

“then, General Ibrahim this is your work” the president commented

The general nodded in thought and looked up to hammad who was standing beside the general like a living statue.

“for that matter, Muhammad hammad sagir will be the lead of the security in the jut out. He once lived in Lagos together with his family when I was a General assistant in Lagos”

“ What about the specialist who are to help in the jut out? Any suggestions? Or we send for some in Teaching hospital Lagos or even here in abuja?” adekunle asked out of curiosity

“well, I will send for my colleagues in United states and those we attended Bayero University Kano (BUK) together . However, I need a physiotherapist also. So I choose kulthum abdulhameed sa’id” Khalifa blurted and it took only for a second to make hammad hates him once more

“you mean the Potter that opened the national gallery?” General Ibrahim said awe

“Yes sir, before she is a Potter, she was a physiotherapist. An intelligent one for that matter”

Literally, Abba was so impressed at how his son was commenting kulthum nonstop and that he even teased him about not paying attention to anyone’s smartness but kulthum’s


Kulthum are we really going?” Nadia uttered looking at kulthum’s pale face

“Look at you, you are all a mess” she said again with worrisome

“Don’t bother, I am alright”

Sithen the gallery occasion she felt ill and weak each and everyday due to her stubbornness of not wanting to go to the hospital. Doctor Haroon came but she denied and convinced him that she only need some antibiotics not injections and now by looking at her one would say she resemble zombie or some acting clowns.

“but you know we can’t go to Abuja in this state, right? You know Dada will kill me for not taking care of you”

Okay fine, I will see a doctor but after we landed in Abuja”

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